Honest question

How many of you:
>browse reddit
>come from reddit
>come from /r/thedonald
>hate reddit

just curious, and there's this FBI form I need to fill for this month's demographic study, so I might as well ask directly

I'm FBI on proxy, desu



>started on Sup Forums years ago
>watch people whine about reddit
>wtf is reddit?
>check it out
>now i use both

Why does the FBI use Argentinian proxies?

>browse reddit
I unironicaly browse
For competitive games vods and roster changes.
Fite me

black ops

They got skills at deceiving people they are white

The only thing i've ever done on reddit was read stories on /r/askreddit but everything else is just complete ass. Any Sup Forumsacks from T_D need to go back unironically right now

>complete normie
>Haha what's a Reddit?
>Start using it
>Get annoyed with hivemind and how everyone is basically a commie
>Get annoyed that the only non commie subreddits were retarded like r/incels and r/the Donald
>Ooh what's a Sup Forums
>Get on Sup Forums
>Cool I can call anyone a fag and it's all cool
Op is a fag