Babies thrown into old buckets as trash at a humane and ethical family run farm in Brisbane.
There's no such thing as 'humane' animal use.
Good people don't fund this. Go vegan and boycott brutality.
Babies thrown into old buckets as trash at a humane and ethical family run farm in Brisbane
What a waste, there's no vulture around to feed.
The pont is that everyone wants just cheap meat and only cares about animals when they see a dog getting beaten on facebook.
It should be far more expensive and not an every day meal
pick one. it's called a carcass you faggot
Wasting life is bountiful sin.
>Good people don't fund this
>Sup Forums
> Vegan
> Not Piscatarian Master- Race+
theres no fish where i live
Because animals aren't humans, duh
Fuck off peta. I eat what ever I want and you can't stop me
Fuck animals like i could give a shit
>Become pescatarian
>Only eat fish from the Mediterranean
>Same fish that have been gorging themselves on drowned migrants for years now
>Every bite is the luxurious and delicious taste of the distilled suffering of hundreds of thousands of shitskins
if going vegan didnt turn me into a liberal fag then i would do it
If I buy meat I usually by a quarter cow from a local farmer and deep freeze it. It is much more humane and I can get premium cuts suck as New York at a discount
I agree, the fact Sup Forums puts justice & truth above convenience should make veganism a virtue for most people here.
I understand disliking other races because of heuristics but there's no reason innocent being should suffer (eg male baby chicks minced alive in the tonnes because it's economically efficient) for our luxury.
>front quarter of a cow is crawling around inside your walk-in freezer knocking things over and slowly freezing to death
>much more humane
>boycott brutality
very very gay
I can taste the aids
Then you're a vegetarian. I was when I deployed.
Don't be a pussy and eat tortured animals.
Mods, can we please get a containment board for religion?
But that is all we discuss here....
What's stopping a vegan from throwing animal babies into trash?
Moby got it right some years ago. end all of the subsidies related to meat production (including feed/corn) and the markets will correct. price up, supply down.
They don't do it because muh feelings for the poor animuls and forcing muh opinion onto other people.
The only thing they'll throw in the trash are their aborted evil human feetus
Be a vegetarian and you can still get all the nutrition & protein from dairy & eggs.
I don't disagree with you morally, and I think people who don't get pissed off by a lack of animal welfare are subhuman degenerates or edgy teens - so probably half of Sup Forums - however I think you're just cutting too much out of your diet with veganism. Living on soy & beans actually fucks up your insides because soy is an endocrine disruptor & most beans are filled with lectins which can fuck your whole digestive system & intestines about with inflammation. Eggs are the best food on earth hands down, nutrition wise.
I plan to become a vegetarian at some point (hell it'll probably be my new year resolution for 2018). I'll be getting my protein from eggs, dairy (cheese, milk), & protein shakes/ whey powder isolate.
You can't expect a serious discussion about things like this on Sup Forums in 2017. Everyone is so deep in the GodEmperorTrump echo chamber mass circlejerk that you need to indicate you're a meat eating pro gun god fearing Trump lover in every post you make, or they'll call you shareblue or a shill or some shit. It's pathetic. I post about how Trump is a rino globalist with none of our interests at heart at least once a day, hope Sup Forums will wake up to that fact.