How do we fix her shit attitude?

How do we fix her shit attitude?

Dick her.

All night anal gangrape by her classmates (males with their dicks, female classmates with Yukiforged titanium strapons).

She's perfect though.


Don't you ever fucking reply to me again.

what happens to the world if haruhi dies

With a .45

It becomes a better place.




Kyon wakes up from his coma.

wouldnt haruhi being the immature brat subconsciously make kyon cease to exist after this?

Looks like I have a new favorite doujin.

>Kyon is erased.
>Replace by John Doe
>it is just Kyon
>She just erased the name Kyon

Nor to your wife's son?

He's alright but you must be cautious around him, as he has severe autism.

By finishing her shit series

Stop going to church.

>implying Haruhi is the god.

By Kyon giving her the dick.

It will happen.

Convert to Taoism

Tell her you're ジョンスミス

>implying she wasn't turned on by this.