ITT you put the entire plot of one anime in one image

ITT you put the entire plot of one anime in one image














How is that the entire plot of JoJo?



>Stone Ocean in a nutshell

who is this semen demon

>Almost picked up the show and then realized the image was shopped

Forget her, she's the 4th best girl.

Megumin from Konosuba


Asuna from sword art online

You forgot the subtitles that come with that image.




i dont have it downloaded anymore, and googling "vroom vroom vividred" doesnt come up with as much




sasuga isayama


Why can't Brave Witches have this?

part 7 foreshadowing




are the clothes just spontaneously peeling off? It's bugging me too much

Full Metal Alchemist

Bleach, sadly
(the manga)







I am semi speechless.


also part 8



