How come poor girl never wins?
How come poor girl never wins?
Because lazy neets want someone who can make it so they don't have to get a job
>poor people
Kuroneko is not poor, though?
>hardworking likeable girl
>conformist shut in
Know the difference.
Reminder that Ruri being poor is an anime-only thing and not canon.
Kuroneko's lucky. The poorfags in Madoka can't even afford eyes.
Kuroneko is a much more realistic character to be honest.
Kirino is just wish fulfillment wrapped with a bow.
They were desperate to make not choosing her seem like a rational decision to anyone that isn't a sub-human siscon.
Hey, writing notes is better for the memory
Superior richfag is superior.
This. She was easily miles ahead the second best girl (which was Ayase).
They are made for suffering.
There's no escaping it.
But typed notes are better for reviewing, since they're not full of doodles.
not really.
I type faster than I write, so I actually spend more time actively listening.
And it's all nice and clean.
Only real problem is when you have to draw shit.
Kuroneko over that bitch cunt tsundere of kirino
I dont care if kuroneko had left kyousuke first she worth more
i would kuro with that neko
>i would black with that cat
Our fucking Japanese exchange student amazed us yesterday:
>28 degrees outside, just below freezing
>We need to go shopping
>She comes out with her hair wet
>Ask her what the deal is
>She said she just took a shower
>Tell her this is gonna be a problem
>Asks what she was supposed to do
>Turns out bitch not only doesn't own a hair-dryer but had literally never seen one before
>Mom and sister have to teach her
Literally how? Fucking Okinawanigger country-bumpkins.
What? Hair dryers are like, complete luxuries. The only thing a simple towel doesn't accomplish that they do is in regards to styling.
The real question is why neither of you thought to dry the hair with a towel.
It depends on the person. If I write something I remember it better than if I type something. This is mainly due to the way I remember things through complex adhd association.
This. They for sure aren't a necessity like is making them out to be. I'm upper-middle class American and I haven't touched one in years.
>It's not surprising for people from first world nations to not know what a hair dryer is
>Hair-dryers are a luxury
Are you from fucking Lithuania or something? What the fuck?
>use a simple tool in place of a complicated machine
>I'm upper-middle class American and I haven't touched one in years.
You're also a man. You retards are really letting your complete obliviousness in regards to other people show.
What world are you living in?
>complete obliviousness in regards to other people
And here I thought you were the one that was so shocked by the idea of this girl not needing to use a hair dryer. She's clearly lived her whole life with no issue.
Walking around with wet hair is an issue. Less so in okinawa than in the cold place where we live.
>Implying she didn't dry it with a towel
You guys are retarded. You realize that takes fucking forever if you have long hair (as most women do). Did you seriously think she was some sort of simpleton that didn't know how to use towels either.
You guys are acting like hair-dryers are space-age elite technology only for rich people like fucking 4K TVs or something.
You're dealing with a bunch of autistic virgins that know nothing of women, what do you expect?
>wet hair
>in frozen american winter
>hurr durr complicated machines
Is that why Japs keep dying of cold?
Fuck off crossboarders.
>psh, these fools don't understand the ladies like I do...
>disagreeing with you makes me a cross-boarder
I'm a dude with long hair who lives in germany and:
1. it takes way too long to dry with a towel
2. if I need to go out fast in cold weather, a hair drier gets the job done
3. a towel doesn't make it even 70% dry (long hair), a hair drier can get it to 90% quickly and almost 100% dry after just a bit longer
4. even guys with short hair use them at the gym because fuck going out to the cold with damp hair
>28 degrees
People on Sup Forums are autistic.
Maybe he was referring to 28ºC below zero.
-2°C is not that bad. Sure, it's not nice to have frozen hair, but it won't kill you. If you are going in a car, a bus, a train or something not much after you go outside, it's even less of an issue.
How new?
-28°C is not "just below freezing". Water has frozen a long time ago. Non-winter grade diesel no longer runs. Coolant with a shitty mix of antifreeze has frozen. Cheap winter windshield washer fluids have frozen.
C or F?
Probably 28 degrees Fahrenheit (-2° Celsius).
Kill your self faggot, this is not your personal blog, go back to tumblr, rape a hobo, get aids and die.
best girls are best left for the anons
muricans use F
>finds Sup Forumsnon who can interact with women normally
Okinawa is literally an American Dumpster
And it begins:
>exchange student living at home
>one night she is taking a bath
>come inside
>"i-im sorry, i forgot i was living with you ***-san"
>>"no it fine"
>"just forget about this ***-san"
>>"i-if you want i'll let you scrub my back"
I never use my hair dryer ever. I do own one but I use it to dry my dog when her weekly shower comes.
Fuck off, 1st world nigger.
I don't even uses shampoo and my hair is shiny as fuck like in commercials.
I don't watch idolshit, but how the fuck can she be a poorfag and an idol at the same time? I know lots of idols aren't super rich because the production firms keep most of the earnings, but it should definitely be enough to be way past poorfaggotry.
>You realize that takes fucking forever if you have long hair (as most women do).
Bullshit. It takes all of half an hour to let your hair dry if you let it hang loose. She has to brave the cold for all of what, a minute as she gets in the car, and a minute as she gets out and walks into the heated shops?
>Wears niche fashion and accessories
Yeah, no.
Kirino has a part-time job as a model, of course she's going to be able to buy more shit.
Also Kuroneko probably spends most of her allowance on cosplay.
That just means it's easier to bribe the poorfag into doing lewd things.
Because kuroneko isn't the main female lead. Nothing to do with being poor.
>finds a newshitter breaking the rules
What's the difference between their rooms? The blonde bitch's room isn't nicer. It looks smaller and has shitty furniture.
Kaichou wa Maidsama exists
Lilly a cute though
Well Kirino had supermodel money
No her fault Kuroneko was ugly