What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

What are you talking about? He's literally perfect.

one trick pony




Most perverted man alive.

He's homosexual
He's a bit autistic
He's depressed sometimes not very often especially now
He tries to milk the franchise that shouldn't even exist (I still find the idea of Eva being a franchise laughable)
He turned it into a franchise in the first place
He's greedy

>a bit

Is Anno in my mind different from Anno in your mind? Is there even a real Anno?

>create an anime that is supposed to help weaboos stop being weaboos and get them out into the real world so they can talk to real people
>instead almost everyone who watches it completely misses the point of it, and decides to further embrace the otaku culture you wanted them to break away from
I'd be pretty upset too

When, exactly, did this word lose all meaning?