ITT we post jewish tricks

ITT we post jewish tricks

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This was pretty controversial when it happened...
But it happened anyway, and they told everyone to deal with it.

I remeber pringles had a campaign; "Now 10% less salt" while they at the same time reduced the content by 10%. I think this is common.

They also tried to say that Brexit forced them to do it because of the pound devaluing. Even though changes like this take months to come through due to the amount you're changing.

new style sucks wow

there are a ton of tricks the food industry uses to shave off a little bit. Most food has fillers and soy and shit. But i'll post some empty space tricks for you... but have some cup of noodles while you wait.

It's filling but it never seems to go as far as you'd think it would


The noodles expand whenyou put water in them, are you sure is not to avoid overflow of noodles?


I bought a toblerone a couple weeks ago and it was old style. Are they selling both, or just old stock being phased out?

Weird, just bought the pack of 6 from Costco, still the same as it always was. This only for yuros?

Also, chocolate rations have been cut due to the ongoing war with Eastasia...

These are more like (((capitalist))) tricks. A shekel saved is a shekel earned after all goyim

Most processed meat and foods in general are stuffed with filler so they're less expensive to make.

I'm in agreement with this. Any time I've had those, the noodles pretty much filled the cup to the brim when it was fully cooked, it doesn't really matter how much space they take up before they are cooked.

This shit is why my ice cream 1.5 quarts instead of 2.

frozen pizzas have gotten smaller. oh sure, the boxes are still the same size and of course you still have to pay the same price you were paying for them about 5 years ago when they were at their former bigger size but, the pizzas themselves have definitely gotten smaller.

And (((they))) still charge the same price.

Weed is the ultimate jewish trick

It's done on purpose, dumbass.

If the noodles touched the bottom they wouldn't cook properly, you'll had the middle as a conglomerate of hard and semi-cooked stuff.

Check the history on how the Japanese company made them.

They could put the same amount of noodles at the bottom of the package right ?

but that wouldn't be visually appealing...

and it would be being honest with the customer about the amount of product in the packaging, which is never a good idea.

We always want the consumer to think that they are getting more than what they really are.

google "slack fill" and "weight out"

while you're at it google "coin cutting" that's why we have ridges on the edges of coins

net neutrality

>Getting upset over unhealthy crap-tier "food"

These are just normal capitalist practices and have nothing to do with jews

I don't know what triggers me more. Your knowledge of cup noodles or that pic of the grill who clearly doesn't know how to fish.

It's called inflation.
Most of these "jew tricks" are companies trying not to displease their customers despite the money they have being less worth due to credit expansion, so they do these things because people dislikes seeing the price of things rise and those companies want to keep their customers.

If there's inflation it will always come to either higher price for the same thing, same price for less of it or same price and same quantity but inferior quality (filler, etc). There's no way around it.

pretty sure magnum icecreams got smaller

>cant read the weight on the packaging
its anti consumer, but youre not being lied to

>59 oz orange juice containers

It's only like that in the united cuckdom

They even coined a term, calling it stagflation when the price of a good stays the same but the quantity decreases

This fucker right here infuriated me when it happened. I thought it was some sort of joke.

Coins have ridges because it gives a tactile way for the blind to tell which coin is which. Also prevents people from shaving metals of the aides which was common when. They were made of silver

This is the worst one I've seen so far

Wtf kek






OR SHOULD I SAY (((((((((YOU)))))))))))


Do people even buy them after doing a stunt like this.

yup i remember when that happened... they started pumping the shit full of air too, so the volume was the same but the weight was different

the problem with all of this is that if there are x million of a product successfully being moved off the shelves... they can always edge out a little bit so that no one notices. and the profits are always substantial, just because of the scale of operations.

I remember when there was airplane food, Delta saved 14 million dollars a year by removing one olive from each of the in flight salads. Then finally they're like, why the fuck are we feeding you ?

Thank you for sharing that with me. I'm not a dumbass though just because i didn't know that.

but also as a counter argument, if the noodles were at the bottom of the packaging, and water was added, wouldn't the noodles float anyway ?

Are all ramens like this ? Empty space on the bottom ?

>product becomes a bit shittier
>people still feel it is worth the money and buy it
Capitalism did nothing wrong

Here is about tricks they used back in 13th century.

My mom still buys these in bulk during the holidays. We only get the old non-cucked triangles thanks to the local import cartel. They hoard tons of these just for December.

>there's a reason potato chip bags are empty in the top
Yeah, solids settle during transport.

This is the result of hidden inflation. In the US, the core CPI (consumer price index) that is recorded every month does not account for food or energy prices.

Why not?

Because, according to private studies, inflation is so bad that in some regions in the US, meat prices have gone up over 50% in the last year.

The way companies cover this cost is by passing it on to you, the hapless consumer, who thinks they are buying the same product at the price they have for the last few months, but if you peak in the corner of wrapper you'll see that the amount of the product is perpetually dwindling.

This is so bad in America that some potato chip companies now measure down to the 1/16th of an ounce. Be prepared, it's only going to get worse.

> (((people)))


>Also prevents people from shaving metals of the aides
>metals of the aides
>of the aides

GOod job user but i knew what you meant despite the errors
>Also prevents people from shaving metal off the sides

shaving metals off the sides = coin cutting

so you're agreeing with me...

I didnt' know about the blind thing that's interesting

Oh also pic related is how they get you with cheese

Yeah, in my previous post you can read about those (((people))).

They’re floating, not filled to the brim.

Slack fill is sometimes legitimate in that it stops the contents being crushed, e.g. crisp (chip) packets inflated with nitrogen.

This is how they get you with coconuts

you THINK its gonna be full of coconut goodness but when you open it up, it's just a bunch of empty space BAKA

that chocolate is garbage anyway

What's wrong with this?

I know how a coconut looks like since I was 3 amerimutt.

Also I can tell you a secret: the "coconut" you see in the market is just a husk. The husk is brown, they peeled off the skin (which is green). The skin is like 70% of its weigh which I guess is why they peeled it off before shipping it to reduce the weigh.

Or like when you get a prostitute and it looks really hot and smells like a nice mix of vanilla and menthol but then when you open it up there's all this stupidly gross ropey shit that stinks and makes a mess

Fucking kikes I swear.

This is why food is sold by weight and not by volume you fucking retards.
Use your fucking brain and actually read the product labels.
Jesus Christ.
Are people honestly this fucking retarded?

>doesn't understand economics, the thread

yes slack fill is justified for transport etc

the term i should use is "non functional slack fill"

there isn't really a good way to determine the limits accurately, and they'll always be pushed as far as they can

give them an inch they'll take a mile

What the fuck are you talking about


Unfortunately this is a common thing in Brazil. Here it comes the newest can of Coca Cola (310ml against 350ml).
About chocolate, a long time ago I only buy 1kg bars.

There's a popular manga(Project X - Nissin Cup Noodle) about the creation of cup ramen. It's not at all uncommon to know about the manga on Sup Forums.

Learn English, zipper head

Yeah come to America the percentages here line up with how white we are

The price of cocoa has increased significantly over the years and is also volatile, most of it comes from the Ivory Coast using literal child slave labour :

Mass-market chocolate contains so little cocoa that legally it has to be labelled as "chocolate-flavoured milk solids" in countries like France.

I am pretty sure you can understand what I wrote, Michael.

There is a world Cocoa shortage. Hershey was putting air pockets in their candy bars for a while during the recession.

I have no idea, but it's how they were made by Nissin, since they are a product which is fried inside molds with that particular cup shape, and having the space under, will help them to cook right.

I believe it's a problem with the amount of noodles in the cup, if they are too much packed, they won't cook right.

Anyway, I'd advice on to avoiding eating them, they are not that healthy.

The perpetual profit growth cycle is one of the causes of this bullshit

Florida's Natural is the only orange juice left made with oranges from America. Keep them out of this you globalist kike. Fuck Brazil and their oranges.

who the fuck buys a 400Gram bar of chocolate?

>""Great"" Britain

bullshit. explain why frozen food are always full and didnt get crushed during transport

Man, would your little sand-ridden eyes pop out if I show you this?

You niggers need to eat less fucking sugar.

You can blame our fucking former party PT for that. Their party members spread Which's broom on purpose in the biggest cocoa region of the world (Recôncavo Baiano, at Bahia state) to destroy local elite, at the point that we had to import cocoa - now we are the 6th biggest producer, and Ivory Coast is the first. As baianos are cocksuckers, they elect this party until today and probably will vote en masse in Lula for 2018 REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

underrated post

>a literal faggot for a flag calls someone else faggots


Orange juice used to come in 64 oz containers. -7.81% loss of juice but the average consumer doesn't notice.

It obviously is, being premium and all.
Is it still good? I bought some for friends but not any for myself, has some last time like five years back.


It's the result of inflation of the money supply.

Blame the fed

I've eaten when I was in Belarus/Ukraine last April. Dehydrated squid is also god-tier.

Trump was a pretty good jew trick

>7 franks

When every other brand of hot dog has 8 in a package

jew detected


> invisible hand of the market

TB -> TiB

But havent you heard user? Libertarians are nazis for wanting to audit the fed

Plus its easy to mix up liberal stereotypes with them, very easy to manipulate the narrative

Anti semi-cooked-ist


If you want more chocolate just buy more. Diabetes isn’t a human right.

>Talking shit about Florida's OJ
Cali fags stay mad

Time for archive

Cheeky tactics.
930ml milk costs a tad cheaper, seems like a better deal but NO SUKA PRICIER PER 1L THAN AN ACTUAL 1L milk.
Ah, so it is still good.
>dehydrated squid
Absolutely divine snack. Addictive shit.

>Implying most of Brazilian oranges aren't owned by American farmers.

And the trick is - drug cannabis appeared only lately. And is used to justify ban on hemp fibers, so anglo can sell it`s cotton.
