So, what does Sup Forums think of Scarlett Johansson playing Kusanagi?
So, what does Sup Forums think of Scarlett Johansson playing Kusanagi?
Garbage just like everything 3D.
I don't give a fuck that she's not asian, but I don't think she's a good choice, especially from the trailer.
She's the "action girl" of this decade, meaning guaranteed theather tickets sold to her fans. just like Mila jovovich a few years ago, she's in fucking everything, even if she's just a mediocre actress. I'm expecting the film to flop.
Then I would have preferred Kate Beckinsale.
Would have been a better choice, As bad as the Underworld movies were, she fit the bill. And she's not a cow.
It's going to be bad just like every other live action anime adaption. She looks pretty shitty though
she looks really dopey here, not to mention the pork
The movie may or may not suck, but I think based on her performance in under the skin she'll be fine. If there's anything wrong with her in the movie it'll most likely be the writing or direction of her. Plus she's not asian.
It doesn't really matter. The problem is the heavy hinting that this is a lesbian empowerment movie and not a transcending philosophical question on self identity.
The movie could be good or shit, but either way it probably won't be because of her. Also as far as 3d goes she's pretty qt.
She's fat.
Based off the trailer, it appears they dropped the 'technology is redefining our existence' to 'iPhone titty case Robocop'.
>fat major
>black L
So what's next?
If it didn't have her name attached there's no way the movie would get made in Hollywood, but I never wanted a live action AAA GitS movie to begin with.
So it's shit.
Dont give a fuck anyone complaining has no idea what the series is about
Lost in Translation taught me long ago that she is actually a good actress, I wish she still did serious movies.
Why are they adapting this, I would rather had seen a modern street fighter movie.
didn't this movie already come out yet??? yes, im living under a rock that large actually...
I think there is no reason to make a movie adaptation of an already existing movie that is never gonna be topped/no one asked for in the first place.
This, she just doesn't suit the look.
My ideal choice would have been Rinko Kikuchi, but even if it had to not be asian, I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead would have been rock the major's hair a lot better
Not even gonna pirate it. I'm not even mad, just not interested for better or worse.
im going to watch it with low expectations. but i know that on the inside i really want it to be awesome and that i am damned to disappointment.
honestly i think whether or not she is a good fit is largely up to the director and how he guides her acting. physically i think she is a good fit for the major from the SAC series. not so much for the ARISE/1995 movie major.
the real disappointment is who they picked to play batou. i have no faith there what so ever.
if she is playing the SAC series then they could easily emphasize her bust and hips to make it fit. if she is playing any other body the major has had then she needs to lose some weight.
Same, but they are obviously riding on the Avengers wave.
Also that hair style really doesn't look good on her. It makes her nose look big and much more pointy.
She's not playing Kusanagi. She's just "The Major", void of identity.
Not even "The Major" they just call her Major in the trailer.
Funny watching the Blade Runner :2049 teaser which is barely 2 minutes long , yet captures the look feel and tone of the original movie perfectly. Yet The GITS adaption looks almost nothing like GITS and has "Major" wall running in slow mo while shooting fools to fucking Depeche Mode.
literal autist lelouch
I never want Hollywood adaptations of anything I like. They can fuck off.
It would be difficult to capture the feel. The strength of the 95 film was the animation and the art, there is nothing to add by making it live action.
Can we just pretend that the live action movie never existed, and never will exist?
Also, Second GIG > SAC
They could have started by not turning the main character into a fucking crybaby.
At least it doesn't claim to overwrite the canon like so many hollywood adaptations do. We can really easily just ignore this.
I figured autism would go to the Newtypes in whatever Gundam movie Michael Bay shits out eventually if this anime shit catches on in Hollywood.
>Major's model is modified commercial grade Japanese office lady
>Didn't change any outside aesthetics except her hair and eyes
>Tits that big
She modified her tits right?
I want them to adapt Macross DYRL. It'd work perfectly as a live action movie.
I don't think it could be done well at all but I know I'd go see it in a heartbeat if that means Harmony Gold has to give up the rights to Macross in the west.
I'm okay with her not being asian since Kusanagi's body is cybernetic, but I don't think the hairstyle looks good on her. I'm glad they didn't just change the hair.
From looking at the trailer, it doesn't look at all like GitS and the plot doesn't seem to go into transhumanism or identity stuff which is disappointing, but it still looks interesting enough. If I do end up seeing it in theaters (or at all) I'll go into it as "inspired by GitS" and not "Hollywood GitS."
Jesus. I never even considered that, but the chances of a Hollywood Gundam are actually pretty high, yeah.
ScarJo is PERFECT to play Motoko! They both are primarily made of plastic.
Man, she was fucking bangin in Lost in Translation, what the hell happened.
The guy who directed Blade Runner 2049 is one of the better working directors nowadays. The guy who is doing GitS has never made a good movie.
I genuinely think she's beautiful and taking her role seriously. And at least that time they made efforts. Fuck the haters.
a lot better pick than the guy they got playing L
I wanted Alicia Vikander.
Good for you.
Fuck you.
>Shit-tier try-hard costume designs
Did they even look at the source material or just skip straight to generic fuckin' bizzaro future?
What the fuck do you think? The teasers answer that question pretty firmly.
Oshii said that it's going to be the most beautiful GitS yet, which I don't believer for a second considering the abortion that is 2.0, but at least he's in the equation somewhere.
Say what you will about the Wachowski's, they managed to get the GITS movie look down in the Matrix.
This is true. Damned shame GITS doesn't have that kind of talent behind
It's never going to be as good as pic related anyway.
If western movies trigger you so much, why the fuck do you even watch them? Just enjoy things you like and let normalfags have their android lipid cell.
She should be Asian and thats my only complaint.
You and me both, user.
You and me both
If it passed 60% on RT I'll go and see it, otherwise not likely.
Milla Jovovich would have been perfect during the first resident evil movies
Her hair and that slightly puffy face made for a great girl next door look. She doesn't look like an action star though and has been poorly cast in so many movies since.
Anyone who cares about western adaptations or actors really needs to kill themselves or at least stay in
Its not aimed at me so cant say they should've done anything different.
Now its a "Scarlett Johansson cyberpunk movie" and its marketed with her likeness to american viewers who know who she is.
I would prefer some unknown actor whos willing to do full frontal nudity who plays the role without strings attached to her fame.
What I want to know is: wtf was ScarJo thinking? Why did she take the role to be in a shitty flop anime adaptation? Doesn't she have more star power than that?
Believe it or not, she had a breast reduction surgery.
If she had a lost a few pounds, that would have been unnecessary.
neck yourself fampai
>normalfaggotry attraction to 3d
>doesn't realize what 3d entails
Fucking retarded faggot
I am more worried about the director than ScarJo
>that bulma, muh dick