Akame ga Kill
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So does Tatsumi get dumped?
I'm happy with this ending :)
we're at the end
Dragon cock for mein. Those are tears of joy.
Where is Wave and Kurome?
>Tatsumi is a badass looking dragon now
I'm actually kind of okay with this.
Bestiality end confirmed.
So Tatsumi is a monster and Mein is a cripple now? Dropped.
Guess who dies. :^)
Good riddance
Fucking hell, the same as the anime.
Literally identical to the anime. At least her transformation was sexy.
Oh yes happy ending for them.
Is Akame really all alone on the fucking boat?
Fuck this shit.
Nice boat.
how the fuck did they have a child
What the fuck?
Fucking expected.
Pirate akame ?
Last chapter?
Yeah right. Because she just accepts her husbando looking like some dragon freak like that.
>not being the best everyone should aim for
Is that the Blue Eyes White Dragon?
What is this supposed to be? Does Kurome still die from teigu aids after all?
What on earth are those black things?
Kurome had been using hard drugs regularly since her early teens, she was going to die from them any way.
the fuck? this fucking sucks. This whole ride fucking sucked man it is almost as bad as the fucking anime
This manga is so fucking stupid
Glad it's over. Hope this hack never gets another "popular" series.
Is the series not as popular as it used to be? I remember a shitstorm of threads when Chelsea died in the Manga. Obligatory threads for the anime when it was airing, but I don't see many threads for the manga post-anime airing.
You know it isn't a Red-Eyes Black Dragon because it stuck around to raise the family.
>not enjoying reptile husbando
So dragonoid tatsumi?
Ahegao in every thrust
Where does this leave Wave?
JoBudou getting hyped and then rekt solo by Mine ruined the series.
>Is the series not as popular as it used to be?
>I don't see many threads for the manga post-anime airing.
>Hello friends, I need a (You) to confirm the obvious.
Please kill yourself.
When were you under the impression that they found a cure?
Under the nice boat.
poor erza mom, she was in the wrong manga...
Were you not there for the whole Jobber arc? The threads exploded every chapter. The Anime kinda ruined it.
I ask myself that same question everytime I see footage of those fucking migrants coming into my country.
The threads were still active after that though. Wild Hunt getting swept under the rug was what killed the threads.
So Akame isnt completely alone
>That one guy who waifu'd kurome
I wonder how he's reacting to this.
Best boy being bullied and then killed and Jobudo ruined the manga.
Raws when/where?
Sleep tight kitty-cat. But now what? Are they gonna kill akame's sister just like in anime?
What about Wave though?
>could seek help, heal up, spend her life drinking and fucking shotas
>just kinda gives up
Glad to know that the retardation in the manga is at least consistent.
So the only differences really are that Ran dies and Tatsumi become the dragon instead of dying?
Wow this comment went full retard.
Wait, does that say they had a fucking kid? What the fuck. Wouldn't the kid be half-murder dragon?
This is the last chapter right? So as long as I dont see a page where there is a dead Kurome in it she is ok im my book.
Then fuck you Takahiro if that is true.
captcha - hell, figures.
It is true
You have the full chapter?
There once was an assassin called Akame, who was king of the pirates!
>It tells that they had a kid
In what way? If it's the same way as the anime, it's stupid.
Unless in the manga it was somewhat fatal, but she still had time to change and just leave without even seeing the Teigu doctor.
Only good girl in the manga.
You like a series that is literal garbage. You have no right to comment on taste.
Dragon Dildos
Akame is so beautiful.
>they had a kid
Meins pussy is offcial a gaping cavern.
Wouldn't his cock be the size of a human arm below the elbow or something? It'd be basically fisting.
Fuck off.
Must've made it easier to push the kid out, no way it was bigger than the thing that went in.
Yes. Then he will be together with Akame for the rest of his life.
I think judging something without context is dumb. But maybe that's just me.
You'd be surprised what people can fit in themselves if they try.
looks like i win Sup Forums
Just waiting for doujins now...
greatest love story of 2016
What the fuck is this shit?
Where are those imbeciles claiming shit about the church bullshit miracle?
Leone stayed dead.
Kurome dies too.
Ah but fucking Mine can't get pregnant of a beast.
Where is my boy Wave?
Shit manga.
Nice bittersweet ending.
Thank god it's finally over though.
But it says there they had a child.
>Under the nice boat.
You cheeky cunt carlos I see what you did there.
Yeah this has been 5 year long trainwreck. thank fuck it's finally over.
>Where is my boy Wave?
He is dead too. Everyone is dead but Akame.
Fuck this cancerous trash manga.
Korean scans
Really makes you think
Whole ending redeemed
>Everyone is dead but Akame
And Mine and Tatsumi, they have a happy, interspecies family.
Good. She deserves it.
Oh, they didn't fuck in dragon form. They had sex the night before Tatsumi went into the capitol.
It seems they really found the hot springs and both Akame and Kurome used it.
>even the fusion wasn't enough to completely heal being ripped in half
>doesn't seek help from doctor with a Teigu that could help her
>just goes out for a final party
Best girl, stupidest girl.
Weak series
Weak plot
Weak characters
Weak ending
Fuck this