In the end, was it good?

In the end, was it good?


It was enjoyable until Soul Society. After that arc was done, it went to shit.

There was a time when it was actually good, yes.

The last 3 years or so were complete shit.

It was a fun ride.

In hindsight:
Start was good.
Parts of Soul Society were good.
Almost everything until Deicide was between meh and mediocre.
Everything past that was trash.


I dropped it sometime after the last arc went in full swing.

So what were Isshin's and Aizen's bankais?

I finished it out of a sense of obligation after following it for so long. After the finale, I was well aware that my time had been wasted. I wash my hands of this trainwreck.

We never found out lol

Nah. It was always decent to mediocre.
I mean, Ichigo was like the most boring, clueless, goalless, vapid, empty self insert character I've seen.

No goals, no desires, nothing.He had originally this punk motif, but he wasnt a rebel, nor - anything.

And if the MC is boring, the series gets boring right quick for me.

It was good up until about the point Ichigo rescued Rukia off the cross. After around that point the series went to shit.

So basically 1/5th of it was good. Everything else was complete shit.


I'm trying to think of a Jump series worse than Bleach

I guess there's Prince of Tennis
Maybe that comical Tarzan comic
That one with the orange haired dude that plays the flute

That's about all that comes to mind, though

No and kubo is a fuck joke the guy doesn't like his fan at all.

Bleach was poorly written but the characters were still more enjoyable than a lot of shit


Their bankai was not appearing in the ending.

Should've ended at this moment.

Then it would've been slightly more satisfying to me than KH Reborn's ending (which is quite a low bar to set).

If you enjoyed it, it was. That's all that matters, in the end.

if i enjoy shit does it make it good?

Both are subjective qualitites, so yes.

Yes? Is that even a real question?

>It was enjoyable until Soul Society.
This fucking meme needs to go already.

>it was enjoyable after Soul Society
This fucking meme is deader than Soul Society.

You better send my dead body to space, because otherwise the salt will render all earth uninhabitable.

Kubo killed it out of spite

Probably he's still mad about Zombie Powder.



i like aizen as a villain, too bad his arcs were bad

Due to Bleach's length of time, a weekly shounen running for 15 years, and Kubo's concentration on design more than plot or dialogue

Bleach has more dropped plot points
more blackholes of plot
more cliffhangers
more retcons
more contradictions
more internal inconsistencies
more hypocrisy

than any other manga. And it took itself seriously.

Personal judgment across ALL MANGA EVER, it's a fantastic manga. Get some good scans of the whole story, you'll appreciate it.
Personal judgment across shounen, one of the better ones.
Personal judgment OF Bleach itself? Thoroughly disappointing (fan since about chapter 6, so, a long time). It had a great premise and crew in the beginning. Soul Society was a huge leap forward in content, but as soon as they got there you could tell was going to nowhere fast and by the time Byakuya was able to achieve a Bankai halfway through, it was proven. The rest became "what's Kubo up to this week" and "that's a new character, wonder what their impossible power is."

Overall for manga 7/10 decent action comic.
Personal 5/10 I liked the characters but beyond the start, it went nowhere and become convoluted.

err, Renji. But you knew.

You can say whatever you want, but it was far from boring, i honestly miss being Kubo'd

It was a good train wreck, but stop over valuing it. Your own opinion is the proper critical analysis. Kubo may have enjoyable characters and designs but it was obvious as fuck he had no idea how to reuse them in a significant way. By this principle alone many people dropped it and consider it mediocre compared to other jump series, especially among the big 3. Kubo struggled hard and couldn't keep the pace, especially becoming apparent for the deluded when Naruto finished up and it's current arc was so far down the bottom for Japanese reader lists.

Wow. I can't believe Aizen tricked so many people. Are so many people under the impression that Bleach is over?


So this is the song she was referring to in the beginning of the Fullbring arc.

Not really.