Why is so much of the western right wing so obsessed with chastity and demonization of sex? Is it really impossible to have a good society without moralist control of people's sexualities?
Why is so much of the western right wing so obsessed with chastity and demonization of sex...
they are really just angry that women are sleeping with men that aren't them
literally no chad getting new girls every week would think like a Sup Forumstard
>Is it really impossible to have a good society without moralist control of people's sexualities?
No. I don't give a fuck what people do in their own bedroom. That's not to say that I want degeneracy and sexual deviance paraded like it's perfectly normal.
>Sup Forums is the echo of old /r9k/
>they are really just angry that women are sleeping with men that aren't them
This, honestly.
I'm still virgin at 24 and if I can't get laid, nobody should.
liberty requires a virtuous people. people have to control themselves, master their passions, delay gratification, whatever you want to call it. otherwise we're a bunch of chimps that require external control.
just keep going out every night till you get sex.
But they aren't. Where did you get that from?
This thread will fill up with replies and you'll see that most Sup Forums posters are not social traditionalists at least when it comes to sexuality.
They want marriage and white families but they are too stupid to realize that you can't have that in a sexually liberated society.
They can disagree with me all they want but the birth rates and marriage rates speak for themselves.
That'd be expensive as fuck.
Based Irish
We don't need any moralist control of people's sexualities.
Everyone can do what they want.
And have full responsibility for their own actions.
Like, nobody in their right mind would marry a used up whore with 10 ex-boyfriends. I could fuck and dump her, though. It's my own choice, and I'm not trying to enforce it on others. I'll educate my kids on this matter, though.
Do you actually know about the relationship between promiscuity and divorce rates? Do you know about the life outcomes of children from single parent homes? DO you know about the voting habits of unmarried people? Sexual morality is actually extremely relevant to the health of a society.
Just dont drink heavy. I used to go out the whole time with just one can and have great nights.
>Finngol not getting sex
I'm not surprised. Fingolina is located at Sven's moms basement right as we speak.
female nature must be controlled by law or norms. It has been unleashed, the results are visible throughout the west.
and catch some of her 15+ different strains of HPV?? better not even fuck her nowadays
>Why do I have to be faithful? Can't you see I'm in a densely populated society with an innumerable number of Chads and Stacies?
It was a thing when populations were low and men were keeping their women from tearing the clans apart. Men that have no obligation to a cause will leave it and look for another. Why invest time and effort for someone you know is unfaithful? They spread disorder among civilized folk in those days, that causes infighting. The population booms make that less of an issue, you aren't going to have men fighting over women when there are plenty of women to spare, and there are men that slave away perpetually regardless of if they are in a relationship. The population density and the labor it provides to the a particular area has more than enough manpower to provide the needs of everyone, the government steps in to take from those who work and give to those who are unable or refuse to work. Women can fuck around and there is a safety net in place, if they aren't really interested in having children they can mess around until their looks wane, and the government will still be there to catch them. Real men don't want to raise children with a women that is barely there, undisciplined unfaithful. Such people are neglectful of their responsibilities, so again why should time and effort be invested in someone that isn't fully committed? Yes you can say you only did it with one or two other guys, but what about those girls that have messed up more than just twice? They just want to have flings and they don't have the self control needed to raise children let alone be committed to their relationship.
>As women sleep with more partners their emotional connection to the partner decreases.
>Less caring and less loving women
>More women into only self interest and their own skin with no consequences for their actions
>They have kids and do not care about their kids or their husbands
That is the given reason for most of these threads.
The nip gets it. When we fail to control our instincts we are no better than niggers.
youre onto something here carlos
>Is it really impossible to have a good society without moralist control of people's sexualities?
Yeah. Have some restraint. Share yourself with people you care about.
Technically, you can do whatever you want if you are a relativist, but don't expect to be treated like a responsible adult or parent if the only thing you ever cared about was the sensation of getting dicked.
If you lack self control as an adult you aren't really and adult at all and don't deserve the respect an adult would get either.
If OP is curious about forced modesty, it's actual purpose is equalize women in a traditional role.
When traditional, modest clothing makes all women hide their attractiveness, husbandbro Joe still comes home and gets rock hard for his 3/10 wife. He'll break his back at work and still head straight home to fuck her senseless.