Hey Nazi filth, how you feel now? Jewish woman as the next Miss Germany. You fucking degenerates. How you feel?
Hey Nazi filth, how you feel now? Jewish woman as the next Miss Germany. You fucking degenerates. How you feel?
Indifferent. It's well known the Juden run Deutschland.
>calling all Sup Forumsacks nazis
tfw a leftcuck assumes your political alignment
Sage to you, ya shitposter.
>How you feel?
i feel like they should have at least put a blonde jewish woman or at least one that actually looks pretty
I feel something between 1 or 9
What does he mean in 0?
not surprised
The fuck is wrong with her delts and shoulder joints? Is this something genetic from generations in deathcamps?
Feels bad.
Jewish people's appearance is my one and only weakness. I can't bring myself to gas something so beautiful.
rollan rollan rollan rollan
Soyboy or woman, leftist kike sympathiser to boot.
Can we fuck her?
...to death.
Kinda hungry, but I can't fire up the oven because you'd call me antisemite
It means you see his weenus instead
Feels great desu
henry rollinz
All of these "Miss (Country)" contests seem blown out. I've seen hotter girls just living their lives than the ones who actually win these so called competitions.
Why are you trying to sound like a nigger?
I like rats too
the number is a nice touch
Good, the G**man menace must go.
>germany got BLACKED
>now KIKED too
We are aware they are allowing downs syndrome people to enter too....
Its just an inclusivity drive, you know like that tranny Isreali singer thing....
Seriously tho couldnt give a flying...
the sooner entertainment dies the quicker we can get some real education to the poor and mentally challenged
I hope this uncovered whore gets acid thrown at her.
You people are the niggers now.
Why are all Jewish women so disgusting.
>How you feel?
I feel like fucking her..
Just keep pushing.
Give them to me, then. Surely you wouldn't mind that.
Why are all you Nazis degenerate wanna be cucks? Who knows. I blame social engineering.
Thinks a piece of paper makes her subhuman blood german
The absolute state of mankind
>y-you're the nigger!
Dont you mean "eek eek ooo mofuggin bixnood!"?
How does it feel to be a degenerate; to know for a fact that society despises your existence? You'll never amount to anything. What does that feel like?
Why exactly is she not n jail behind bars where she belongs ?
Do u want to tell me, that men have to unite, form vigilante groups and take justice into their own hands, for there can there ever be justice for men in this femotoxic world ?
Do I look like a fucking mirror? I think you forgot your meme flag, faggot.
I am not a Nazi. Nazi or national socialists are nothing but common thieves demanding the government steal from the productive to give to the indolent. There's another group running around the US right now with the same problem. They call themselves social justice warriors aka SJW. SJW are just as cowardly as wannabe Nazis and also want socialism or communism.
goyim keep trying
I want her to ridicule me.
lol ok
isn't the rest of the world enough for you?
She’s ok looking but there’s certainly way prettier Jewish women out there. However her body is amazing.
I hope we get invaded by Best Korea and all military aged males leave the country.
ok trying this out
that'd actually be dope to watch
if doubles, it happens tomorrow
Lets see
She's ugly as fuck and you're retarded as fuck and probably even uglier.
Yeah, in some cases ad hominem attacks in place of arguments are okay, such as on posts this faggoty.
You obviously haven't been paying attention, Germany is getting flooded with arabs BECAUSE it has a kike problem.
gib bazoombas
Well it's not like German people exist anymore so...
Love Jewish women with Jewish noses.
100% serious.