Why is this shit allowed?
Why is this shit allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>MC is kissing best girl allowed
Why not?
But he didn't kiss Himeji, fucking baka.
You really are dumb enough to be in class f
You should be in class z for liking a made in germany washboard.
Pink annoying moeblob is worst girl, so I don't see a problem here.
Minami, on the other hand, is best girl.
I still have this
>its another "pinkshit ruins the ending" episode
Exactly. He's kissing best girl instead.
The dumb pink haired moe blob should have been replaced with another trap. Would have made the series ten times better.
Shit taste, normalfag-kun.
>hating on moe
Seriously, fuck off to r/anime.
Hidashi was a girl.
Moe is great. The token harem moe blob, however, is not.
Why is Himeji winning allowed?
Why not? best girl kissing her man
Fuck off fag.
Because she's objectively a best.
Both are shit.
Best girl here
don't get why people like doormat or tsundere
better girls AND guys could have won mc
>ten times better
Replace her with pic related for the same result.
Best girl
How does their sex life look like?
This is like one of the few SL shows before NNB that sold decently, I'm still sad there's no season 3 and the manga is slower than Berserk.
Canonically not as cute as this
I would fuck the shit out of her
I fucking hate both of the girls so much.
I miss this stupid show
I'm pretty sure no normalfag out there would dislike Himeji, user. She's a normalfag magnet.
Best taste in the thread
>pink won
what a fucking baka
You guys should be happy you even got a kiss.
FUCK and here I was thinking how nice it was to have a bakatest thread right when I'm starting with the novel FUCK
Because Pink won anyway.
I found all the girls to be annoying
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
I think this is the only series where I wanted the trap to win
He was the only one who wasn't either bitchy or insane
Hideyoshi was kinda boring personality-wise but i still agree with you.
The boys were the best part of this show
>tfw we will never see akihisa doing stupid shit with his friends again
Since it's that time of the year again...
(it's not on youtube? strange)
Merry Christmas!
S3 when?
Hideyoshi is Hideyoshi
Best parts are when they're throwing each other under the bus
Baka test started so fucking strong but about half way through it became clear the author had no idea what to do with the series.
>7 years ago
There are JS's alive today who have never seen BakaTest.
Why live?
The light novel art was pretty, i really love Yui Hagas illustrations.
Himeji a best. A BEST.
I really enjoyed the development after the baseball "arc".
Even the build-up of the resolution for the romantic relationships was somewhat good.
This dude gets it.
While you are at it remove the shitty tsundere as well.
Watching this was my first time in a while having a hard time deciding which girl is best. Normally i would've prefer Himeji's archetype, but Minami is hell damn cute for a tsundere, and the scene when she came home after having some eavesdropping on Yoshii admiring her and how she told Hazuki how she was madly in love... That was so damn heartwarming i almost melted.
Why were any of these girls interested in a literal retard anyway? That's the real mystery here. Anyway Shouko best girl
I am Hideyosexual.
Sup Forums lies.
>Hideyoshi won
Himeji confirmed was in past life in love with yuuji sakamoto
traps aren't gay retard
Season two had a lot of heartwarming moments like that which were nice. Too bad S2 wasn't overall as good as the first season.
He clearly has proven that he can get acceptable scores if only he studied more. Sure he does some dumb things but that's just part of his personality and also part of the reason why bakatest is fun. The girls like him for his kind acts.
Shouko and Aiko are the best girls.
Ayy b0ss
also, give season 3 ಥ_ಥ
She suck tho