Americans literally have the same kind of health care system for humans as they do pets.
Fucking lol.
Americans literally have the same kind of health care system for humans as they do pets.
Fucking lol.
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What? Good care but expensive as fuck?
That is cause we are civilized m8. Ask your emu overlords if you can build a veterinary clinic
That's because Americans see their citizens as disposable. Stick the old in care homes and funnel out the rest of their money, let the sick just die and no more funding for meals on wheels but you need another aircraft carrier.
A dog has more intrinsic value to me than your pathetic life.
At least we can call a male he and female she.
Especially an Aussie life
We have great vets though. I don't have health insurance, so when I have a problem I take my dog to the vet and tell them he's sick and describe my symptoms.
The medicines for dogs are way cheaper too. I get heartburn medicine for like $50 a year.
Except vetinary care is actually affordable without insurance because the government doesn't fuck it up with bullshit regulations and subsidies
chinks are slowly colonizing australia soon you cucks will see dogs slaughter house. Aussies are bunch of cucks
You're the type of crazy cunts to drop $20k on treatment for a 10 year old dog that would rather just die than go through all that shit and have horrible quality of life post surgery, but you're too much of a selfish pussy to let your dog go.
Vets get rich off suckers like you.
A dog has more intrinsic value to me than your pathetic life.
And yet or country, like all NATO countries, is our vassal.
I personally wouldn't spend more than 2 grand on my dogs, I have actually shot 2 of my dogs in my life because the treatment was too expensive. But if someone wants to spend 20k on their pet that is their right.
You can learn a lot from a nation based on how they treat their animals.
More like , Muh emu overlords
Well to be fair Australia is pretty much a Chinese colony
Australian born animals have the same health care system as human beings in the United States.
Let that sink in to your Amerifat brain for a moment.
Gonna need a citation on this one
Mullato goblin is not an argument.
If I get sick I goto the doctor and get free treatment.
If my dog gets sick I need to have pet insurance for the dog, or pay a huge amount for treatment, or the vet wont do anything.
>So then everyone should buy pet insurance!!!
Mericunt logic.
what are your taxes for then?
There's ACTUALLY a prison system in California just for vicious dogs, I discovered on day while hitchhiking in California!!!
>health insurance
>fee for services rendered
I wish the US medical cartel worked like veterinary medicine. You pay for what you get, you know the cost, affordable. Veterinarian Rx are cheaper than human meds even for the exact same meditation. Laser eye surgery and cosmetic surgery also run fee for service even if they are over regulated. However, the normal process in medicine, is you come in for an ailment, the doctor does stuff, neither one of you have any idea how much this costs, bill gets padded, extra unnecessary test run, extra meds, just in case cuz muh liability (((insurance))). Bill is sent to private insurance or the government. Profit. It is like going into a 5 star restaurant and paying McDonald's happy meal copays for all you can eat. This, and there is no health in "Healthcare". Fat people with beatis are never made thin healthy people. We just give them drugs, an electric scooter, and dialysis because health insurance and Medicaid doesn't pay to make you thin, they pay to treat disease.
Dear Canadia, military dollars aren't all poorly spent. 99.9% certain would also rescue a doggo.