I lost my folder with all my muslim redpills
Like Quran texts asking for genocide and all that other shit
fill me up boyo's
I lost my folder with all my muslim redpills
Like Quran texts asking for genocide and all that other shit
fill me up boyo's
>fill me up boyo's
pic related.
those kinds of excerpts aren't really meaningful given that most religious texts say really insane shit
instead show people the results of the Pew insitute research on mudslime political opinions. much more enlightening
Islam is the light
>given that most religious texts say really insane shit
Where does it say in the New Testament to kill non-Christians?
I need some stuff about that beating your wife is A-Ok there
It's white supremacy at its best.
I don't know if it does, but that's also not something I've claimed.
but a quick search yields examples like
Wait, wrong pic
You want a real red pill? Just watch the videos these guys make on Islam.
Thats wahabbism not Islam lmfaoooo last time I read the quran I didnt read anything about 72 virgins I was upset :(
As a former mozlem and a current anti-theist nihilist, I think it’s safe to say that i know how mozlems think, and i know for a fact that criticising the verses won’t won’t make them see how ridiculous their religion is. They’ll revert to the context of the verses and claim that you have no idea what you’re talking about. They’ll adhoc their way out of it. The only way to go about this is to logically explain to them the fallacies of their religion, because their ideology, just like every Abrahamic ideology, is irrefutable, as anything is that is based on faith alone.
>masters in law
>writes like that
Sensible Chuckle.wav
I’m not jewish if that’s what you’re asking. I’m arab.
You're an honorary Jew.
no thanks mohamed we don't want to be allied with subhuman hybrid-niggers.
eat shit.
Islam is the face of Terror that we all need to recognize fast because it's infiltrating our home under the guise of religion and it's terrible and we need to do something about it
Fuck off you dirty shitstain.
the picture on the right isnt the west, those are european phone numbers on the window/door u fuck stick
Haha rot in hell faggot
Remember to dump all your redpills in the CBTS to force the schizophrenic boomer cunts out:
Every CBTS is now a redpilling thread.
We must prevent Islam from changing our superior western culture!
Proud to be British!