What's wrong with me? I get more turned on by mixed race or jewish ugly ducklings rather than pure white girls

What's wrong with me? I get more turned on by mixed race or jewish ugly ducklings rather than pure white girls

you are am*rican
also mutt
also fucked up creature

Maybe you're like me OP...

You get bored of faces quickly, you need a 'quirky' face to keep you interested.

The 'classically beautiful' faces honestly bore me quickly, after the initial attraction. I like 'quirky' faces.


This pic has instantly BTFO'd whatever she stands for

Who wouldn’t want to fuck her?

Haha lilo and fucking mongrel Stitch

How does it make Eurofags feel that only Amerigods have a chance with this 56% goddess?

fat cow

Sup Forums being race traitors again.


actual Whites

>implying anbody who post on this board is fucking white

Me too. Ugly ducklings really do it for me

>dem milkers
>dat face
my boner is confused.

Well, imagine if she was a leftist cunt who makes videos such as ‘resist patriarchy’ etc. would she still be hot?


Le 56% attraction

t. actually brittany



it may surprise you, 56optimist%, but here and there, actual Whites still exist (possibly not for too long, though)

You know what finbro I'm going with yes.


Few more years on Sup Forums and you’ll only be able to get off to loli futa with balls.

Guarantee within weeks you will drift further right wing and become more and more attracted to nigresses and other shitskins, it happens to all of us eventually.

I don’t even know whether I want to gas them or fuck them, probably both.

It's a psychological thing. You know that the pure, blonde-haired, blue eyed goddesses are vastly superior in beauty, but you also know that they would never settle for a subhuman such as yourself. A girl like that would never look at you with love in her eyes.

The ugly chick with good assets, however, is within your reach. You know that a girl like that may well actually want you, and this turns you on.

>t. subhuman ugly fuck with exactly this inferiority complex


>Guarantee within weeks you will drift further right wing and become more and more attracted to nigresses and other shitskins, it happens to all of us eventually.

>I don’t even know whether I want to gas them or fuck them, probably both.

LOL, I heard that was a thing.

Neo-nazis/White nationalists who regularly blow loads to white men fucking black women porn vids.

If this was used to slide one of the half dozen Prince Harry posts then it was probably a good thing



Because you think she's more attainable, you doof. That's the trap. She's leveraging that "beta appeal" she has,
You'd land a proper normal girl qt at your local supermarket before you'd land a weird looking eCeleb like this.


damn, source?

Is she a quadroon? She looks like a thicc white girl with a bit of weird nose.

those arms are too fat to be hers. she has skinny noodle arms. it must be a shop.

Why bother posting the censored version? You silly goose.


30% african.

Dude ,your welcome to it.

sone other user posted it in another thread. no sauce :(

In that order.

/thread you have no history except mutting

This one do it for you? She's had the benefit of being blacked as well.

Obvious shoop desu


Posting in epic shillthread.






Why is she attractive than ordinary niggresses?

She has white features:
>sharp nose
>light skin
>gray eyes (like Stephen Curry)

>hot body structure
>big boobs

Pretty acceptable t b h, If I saw her on the street there's no way I would've thought that she's not white.

>If I saw her on the street there's no way I would've thought that she's not white.
Then you're blind or willfully retarded. see She has very obvious nig features, especially her comically far-set eyes. She's a genetic abomination.

Maga guis!

Regarding the images authenticity, it seems suspect that the face would be blurred.

I don't care, she thicc

It's not even that she's part nigger, any attractive woman is bound to attract males. Dicks don't discriminate.

>being a kikeloving beta soyboi

Day of the oven, son.

it has no philtrum
together with far set eyes, it more generally is a clue as to fetal alcohol syndrome than niggery (though they're far from exclusive, granted)

>something something I like quirky face
>reddit spacing
1. that's shallow as fuck
2. nobody cares what you like
3. pol is not your fucking blog
4. fuck off back to reddirt

You are probably defective anyway. Might as well just bleach someone and make a mixed person "white" instead of trying to remain pure

You have low self confidence. You think the best you deserve is a desperate 6/10 so you can stay a mediocre 6 yourself all your life without fear of losing her. Sort yourself out and date out of your league.

Stop Posting that stupid e-celeb slut

she looks good with makeup on, I can only fap to that one photo with a lot of makeup on.

that's a shop. The face looks like it was plastered on.

go back to prepping your Islamic bull Hanz
