Youtube fags need to btfo of /po/, pol is only for minds with a 120+ iq, everyone else btfo.
I got more replies posting shark porn. What's your point OP?
I watch rick and morty. Am I allowed here
my point is the great minds of Sup Forums are not really great
Sorry, No autismos allowed here.
yeah but at least have you made a rational critical analysis of one season ? if not im afraid your intellectual inferiority is a problem
You really didnt. So fuck off
>LARP as a mentally ill faggot
>Get called a mentally ill faggot
>lol i trol u gaiz are so liek dumb lolol
>Posting your own video pretending it is someone else's
Also, I'm pretty sure you are a shitskin of some sort.
niBBa u crazy or sumfin ?
They mocked obama on the last episode
I'm going to put a screencap of your thread up on youtube, so that you will be part of the problem.
yall carzy af, who tf yall talking bout ???
>all of us
You don't represent me, retard.
You are to dumb to get it OP: Vox populi vox dei.
Stop shilling your faggy YouTube channel. Don't forget to sage niggers and faggots who make crappy threads.
there's bait being posted 24/7 on every board and every thread and you think a video about this deserves attention?
his post was like 3rd row, so that means a good change two of you faggots replied too.
Video has like 77 views and you just happened to stumble upon it?
Get lost you retarded nigger.
You even type like that retard
get cancer
Oh no, we're a laughing stock to nearly 100 people
>y'all carzy af
I would post lynched niggers to remind this chimp of it's place but it's time to sage.
>merely pretending
>so that means a good change
What, muh 56% nigger? This is an English board, learn it.
Of course this vid gets watched by his buddies and redpills them. Lol
>haha i wuz only pretending 2 b retarded! trullllled u
>I- we, I mean this guy totally baited you guise
congratulations f4ggots, i just wasted your time.
>pol is only for minds with a 120+ iq, everyone else btfo.
Why are you on here then?
Mostly your own.
>hurr look guize i was retdatred and you fell into me trap xd
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
Yeah. Good job.
>last night
Couldn’t of, I was asleep.
>wasted your time
>time you could have spent replying to other threads
oh the horror
>come give me views
Thanks for pioneering this concept. I'm now going to start doing my own video replies/reactions.
Do not forget to like, comment, favorite, subscribe, and most importantly: DONATE!!!! I won't be able to continue this work and my overnight job at Walmart for the past decade is a hindrance to these productions!
because this is my entertainment, you f4ggots falling for every fucking bait smacking the buttons on ur keyboard lmaoooooooo
I'll be that old faggot to say, remember when trolling meant something?
Good one? You know sageing a thread is like acknowledging that the thread is retarded "b8"
>I was just pretending to be retarded. It was le epic trolling, lulz, hurr durr.
You were called out from start you braindead chimp faced nigger. Congratulations on proving yet again how retarded niggers really are.
lmaaoo ayyyyyy duuuuuude aayyyyyyyy eebbiin 4trolllllllll
>implying Mozart wasn't black
calm the fuck down already you autistic racist. faggots like you make me sick. bwoohoo he was white he was white tell them mommy Mozart was white just like me mom tell them. pathetic
and it's faggot you retarded faggot
This is my entertainment too, nigger.
Where's Emile you fucker?
>We wuz epix trollin'
Kek. The tune never changes does it
>falling for b8
The real "troll here is implying over and over that anyone has fallen for your bait when in fact no one has. But you're a nigger so you can't think that meta. Don't forget to kill yourself, subhuman.
This tbqh
Nice view count soy boy
hey dont say that thats offensive
>trolling 4chinz...
will they ever learn?
You feel proud of yourself for pissing into an ocean of piss, and finding it entertaining?
Spoiler: So does pretty much everyone else on this board.
my t score is 1738dl, niggas got superior genes faggot.
It's true, nigger.
finally, someone with enough intellect to understand simple logic !!!
>Gets called out as retarded nigger posting his own video and pretending it is someone else's
>Nigger: Hurr durr ooga booga bix nood, you fell fell for my bait hurr durr.
The absolute state of the average American nigger.
Laughing a dumb as fuck niggers like you is my entertainment
The problem is that a great deal of newfags on Sup Forums keep replying to obvious slide threads. Think before you post.
Taking a picture from another nigger to show off to your troll friends on forechen. Neat.
>13 dislikes
Fucking kek!
btfo of africa you bitch ass cracka, im glad cape town is the world rape capital cuz niggas be rapin ur women like no tomorrow, i hope you get raped too bitch
Dem moors nowadays.
Fucking retards keep replying to OBVIOUS low effort b8
Literally getting trolled by niggers at this point
This board is fucking done
We applaud his effort.
Just report it. And sage
nigga im not even jacked lmaoo thats average for a african alpha beast like me, its unbelievable for faggots like u cuz we is superior and more manly than u faggot, thats why most feminists and cucks are white
He's a part timer now since he's 84 years old. Have a classic Emile on the house!