Where is this mofo? Has he been jailed and raped already or what?

Where is this mofo? Has he been jailed and raped already or what?

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Arrested 6+ months ago. Up to 4 years in prison.

For beating Nazis? Isn’t that a civic duty?

>everyone who supports trump is a nazi

and you wonder why anti-fa is losing the culture war

In a more sane world you'd be put on a list for even suggesting to do political violence.

next court date Dec 14

He's out on bail, he'll never serve any time because he made a deal and ratted out the BAMN commies.

>t. Shitskin Troll
Here's your YOU juan

>everyone who supports trump is a nazi
>and you wonder why anti-fa is losing the culture war
Well, that and not showing up to actually kick off your glorious revolution n' sheeiitt.

Who did he rat out? Why do you suspect he ratted them? If he got a deal out of it won't there be others getting arrested soon based on his info? They wouldn't cut him a deal unless he provides something useful.




check out the rate my professor comments kek

he sounds like he's on fucking helium

0 test

that goatee is glued on from his pussy hair

This guy is not a professor. What the fuck is this shit. If I paid money and this retard was teaching I would demand it back.

Whatever happened to that communist West-point faggot too?
I feel we just forget about these people and they slither their way off the hook eventually

I can't stand this winning

He's never going to jail.

Hitting a nazi in California is like hitting a black man in 1870's south.

He violated the rights of a non human....

No jury will convict


He's got no lecturing skills at all

You means hes out in the public and free game? :)

a free Clanton is in even more danger

people like to see justice done, one way or the other

If I was the person he hit in the head with a bike lock id probably put a bullet in his head if he served no time for it

I really hope this fucker gets "tyroned" in prison.
This seems to be the most solid way people can get redpilled.

There's a saying: Once you go black, you never go back. hahaha

especially becuase he's such a fag, letting such a bitch have one over on you would be torture

haha true, his naivety will go a long way to being fixed

>hitting a nazi
>trump supporters are now Nazis

I am a Nazi and i am proud of it.

hope he gets into some max security prison with the aryan brotherhood

My co-workers tell me about their professors who promote socialism/communism in their classes and I tell them I couldn't possibly sit through that shit. They have no self-respect.

>assaulting people you declare are nazis is okay

I hope this guy gets at least 5 years

The Army is actually considering paying that one faggot 300k in backpay. The military isn't as based as everyone makes it out to be. The Air Force forgot to report that one guy in the Texas shooting, the Navy is crashing their ships, and the Marines keep fucking up in Okinawa. The thinblueline" and "support our vets" is getting to be a stale meme. They preach about core values on one hand, and do the opposite on the other

t.assmad vet

And I don't mean they're paying the commie 300k, it was that other guy who deserted.

I thought we were all about people getting their asses beat. If he got his ass beat by a leftie he doesn't deserve to live anyway. Who the fuck wants a weak ass on their side?

>vocal fry
>university professor
kek. tyrone is going to love him

he'll probably feel that giving them his ass every day is justified reparations kek

Stickman is already convicted and gonna do 60 years.
This guy will probably get keys to the city and a day of remembrance.

Rekt that fuckin nerd

Affirmative action and faggotry kills every institution and crushes morale
Check out the Turner diaries.
t. 04 Iraq

Remember right after when they claimed that the whole "revolution" was some evil right wing troll and wasnt going to happen, and then this picture showed up?

Bergdahl? Wasn't he DD? How the fuck do you get back pay from a job you quit?

oh man, I would pay money to watch this trail.
I guess they won`t livestream it, right ?

50 years, what the fuck did he do? shill too hard? he was a cool guy when he was just an anonymous guy smashing commies then he started to milk his efame for shekels.

If he doesn't have any priors he won't do anything close to 4 years. Probation is all he'll get I bet.

he was arrested once at a BLM protest

No updates

Anyone know if he went to trial?

next court hearing Dec 14