I don't watch much anime, but many of my friends love JoJo's bizarre adventure? How is it overall...

I don't watch much anime, but many of my friends love JoJo's bizarre adventure? How is it overall? And how is it for a non-anime watcher?

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Its a nonsensical mess that I find extremely fun. The first Jojo isn't the best, but the pay off is super worth it if you end up liking the show.

Don't bother with the anime. The manga is better.

Yes bother with the anime

Watch this
If you like it, then you'll like the series.

I typically skip the openings in anime, so unfortunately that doesn't help much. I like the art style though.

Is there a coherent plot, or does each episode do its own thing?

Theres a coherent plot

There's one guy who can tell who is lying by tasting their sweat.


The first two Jojo's have more or less a consistant plot, while later parts are a monster of the week formula with an overarching plot in the background. You'll never get confused about what the plot is, but you might be like "what happened to the plot."
On the subject of the openings I also generally skip them, but there are some reeeaaaally good ones in Jojo.

Don't fall for the meme.

Not to mention the gimmick OP changes in the last two series



Just watch it for yourself and get your own opinion. However I'll warn you, each part is it's own separate story with it's own feel.

>And how is it for a non-anime watcher?

My mum really enjoyed the dub. She even added Bloody Stream to her spotify

Thank you for reminding me. Should I go for the dub or the sub?

Jojo's first two arcs are pretty friendly, since they're part of the 80's profusion of Big Guy Punch Club manga, but with VAMPIRES and FABULOUS PILLAR MEN horror themes applied, and take place in England and the USA, Mexico, and Italy, primarily.

Even part 3 is pretty friendly, though the format kind of changes, and stands are very ANIME, and the MC is Japanese.

I also want to note that if you are a stickler for details or consistancy you will have a problem with the series, it puts having fights or situations be tense and having strange logic be the solution above keeping powers grounded or consistant. And outside of having fun discussions about powers dont think to hard about why X didn't do Y to defeat Z.

I hear the dub is decent. It changes all the musical reference names, for the most part, though. Which is sad.

Depending on the sub you get you can retain that. But look for sub groups that specifically retain names.

Thats up to your preference mostly, I haven't heard bad things about the dub, but I haven't watched it either so I cant say anything to its quality. Having the names of characters changed due to copyright issues kinda sucks tho. They change them in the subtitles, but all the characters say the names in english anyway so its not really fooling anyone.

Musical reference names?

I like details. Do you have a good recommendation for someone who likes details and consistency? I love reading lore for games.

If you don't like anime you'll probably find it weird and will be turned off by it's absurdity

Things you should know about JoJo
>Parts after 2 become more episodic, by part 5 it's not the type of episodic where you can skip
> The Whole series changes alot, nothing really stays constant for more than a part,besides stands
> Memes, if you look the series up expect memes
>Also, this show is violent as fuck

It's decent overall. All the characters change between seasons, so there isn't the problem of adjusting to a new voice actor when you run out of dubs and start watching it in Japanese.
The dub so far is only parts 1 and 2, and the only musical reference I remember being changed is Santana to San Viento. Once they start dubbing part 3 though, there'll be a lot more changes.

The accents that they put on are enjoyable, but pretty silly.


Everyone in the show is named after a famous band or musician for the most part, and from part 3 onwards most of the Stands (sources of powers) are named after songs.

Log Horizon is a pretty neat show for world building. I cant really think of any off the top of my head right now tho, I've been mostly watching slice of life shows that I had missed over the past couple of years.

Coherent plot, spanning over generations of a family. That's what got me into it. Also, it is bizarre. That is to be expected. But that keeps it very interesting, in my opinion.

Part 1 - Dracula
Part 2 - Aztec Gods vs Nazis
Part 3 - Group travels World to kill Dracula
Part 4 - Neighborhood Watch vs Killer
Part 5 - The Mafia
Part 6 - End of the World
Part 7 - The Wild West
Part 8 - JoJo must find his true identity

Some characters names are: Kars,ACDC,Wham, Metalica, Killer Queen, Shear hear Attack, Hey Ya!, Tusk, and many more!


Well you sold me. Is there a good website I can stream them from? Or a particular torrent?

I know Sup Forums hates it but kissanime.ru is pretty great

Almost every 'stream anime for free' site has them.

They started getting adapted in 2012.

Jojo season 1 is Parts 1 and 2.

Part 3, Stardust Crusaders is really long.

Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable actually ends THIS FRIDAY.

True, but most of them are standard definition. Do you know any high quality streams?

Thank you.

>DIO Brando
>Robert E. O. Speedwagon
>Will A. Zeppeli
>Steely Dan
>Oingo Boingo Brothers
>Vanilla Ice
>Killer Queen
>Sheer Heart Attack
>Another One Bites the Dust
>Sex Pistols
>Black Sabbath
>Green Day
>King Crimson
>Foo Fighters
>Bohemian Rhapsody
>Axl RO
>Soft & Wet
>Born This Way
>I Am a Rock

Use Some-Stuffs BluRay torrents. The blu rays fix some of the shit animation and uncensor the gore and Some-Stuffs fixes the names that are censored by HorribleSubs.

Since this seems to be a jojo thread, what exactly is jojolion? Is it a spinoff? Unofficial fan work?


Kill yourself, jojofag

Part 7 and 8 take place in a DIFFERENT WORLD.

The characters might have the same names, and in rare instances, have similar stands, but they are DIFFERENT STORIES.

Jojolion is very much though a sort of REBUILD OF JOJO story that plays on your expectations having read previous Jojo stories, though. I think you actually miss out if you read that before having read parts 1-6 quite a bit, ESPECIALLY PART 4, since you won't be able to tell when Araki is trolling you.

Dumb, gay version of Dragonball Z. Dont watch it or it will make you gay.

Yes this. There really is no other way to watch jojo other than this. They sub the Blu Rays. And the Blu Rays fix some of the atrocious animation and uncensor the violence and smoking. And the names are changed in the west do to copyright issues but this group restores their names to their original forms. I would also say read the manga, but there are no good translations, with maybe the exceptions of Part 7 and 8.

Parts 7-8 are reboots of the series

The universe resets several times after Part 6. Part 7 and Part 8 are in a new universe but it's very much canon.

If I remember correctly Rohan and Giorno survive the reset. Rohan even has his own spinoff series by the same author.

>Giorno has survived due to his Stand Gold Experience Requiem nullifying the effects, Rohan survives by being too preoccupied with his manga to realize Made In Heaven was activated.

They do in Jorge Joestar, but it's a load of nonsense and wasn't written by Araki

> Along the way, they eventually reach space, and call upon the thirty-six Kars for assistance. Universe-J Kars uses a chance encounter with Yoshikage Kira to obtain the use of Killer Queen by convincing it over to his side. Then, using Bites the Dust, Universe-J Kars not only completely resets the world, forcing it to become Universe-J again, but also obtains Made in Heaven Requiem in the process.

This is the JoJo canon:

Phantom Blood
Sentou Chouryuu
Stardust Crusaders
Diamond wa Kudakenai
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (LN)
Ougon no Kaze
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ~Episode 16: Zange-shitsu~ (OneShot)
Dead Man Q (OneShot)
Stone Ocean
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken II: Golden Heart/Golden Ring (LN)
Steel Ball Run
The Book: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken 4th Another Day (LN)
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ~Episode 2: Mutsukabezaka~ (OneShot)
Kishibe Rohan Louvre e Iku (OneShot)
Hajishirazu no Purple Haze (LN)
Kishibe Rohan Gucci e Iku (OneShot)
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: OVER HEAVEN (LN)
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ~Episode 5: Fugou-mura~ (OneShot)
Jolyne, Gucci de Tobu (OneShot)
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ~Episode 6: Mitsuryou Kaigan~ (OneShot)
Mochizuki-ka no Otsukimi Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai Episode 4 (OneShot)
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai ~Episode 7: Getsuyoubi - Tenkiame~
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Eyes of Heaven (VideoGame)

There's currently no seeds up for the torrents. Is there another source?


Thank you. Just what I was looking for.

And when you're don with that do
and then

ITT: newfags.

>A thread about jojo that isn't a general filled with meme spouting autists.
Oh wait, you're here, fuck.

but araki did the art and endorsed all the light novels

Thank you. Is this a sequel?

There are four Jojo threads (one general) up at the moment.

get in here


The go back to the General and complain there

There are 8 parts of JoJo. Parts 1-4 are currently animated. Parts 1 and 2 were combined into a single season. Then Part 3 was split in 2 seasons. Part 4 is one season but the blu rays arent out/subbed

They just split part 3 in half for some reason

The best thing you can do is fuck up those thread. These fucking autists are ruining the name of jojo and destroying Sup Forums.

Oh cool. More to look forward to.

I think the reason is that Part 3 is generally considered the most iconic Jojo part, so it got the most attention.

I recommend you stay away from jojo threads though. See as an example.

holy fucking, shit you fucking autist, go back to the general.

>watching some random fag watch jojo
so this is the true power of jojo generals.........I bet you love that tripfag Doc.

My lord. Does JoJo turn people autistic? What is it about JoJo that draws in autists? What have I gotten myself in for?

There's always an autistic part to every fanbase to be honest, this probably includes all your favorite things

Just stay away from the "fandom" and you'll be safe.

Sure but jojo generals seem to be just as bad as mlp, it's sad.

>complain in the general
>go complain somewhere else!

There are Jojo threads on /mlp/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums ect. Just read/watch it and enjoy it yourself.

>implying this a general
>implying this isn't just some random person who wants to get into jojo
This is a prime expample of the cancer killing jojo.

>There are Jojo threads on /mlp/, Sup Forums
Really? What the fuck

>misinterpreting the post

Yes, the fanbase is cancer.

>misinterpreting the post
please enlighten me

>Sup ForumsCo/'s Bizarre Adventure
>My Little JoJo
what the actual fuck, and I thought the Sup Forums general were bad....

>the best place to discuss Jojo is /fit/ unironically

What a world we live in.

The quality of it varies. Good example is Diamond is Unbreakable vs Stardust Crusaders. Diamond is awful and uninspired monster of the week drivel. Stardust had better characterization, plot and jokes.

If you aren't far enough to be currently watching, I would suggest not starting. As a series, Jojo only goes downhill after the first half and the fanbase is banned from Sup Forums so that kind of tells you the kind of degenerates it attracts.

Hmm. All right. I'll just continue with Hunter x Hunter.

>i typically skip the openings
Get out.

>Diamond is awful and uninspired monster of the week drivel

Literally Stardust Crusaders.

JoJofags sure are cancer.

>literal reddit quality post
you sure are helpful to the community!

JoJo is a cultural phenomenon, I don't know what else to tell you.

why though?

Honestly the U.S 2016 presidential election would be a pretty great anime.

shit, now you're making me sound like a redditor, fuck you jojo threads

Because these replies are so much better

Go back to l-eddit.

What's wrong with this one?
Do you hate bakabt or some shit? This was the only torrent with seeds.

Oh I see, it's okay if everyone else is doing it, right?

Spoonfeeding is bannable

Shitposting is bannable, Generals are bannable

I'm not asking for a general, I'm asking for no JoJo threads.

Your reddit is showing.....stop trying to police us.


>i-i've been lurking since 2011!!
>i-i'm basically an oldfag now!! xDDD

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

please do us all a favour and