How many of you:
>browse reddit
>come from reddit
>come from /r/thedonald
>hate reddit
just curious, and there's this FBI form I need to fill for this month's demographic study, so I might as well ask directly
How many of you:
>browse reddit
>come from reddit
>come from /r/thedonald
>hate reddit
just curious, and there's this FBI form I need to fill for this month's demographic study, so I might as well ask directly
I'm FBI on proxy, desu
>started on Sup Forums years ago
>watch people whine about reddit
>wtf is reddit?
>check it out
>now i use both
Why does the FBI use Argentinian proxies?
>browse reddit
I unironicaly browse
For competitive games vods and roster changes.
Fite me
black ops
They got skills at deceiving people they are white
The only thing i've ever done on reddit was read stories on /r/askreddit but everything else is just complete ass. Any Sup Forumsacks from T_D need to go back unironically right now
>complete normie
>Haha what's a Reddit?
>Start using it
>Get annoyed with hivemind and how everyone is basically a commie
>Get annoyed that the only non commie subreddits were retarded like r/incels and r/the Donald
>Ooh what's a Sup Forums
>Get on Sup Forums
>Cool I can call anyone a fag and it's all cool
Op is a fag
I don't know how reddit works and overall it has poor interface\design
Do you guys glow in the dark as well?
You have to go back.
the default is to hate leddit
that being said i only go there if i need specific info on something since it's easier to find than here
>Op is a fag
w-why? It's the hat, isn't it? it was on sale
we glow in the light
reading comprenhension please
Literally have never been there but for once when was searching fro Kartum vendors. Certainly never "signed up" or made an account. At first, it wasn't even something I did on purpose, I just refuse to give the Jews any info. But over past 3 years, have realized what cancer leedit is with all their "derp" and /ourgoy/? (which was NEVER a Sup Forums meme but newfags still use it). People cannot come here from there without a long time lurking or they spread their cancer there.
KiA has good discussions and bant. Some faggots from here regular there. The only bright part desu
Used to browse /r/altright now I pretty much only go on for /r/milliondollarextreme
I used to browse /r/altright too. I browsed Sup Forums way before that though. Still, that place was comfy.
I guess you could say I browse it because occasionally I use Reddit's search. I don't have an account and I don't care for specific subreddits.
For me Sup Forums came first in 2008. I didn't even know about Reddit back then. I heard bad stuff about r/thedonald on Sup Forums but generally I don't hate Reddit. Sometimes it's a means to an end.
I posted on reddit once, half a decade ago. Still regret it.
Came here from funnyjunk back in 2008. Reddit users are the scum of the internet
I came from /r/theredpill and /r/darkenlightenment, then /r/the_donald. Before that I posted on SomethingAwful before it got overrun by sjws, and yeah I fucking hate reddit.
I go on the Opie and anthony reddit every once in a while and also its nice for looking up sexy pics of famous chicks
Been here since 05. Checked Reddit out to see what all the fuss was about and occasional old-school r8ds but that's it. Utterly detest when their cancer is brought here.