The page has been updated several times in the past 24 hours. Keep on believing in S3. Apparently the ?????? in the previous source code is HARUHI. Current version is: HARUHI HP EDITOR ?.?
just stop.
they do this every year, since its the week the movie takes place, don't get your hopes up.
Also, the website hit counter is fake. Looking at the source code, we can see that two random numbers are appended to 00298. Refresh the page and the counter will go up and down.
>there are anons who will still fall for the pachinko meme
Zero hype this year, but hey, maybe something will happen soon.
It's on the anime. The cricket episode.
It's over Sup Forumsnon, let her rest.
Stop teasing me, I cum easily
Well, I toned it down in the last years.
Looks like there's a collaboration with some rpg
not-ant version
I cried when Mikuru cried in the hospital scene.
user I...
what why
do we really need another endless 8?
Haruhi is back everyone!
Let it go.
Haruhi thread
Oh, its gonna be just a Cafe.
One of the few AMV's I actually like.
HP = high-stakes pachinko
Did you watch it when it was new?
what does this even mean
Ok so tomorrow is mystery potluck day, right?
Yea. Also thanks to your post, I found out there's an HD version that was uploaded a few years ago.
Your beliefs are sadly wrong
Your video made me sad that I'll never be 16 and just fucking around again
More importantly the magic won't be captured again, no amount of remastering makes it nicer
Is the website purposely incomplete, meaning that it's missing some of its previous feats like the yukichan page?
I don't know which upsets me more, the fact that they keep doing this every year (please just stop with this cryptic bullshit in, or the fact that Haruhi (Aya) blatantly lied to us in that Youtube video that Lantis released before the Tanabata, where she said: "Prepare because the SOS Dan is doing a lot (A LOT) of things this year".
A lot... My ass.
You know what... no, either of them. The real pain in the ass here is that not even the 10th anniversary was enough to achieve something else with the franchise (new book, new anime)... so, the only conclusion is that Haruhi is fucking dead and buried. They never planned to do something but just to milk everything before everyone forgets about Haruhi. Just let it die you fucking jews. Shut down, and once for all, just retire yourself from writing Tanigawa
There are still ten days left in the year, you need to keep believing.
I'm honestly at the point of wishing Haruhi never existed.
Shut up, Kyon.
Read the LNs and discover that the anime is better than the source material
This better not be all they have prepared.
Getting rused each year is starting to take a toll. Maybe next year they'll go the route of Gainax West and make it all the worse.
Holy shit. This can't be real, right?
I still have hope, and I'll tell you why.
It's quite obvious that more Haruhi will sell. That Satelight thing is evidence of that, as are all of the bullshit tie-ins.
However, no one has been given permission to adapt more of the main series. Why?
Kadokawa likes making money. There are two reasons they wouldn't allow an adaptation to move forward:
1. Tanigawa is refusing to give permission
2. Kadokawa still believes that Tanigawa is writing a new book, and they want to time an anime with its release
Assuming Tanigawa isn't an asshole, 2. seems like the only logical explanation. Unless Haruhi hype really is dead, which I don't believe to be so.
You are now aware that Haruhi was an inspiration for some girls to start voice acting.
> Tanigawa is refusing to give permission
I don't think Tanigawa has the power to decide that. He is a mere "minion" in this matter.
I'd say if depends on him, the anime would have seen the light long time ago.
I would change your reasoning for:
> Kadokawa is refusing to give permission.
Not Tanigawa, not Kyoani, not because Aya is a slut, or Goto is sick, or the global warming, or Trump.
Nope, the only responsible is Kadokawa.
They're refusing because if they allow the anime to see the light, they won't have anything to promote the "possible" new novel Tanigawa should be writing (which I think he is doing, but a massive writer's block is stopping him to finish).
The positive point of view:
Tanigawa will overcome this writer's block and publish de novel one day, so Kadokawa will allow at the same the time the new season in order to promote the new novel.
The negative point of view:
Tanigawa abandoned Haruhi absolutely, and Kadokawa knows that, so they'll just sell false hopes in order to milk the franchise the maximum they can, and without saying anything people will simply forget about Haruhi through the years.
Whatever it is the reason, I can't help but blame Kadokawa because they just want to maximize the profit, that's because contrary to what everyone says I strongly believe that if there exist ONE SERIES that doesn't need almost any kind of promotion to sell is Haruhi.
Do you seriously believe that a new novel needs an anime to being promoted and sell better? Hell, NO. Not in a million years. Haruhi is so big, and it's still so big that both the anime or the novel are perfectly independent and can sell great without another format as support. (The main series, and with Kyoani treatment, not some mediocre spin-off)
But Kadokawa doesn't want, and I think that's because they're salty because Tanigawa is not advancing with the novel (which is also reproachable).
Both Kadokawa and Tanigawa have responsibility in the lack of a new season. But in a major scale Kadokawa.
café soon
That's not really surprising considering how much she was popular at that time.
Just let her go...
I'm gonna laugh
I should've known this would happen. This was announced way back on the 7th
>People still beliving in 3 season
Just stop doing this to yourself familia
Stop having hopes already. Each year is sadder than the last.
>your beliefs are wrong!!!
Sup Forums said that about Geass S3. Sup Forums said that about Full Metal Panic. Haruhi S3 will happen. Or at least a movie animated by KyoAni.
I still believe.
It might be shitty to see Haruhi abused in this way, but it's proof nonetheless that Kadokawa's not letting the franchise die.
>ywn see haruhi animated with kyoani's new hibike FluffFX
for fuck's sake, pray that ALS-kun is getting to see that in heaven
It's over. It's not happening.
It's done.
That's a cute Haruhi you have there.
Give up and you will not see S3 when Judgment Day comes.
Haruhism is dead.
We will never get another Haruhi novel because everyone is too hyped for it. Everyone wants it. No matter how much of a masterpiece it is, it will still fall far below everyone's expectations. No matter how great it is, everyone will say "I waited X years for this?"
And so, instead of tarnishing the name of Haruhi, Tanigawa will let Haruhi stagnate into obscurity, to where nobody even remembers it exists. He's already into nevereverland, he's just waiting for it to go so far into nevereverland that nobody even cares anymore, so nobody is disappointed.
I-I'll buy Haruhi.
How much do you want, Tanigawa?
Pachinko was two years ago.
at least we had fun...
is the LN series even finished yet?
Can someone explain why S3 will never happen without mentioning Aya Hirano since I do remember she participated in that recent Yuki is it fair to say it's dead if that is so recent?
>is the LN series even finished yet?
It's finished in the sense that its author apparently simply doesn't write anymore.
Considering the amount of money he has probably made off it, I doubt he'll ever need to write again to make a living. So unless he feels responsibility, it's stuck in limbo for good.
Rowling managed to deliver despite all the hype.
is there enough material for a new season?
Is the material as good as the first does it get better?
theres enough material for a new season + 2 movies probably.
There are some great arcs but none are as good as disappearance. Regardless, novels 10+11 would be great in movie form while the middle books (6-9) could be done in a season
The anime industry has long long since moved beyond the 2000's era of anime so I literally just don't see why it would suddenly come back even with the supposed Code Geass R3 thing on the way.
We're kind of stuck in this sea of shit and trends we have now that are dictated to us by big shot production committee conglomerates and everybody has such ungodly bad taste progammed into them by years of the stealth hype marketing practices of the industry that it's never picking up again either. Anime has kind of gone for being for that socially awkward yet imaginative sort of individual to just rock stupid shithead idiots of the kind that inhabit places like 2ch, Sup Forums and MAL and care about one or maybe two tropes and brand names that are actually people. Oh and shitposting, they fucking love them some shitposting.
the HL3 effect, why does this shit happen to every series I like
Remember that user that posted a huge rant the other day about how the love of Haruhi IS Season 3? Yeah, you guys could learn from that.
I didn't see that. Link?
This should be it