I am yet to see a nigger programmer.
>Seen many white programmers.
>World is filled with Indian programmers.
>Asian programmers are probably the best.
>Never seen a nigger on a computer writing a string of code.
Have you?
Nigger programmer
Other urls found in this thread:
no i know a decent storage guy who is a nog tho
they run fast tho
Pro tip: They can't
Only ones you will see are diversity hires.
They exist, just not common. I know one that’s porting the entire code of Metroid prime to C++ to make a PC port
I've met two black programmers, so far. You've seriously never met any? Do you even program?
I have a nigger friend that is a code monkey but he is not pure black but a light skinned negro. Like Obama.
indians are niggers
>>Asian programmers are probably the best
Are you serious? I've only known one and he just copied all his code. He was even being sued for stealing IP.
>You've seriously never met any? Do you even program?
Not everyone lives in niggerland user.
I live in fucking Brazil and i study software engineering, despite quotas negroes are rare on my classes and non existent on the workplaces i visited
>i've only know one
there's your problem cherrypicker
You need a certain level of abstract thinking. The 80 IQ average of the african doesn't cut it and diversity hires can't fake their way through it.
Bash was written by a nigger but you probably don't even know what that is because you're a pajeet that probably only shits out code in C# and Java targeted at shit platforms like Windows
I've honestly not met a lot of programmers
Imagine niggers programing in their own language (pic related)
kek i worked with a diversity hire that didnt even speak proper norwegian after 15 years in norway
i figure 20% of our time went into buffering her incompetence
nuffin' quickSort( numbah[], numbah, numbah);
numbah partition( numbah[], numbah, numbah);
nuffin' main()
{numbah a[] iz 'bout { 7, 12, 1, -2, 0, 15, 4, 11, 9};
numbah i;
sayin'("\n\nUnsorted array is: ");
fo'(i iz 'bout 0; i lowkey 9; ++i)
sayin'(" %d ", a[i]);
quickSort( a, 0, 8);
sayin'("\n\nSorted array is: ");
fo'(i iz 'bout 0; i lowkey 9; ++i)
sayin'(" %d ", a[i]);}
nuffin' quickSort( numbah a[], numbah l, numbah r)
{numbah j;
if( l lowkey r ) {
j iz 'bout partition( a, l, r);
quickSort( a, l, j-1);
quickSort( a, j+1, r);}
numbah partition( numbah a[], numbah l, numbah r) {
numbah pivot, i, j, t;
pivot iz 'bout a[l];
i iz 'bout l; j iz 'bout r+1;
'till( 1)
do ++i; 'till( a[i] 'bout lowah pivot cuz i 'bout lowah r );
do --j; 'till( a[j] hikey pivot );
if( i 'bout highah j ) HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT;
t iz 'bout a[i]; a[i] iz 'bout a[j]; a[j] iz 'bout t;
t iz 'bout a[l]; a[l] iz 'bout a[j]; a[j] iz 'bout t;
steal j;
JiveSort. Beautiful, I'll show this to my boss for use in our next project
Here in the U.S., black programmers are not common, but they do exist. My sister is dating one, actually. Oh gawd, what have I told /pol?
Fuck they are real.
But they're like unicorns. I knew one guy who was a rocket scientist but they're rare as fuck.
Most programmers are white.
>Never seen a nigger on a computer writing a string of code.
Programming is pretty much the soyboy job, you won't see niggers doing it.
6 years+ experience, coded for 2 companies and one university
never seen a black write code. in case of the companies, to be honest i haven't even seen a black get into the damn building. With the university i can't be sure there wasn't at least one of them participating in the courses.
All that racism must be at work (hue!) to keep them out.
I've only seen niggers stealing computers and selling them. I haven't even seen them use computers much outside of that to be honest. Weird!
Yea some black guys in my cs program at school
Niggers can't into abstract thinking
Yeah I always imagined all black programmers as government defense contractor employees where diversity hires are a real thing. But it really surprised me when one of my favorite and most used pieces of free software was written by a black guy
Haven't even seen a decent female programmer tbqh. Some of the professors here at my university are female. But I've never seen one in the workplace. Most are asian chicks who can't code for shit and even when I was working at a startup the one asian chick was an artist, the only one in the whole incubator.
ty I will use this as my best coding sample for future employees to follow. If they can explain this, there isn't anything they couldn't achieve with my wife.
I work with one. He's actually really good. Our woman programmer just got back from 6 months of maternity leave and has kinda forgotten a lot of her job
When I was in programming school there were several kids from Barbados
>fo'(i iz 'bout 0; i lowkey 9; ++i)
jesus christ user
>there's your problem cherrypicker
I could also mention the gooks I saw at the University who could never finish the labs, and ended up just copying a completed assignment from last year.
Yes, and he was a genius level AI engineer
But I can't think of any others outside glorified tech support roles
I know quite a few nogs who write much better code than poo in loo pajeets
Kek me too
That reminds me, my computer science teacher in high school was black, he had a funny way of talking and called everyone "Home Biscut", ended up being a teacher's assistant to him, great guy.
But he could code.
>Asian programmers are the best.
Lol no, they are mediocre at best.
I know two competent gals working in DBA and IT Security. I believe the place i work for atm also has a talented Indian female coder, but i don't have personal experience working with her as of yet
T. Zhou Ming
>Yeah I always imagined all black programmers as government defense contractor employees
I've worked there. There were MEs, EEs, CSs, but not a single nigger anywhere .
I've worked with a ton of women programmers, about 30% are really good. About 20% are braindead, and the rest are braindead but also obsessed with women in tech issues and talk about their oppression all the time before going off to their lgbtq+ alliance meetings.
I've only worked with two black male programmers, one was actually a genius, both were great to work with.
Here in the states IT is restricted to men only it seems. I've never seen a female in any IT department.
thats what project managers are for
Is this Mr Franklyn at MHS? Is that you Calvin? I can't imagine there are so many black CS HS teachers.
Nah I can't remember his name, but that's not him. It was at a suburban school near D.C.
It is stereotype.
for example this guy has written pretty much good article
Pretty much the same here. The cited examples are from a sample size of several hundred.
back at uni, one of the old female profs used to tell us how IT used to be a women's field with a minority of men.
Having learned about what IT was a few decades ago, i think that's largely due to the evolution of skill requirements. Even at the low levels, much more individual problem solving competency is required. There's no longer a place for people who "just shut up and type this stack of shit fast to get it into the computer"
There are even black female programmers. Just like there are black female mathematicians. What was the point of the thread again? Yes, we know blacks on average have the lowest IQ of all races. It still doesn't mean there aren't any blacks who can program.
>asian programmers
>even remotely passable
there may be, but our search of personally verifiable evidence has come out just as successful as that one study on porn consumption that utterly failed to find a control group of young males who had never watched porn.
Seen a black programmer on a documentary making God of War 2. Our game prof was showing the class the stages of game development and how some sleep at their job. Only time I have seen a black programmer. Oh and in Terminator 2, if that counts, and he wasn't even creating code from scratch, he was trying salvage a chip.
Literally I think it has something to do with men's brains being better suited to critical thinking or something than women's because most women I know see the most simple code and they have no fucking clue what I'm doing.
Every now and then I'll see a female in one of my classes but there's like 10 guys for every one of them. Most are asian. And even in my differential equations class there's like one asian girl and a white girl who had a pissed off look on her face yesterday when they handed back tests.
I literally think it has to be something that most women miss because they're brains aren't suited for it.