Kizumonogatari II

Can we expect proper subs this time?

Can we expect proper raws anytime this century?

>dressing like a boy band faggot
>not fucking cat until all her stress is melted away

fucking araragi

I can't self insert now.
Araragi is an alpha male

>not getting /fit/ and cutting to Shuraragi-mode

Why is Ragi so fucking handsome? All harem shows should have their protagonist be canonically hot as fuck so their popularity makes sense.

Unironically good genetic stock.

See his qt sisters and mom.

>alpha male
>has sopping wet cat pussy in front of him over and over and doesn't dick it into the next dimension

Working on it

working on it.


Nah he's a manlet

>doesn't impregnate the thicc cat

jesus fucking christ at this point I can say Koyomi is hotter than his harem

Glad to hear it.

AAHHHHHHHHH and I'm gay now

For real?


How can one man be so sexual?

She has huge breasts, wide hips&thighs, a big butt, and not a super petite waist. Thicc

It was a regular t shirt and hoodie until his arms got chopped off.


That's one thirsty neko-chan.


yooo when is it out? do we have the raw torrent yet or what

Thicc is a dumb meme though.

We are waiting for torrent

You could at least take 30 seconds to make it say part 2. This is the worst attempt at trolling I've seen all month.

inb4 "I was only pretending to retarded."

Why is cat so shiny?

Did she soak herself in pussy juice?

cat deserves alpharagi more than bipolar STD

Everything here is a dumb meme. Same as it has always been

She's started to sweat just thinking about Araragi pounding her senseless.

This. All she has to do was push him down and get on with it. But both of them were too beta.

Crab just took what she wanted.

The shit-tier subs were freaking hilarious. I already miss them.

Maybe today right people will get their copies.

not hard when his harem is mostly small children


Yes you can, he's a power fantasy.

Shit, Araragi is seriously /fa/.

only cause it was a tumblr .gif though

i was gonna contest that but honestly only two girls are developed enough to not be called children

Being a manlet is normal in Japan


That's precisely what makes it hard.

If you know what you mean by "it".

>shorter than his 4+ years younger sister

Karen is an amazon by Japanese standards

Average Jap male is like 173cm, Araragi 165cm. Manlet even by Jap standards.

But one of those children is a supernaturally attractive/seductive one.

Crab is a lucky one


You not counting Kanbaru or something?

i want to stroke his hair


Japanese P2P is useless at the moment

Are the raws already out?

How can other MCs even compete?

>Are the raws already out?
Man, pay some attention to the thread you're in and you would already know the answer to that question.

How do I achieve araragi mode /fit/ anons?

By earning their muscles the hard way and being Juicy.

Depends on which frame you're looking at his inconsistent ass with

Greyskull and then cut.

become vampire

By molesting children day in and out.

Jesus Christ Cat's fucking adorable

I'm glad it flopped.

Don't pretend you're not new.

Why does she hate the concept of undergarments?


don't question it

I'm pretty sure she just likes destroying Araragi's dick for the hell of it.

Did they change their overall art style or is this just another "lulz so randum" change in art from scene to scene?

the art style in kizu is somewhat different from the rest of the series, yes

It's still somewhat similar but Kizu is entirely that that "everything is fucking shiny as hell" coloring that's fairly common nowadays, say in stuff like Hibike

>tfw he's an ottermode twink
>tfw i'm still merlin those sheer aesthetics

goddamn, ragi

Did they change it for thematic purposes or just for fun?

Post more fat cat tats

Anything above ottermode is impossible without roids and our arararararagi would never do such illegal things.

best shinobu right here

>Athletic and low-tier built are impossible without roids

>That Necklace he has on
Pure /fa/

I don't want to be too vulgar, but I have about 101 things I'd like to do with new Hanekawa's breasts.

Araragi a cute.

Ok, you're right. If you've been bodybuilding for 10+ years, those physiques could be possible natty.


Vampirism isn't natty anyways


It's really impressive how jacked his traps make him look in certain shots

>feeling a slight switch in your crotch

necklaces are overrated

You may start listing whenever.

I love Hanekawa with her long black hair.

Squats 'n oatz

stop projecting ur homosexuality onto the innocents



Can you avoid speaking like a faggot?

Araragi looks like he FUCKS in this pic

He doesn't need some neko pussy though user. He's got his own loyal Crab who'll pleasure him better than the cat.

Only you would be so triggered to point that out.


They wanted it to look special because it's a movie, I think.

white text on black is wrong



It's Shaft nigga. What do you think?

Use real words.