/bng/ BLACK Nationalism General

This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.


This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Sup Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.
Continuing the last thread...

Other urls found in this thread:


>nigger nationalist
>posts a bunch of white women

I dont think you know what the word nation means Ja'marcus

Looks like a pack of heebs excited about how much this mandingo will fetch at market.



Because we are the BLACK BULL'S (pbuh) hammer, sword, spear, and shield. Our sole purpose is to create peace for our BLACK BROTHERS to live in a peaceful world free of genocide-o-matic subhuman wh*Tes.

We are willing to see our bones shattered and our flesh scorched, to see our loved ones die in the fires of war, to see our monuments toppled and our societies burn in nuclear fire. Just to see the end of wh*Tes.

I don't expect your pathetic brains to understand this, to understand the meaning of sacrifice. But we do, we are willing to see it all through for the sake of our BLACK brothers.



>black nationalism
>whites stay out
I sure hope you're in one of the 55 black supremacist/majority nations in africa with a like 99% nigger population, or you can piss right off. If so, go right ahead.



Black pride worldwide! KARA BOGA for whites women


There's nothing wrong with black nationalism as long as it's done in africa with their 55 black supremacist/majority nations they have there. I'm all for that!









>r-race w-war now...
>ohhh wait, we are already getting btfo by blacks HELP!


Can you cuck me?

Well SA doesn't count as a black nationalist nation since it was built from the ground up by white people and the niggers came from other places in africa later on. With all due respect.


Sup Forums should unironically be accelerating Black Nationalism

Huwhites and Blacks are ultimately working towards the same goals


Biggest threat to black men is other black men.
Learn2 not kill.

Retarded niggers


>wh*Tes STAY OUT
You're in a white site. YOU get out, NIGGER.
>black nationalism
Go back to Africa.

I have absolutely no problem with niggers having the same nationalism that whites have in their majority nations, they have a foundation for that in the entire continentin africa with 99% majority black populations and 55 nations. It would be nice if they could build something great there for themselves and have a good time there celebrating their own culture values and people.
What i have a problem with is when they want to do that in our nations instead. Because that's obviously and very clearly at the expense of our own. So yeah in that way we are interested in the same thing, we want to be with our own people and have our own culture values etc.



We should speak in our native black language so they can't understand us.

Click click whistle mbooda mbooda click click pop knock

God damn I can't even imagine the pleasure of that experience. He obviously does it a lot, I'm assuming for work. I wonder if it's dull at all to him now or just as fun as always? I have to presume the latter, it's not like sex gets old.

Whites vs Blacks past vs today.
Throughout history whites have always been a race of bloodthirsty psychopaths. They traveled all over the globe looking for land to claim, resources to steal and people to subjugate. They established empires based off of this exploitation of people of color. The industrial revolution allowed them to elevate themselves above the rest of the world in terms of living standards and to establish great armies which we saw clash in World Wars past. The pinnacle of the white man's war machine is the hydrogen bomb. Just one bomb could vaporise an entire city. At this point, it would be natural to assume that whites have won. People of color lost and if we ever tried to stop the white man and his evil ways, they would vaporise us in an instant. While this is true, the white man has a weakness and we have a weapon which is more powerful than any h-bomb could ever be if we use it correctly to exploit that weakness. This weakness is white guilt. The white man feels burdened by his atrocities committed against our people. He now shows a generous nature by letting us live in his prosperous nations. At a glance, it seems as if all is well and we have been repaid for sins committed against our people but the reality is: people of color are not treated as equals in the white man's land. If we were ever to stand up for ourselves, we would face police brutality and an unfair trial. This is negated by our ultimate weapon: BBC. Big black cock is so superior to the white man's pudgy little dough dick. Once the white woman tastes BBC, she will crave it as she would cigarettes. More and more white women are choosing to breed with BBC everyday. BBC destroys empires from within more than any h-bomb ever could. I laugh at you white man. Build the ultimate war machine all you want. Be like America and waste all of your money on war. At the end of the day, you will lose to us and our ultimate biological weapon.



See that's the thing, the last time this debate really kicked off in Burgerland was during the 60's, where you had two camps divided by both ideological and racial lines:
>separatists (Rockwell, Malcolm X)
>I Have A Dream crowd

The latter won, and the US attempted to form an integrated whole as a population. 50 years on, it doesn't appear to have worked, so now they're retracing the same ground.

If Blacks really want to get somewhere, they'll need their own nation to sort out their own affairs. I'd actually like to see any black Sup Forumsacks sow the seeds for a new Black Nationalism that picks up where Malcolm X left off, and push for a black ethnostate

It might be strange for a nigger to hear coming from a white nationalists. But i would love for a nigger to be happy in africa with 55 99% black nations having a great time with their own people culture and values.

>BBC destroys empires from within more than any h-bomb ever could


My contribution to this thread, a little reality.
Niggers: sold as slaves in 2017.

Is this some kind of torture?

>If Blacks really want to get somewhere, they'll need their own nation to sort out their own affairs.
The foundation of a nation is that it is governed by a majority ethnicity that informs the culture values traditions behaviour etc. (this is what blood and soil is all about) Blacks can't get what they so want unless they go to africa and make something of it! When they try to do this in our nations instead, they just fuck up our desire for the same for our people. Which is ofcourse blatantly and completely unfair.


They tried that with Liberia

It went poorly

>in all fields

Nigs be nogging

how can you have black nationalism when you never did anything of worth that wasnt a direct order?



>They tried that with Liberia
>It went poorly
Well that was clearly a mistake but it was also obvious why. The liberian expatriates didn't assimilate, no what the expatriated american negros did was went to liberia and enslaved the native liberian niggers to achieve power and control and domination. Eventually the native liberians rebelled against this and it turned into a massive nigger civil war.
What should have happened instead was that the american negros ASSIMILATE back into the african nations. Not do some kind of colonialism which was what the expatriate did instead in liberia.
If that is done then the same won't occur. It's easy for blacks to assimilate with other blacks because they belong together, just have to identify where the american negroes originally came from and send them directly back to those particular nations.
Also if they don't want to do that, another arrangement can be made. There are 55 african nations in africa. So you could carve out an independent african nation to make a 56th african nation and put all the american negros there to practice their black nationalism.

Soo... youre retarded, delusional, self-destructive supremacist assholes? Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. You deserve the same respect you show everyone else: none.

fuck of nigger


"Muh dick"

Just take a look to america, compare... The black president vs the white cracker.
Americans today wake up everyday afraid of war, economic collapse. This shows us why blacks are the best leaders.
Even putin feared obama because he knows that obama could use africans to conquest russia. Soon Russia and all other powerful countries will have black leaders.

>all this thread


>blacks are the best leaders
Ok now you're just trolling my friend, see i actually would like a successfull black nationalism in africa, but you just want to troll and go
>muh huwhite women
If you want to see a potentially effective way for negros in the us to get the black nationalism some of them want go see this. But if you want to keep trolling then just ignore it and continue as usual.

No-one cares, nigger. And your sliding isn't working, because I'm also posting in more important threads in other tabs.


Lol, black people don't give a shit about each other. They are too busy making sure they keep each other in line for the jews.

>black nationalism
>has nothing but white women
It’s almost like those sheboons are hideous enough to incentivize disgust even from their own race

The black man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The black man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man.

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The black penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the black man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the black man impregnates.

In total, the black man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the black man is the epitome of masculinity and male dominance.

as a white guy, Where do I find women who love black guys ?

Your pasta has gotten stale, Yağız

>some faggot actually bothered hard enough to find enough pictures of naked black males with their dicks out to make this collage

fuck many white women as possible but make sure that you cum inside their vagina, KARA BOGA

Man, this pic is gay.

these are micro penis blacks and even micro penis blacks are medium sized compared to whites


phoneposting fag

>ask the mods to keep trolls out
That's not how it works breh

I've never seen a single confirmed instance of a black man posting on Sup Forums.

Any of the "proud blacks" in this thread feel free to prove me wrong.

Otherwise I'm calling bullshit and this thread is full of white spergs LARPing

Being black? I'd guess

Look at this negro's face. Absolute pleasure. She cant wait for the white man to do what he has done for centuries to the lesser races, fill her up with his valuable seed. LOOK AT HER FACE NIGGER, LOOK AT HER FACE. SHE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THE WHITE SEED. YOU AREN'T BREEDING US AWAY, WE ARE BREEDING YOU AWAY

Shit pasta. Try harder, Shlomo!

The best way to defeat white supremacy is through the white woman.



Eat shit, nigger. This isn't your board, you are not free to do as you please.

Trips of truth! And I think he's a kike.

>The best way to defeat white supremacy is through the white woman.
Why do you want to defeat white nationalism? We are a global minority but have always done well for ourselves, and everyone else has their nationalism and people in their nations with like 98% or so of their own people there.
White supremacy as a term is bullshit in the first place, it should be called white nationalism or simply whites being majority in their own nations.
Ironically white people just want to be majority and for the most part left alone in their own nations and what we want for our people is the same we wish for everyone else. And is something the rest of the world still has but which we are currently losing with this mass immigration bullshit.
I know you people are shitposting but what we want is not unreasonable at all and the truth is that it is YOU who is being unreasonable by insisting that we can't have what you fucking already have back in your original nations.
So you should think about that a little bit!

Pathetic white bois open your fucking eyes. The world will be ruled by the blacks! America now is a mixed country soon will be a black country. Europe is importing everyday more africans to breed their women. The biology already dictates, blacks are the evolution!

The outcome is sadly the same : races mixed mongrels. It might be ok for blacks since they're seemingly inferiors but it's a shame for white peoples.


Im talking about white dominance in the u.s and north america more or less, not necessarily europe as i believe thats a white continent amd should remain as one.

The pic says all!

He's a turkroach larping as nigger.


Brother wh*Tes ain't human, they're subhumans.


Future of the wh*Te race.


Fuck, I've just figured out how to fix Africa

>export fat degenerate white women from Western countries
>black men marry them
>produce sturdy mulatto offspring
>meanwhile increase the number of chinese men going to africa
>they marry african women
>produce intelligent mulatto offspring

There you go, all done


Hahahaha sjw betas cucked! BASED.

