Is Shana hot?
Is Shana hot?
No. Next question?
>Even Earth's magma core is just a warm dip for her
Oh god, yes, Shana is hot.
How come?
Yes, she is.
Only in her regular form, though. She looks cool and pretty in her red-haired form, but not as fuckable.
Also, Shana might have been hotter in season 1 when she was still intense and angry. By the third season she's become a docile nice girl. Great character development, but maybe not as hot.
JOINT > triangle = Hishoku no Sora = Serment > Light My Fire > being = Koubou = Akai Namida = Portamento > Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo = ONE > All in Good Time = Tenjou wo Kakeru Monotachi > I'll believe = u/n > sense > Aka no Seijaku > BLAZE > Prophecy > Sociometry
Are you a rare person who likes season 2?
Yes. Season 2 had the best OP and ED of the entire series in JOINT and triangle.
I loved season 2. It doesn't deserve to be the black sheep :(
Shana is very hot, yes.
What I'm still upset about to this day is that the show's singer retired. Yeah I know she's been in the industry for 15 years but she still had a lot of potential in her and she could have still continued singing. She didn't even get to go to an event in my country, or to AFA.
Shana is hot
Louise is sexy
Nagi is beautiful
Taiga is pretty cute I guess
and Aria is the perfect combination of them all.
Louise and Aria exist for anal sex only.
Shana is the one with an anal sex doujin, though.
You would fucking know too, wouldn't you.
It's just that I was looking for Shana doujins back in the day and I happened to have stumbled across one given that it was translated. It's weird how the show was popular but it got relatively few doujins compared to other shows of its stature.
>tfw someone on Sup Forums called me "old" once because I was a senior in high school when Shana 1 aired
Surely you jest
We've all been there.
>Shana Second will turn 10 years old next year
>JOINT will be 10 years ago next year
>Its singer won't be around to celebrate
It hurts.
Hurry up and kidnap her already, I'm sick of your moaning.
>S1: interesting premise, complex characters, great world building
>S2: more characters, turns into slice of life with school antics during the day and fighting at night, antagonist group kept doing shit and leaving like team rocket, fucking obvious that was Hayate
>S3: stuck like 52 episodes in 26 episodes, meh reason for MC to defect, at least that useless kid got laid by his teacher
Are you turning 10 next year?
I like to pretend it never existed, honestly.
It's true, I really was a 12th grader during the 2005-2006 school year.
>2005-2006 school year.
But that's two years you baka.
What do you mean? I already went to her final concert and she has never appeared in public since then so I already accept I'll never see her again.
Just do it faggot. Don't you wanna see her everyday?
That's creepy and I'd be arrested by the police.
I did have fantasies of marrying her but those were just fantasies and I know they'll never happen.
>I'd be arrested by the police
Only if your caught.
Just take her man, it'd be easy. No one would notice, like you said: she hasn't been seen in public since.
Light My Fire > JOINT = Hishoku no Sora > I`ll Believe = Yoake Umarekuru Shoujo > being = BLAZE = Serment > Triangle > Prophecy > Sociometry = sense > One > Tenjou wo Kakeru Monotachi = Akai Namida > Portamento > Koubou > u/n > Aka no Seijaku > All in Good Time
Urge to rewatch S3 rising.
>wanting to rewatch the season where Shana is deredere without a drop of tsun
she's literally perfect yes
Implying season 1 OP 1 isn't GOAT
That's how tsunderes were back then. Someone post the chart.
Easier said than done. 1. I don't live in Japan, and 2. I don't even know where in Sapporo does she live.
Sapporo is a good beer
Back then? Season 3 was only 2011 and 2012, you silly goose.
Seriously though if I were a millionaire I would have paid her to come to a private event and I would even personally tour her around the Philippines. Now she's gone Thailand and Malaysia are the only SEA countries she'll ever go to.
this is advance retard right here
cute loli/10
Well I guess you could say she's on fire
I would light her fire if you know what I mean.
>tfw I realize that I've rewatched this series more than any other anime I ever saw
Now I feel like rewatching it again.
I want to fuck Shana
I want to _hug Shana and her show's singer.
I feel sad for you
Why? What's the matter?
>meh reason for MC to defect
I'd say "solving the entirety of the main conflict behind the story" is a pretty damn good reason.