Am I supposed to be rooting for this girl or something...

Am I supposed to be rooting for this girl or something? Everything she does annoys me and make me hate her character more and more. She's manipulative, snoops through her boyfriends stuff, demands for him to be available 24/7, and doesn't want him to regain his memory.

and this little bitch doesn't have a single bone in his body. He's a fucking doormat.

can someone just tell me if he ever gets his memories back, kicks Kouko to the curb and smashes that sweet linda-senpai pussy?

>uh oh, human interactions are too hard to understand
Stick with Naruto and you'll be fine.

but these aren't normal human interactions. I get that they're exaggerated for entertainment and dramatic purposes, but they could have made Banri a little less retarded

He didn't said that though, he just said he hates them

She was adorable. She was a cunt sometimes, but she meant well.

Nah, it's just a shit anime with shit characters. You can drop this now and don't waste more time.

Banri literally has brain damage, what do you expect?

Oh, it's a Linda-cuck. Kouko is the show's saving grace, you're right about MC being a fucking beta cuck though but for all the wrong reasons.

Why don't you go be a normalfag on reddit if you want a girl that's normal?

>cuck beta cuck
>Kouko-fag vocabulary

How this shitty show should've ended.

She literally has a mental disorder. Either narcissistic or borderline, I don't remember which fits her better. Pain to watch.

She also has some serious daddy issues. He most likely abused/neglected her repeatedly. He even smashed her face few times in the show IIRC.

Yeah she was really clingy and annoying.


Most of the other characters are just as bad if not worse, her issue is just immediately apparent.

What bothered me more was how quickly she rebounded off her ex.
Not gonna spoiler it but with all things considered I enjoyed the ending. Punk band girl was best though

Her ex?

Okachi Nami was best girl.

Nigga did you even watch the first few episodes?

What ex? She wasn't in a relationship with the guy

I remember her having a crush but never an ex.

It's been a while. I thought she was dating Banri's college mate but I think she was just borderline stalking him then. Which is still disturbing because wouldn't that mean she settled for Banri

She was a sheltered child.

They never dated. He was her childhood friend she had obsession about, but he never bought it because he realized what crazy bitch she was.

This could have been good. Fuck you Ghost Banri, fuck you forever.


>lindafags still mad

The absolute fucking worst

Koko is perfect.