It's finally over, he's done!

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? trump still has 7 more years to go lol how is he Finished

Keith quit yesterday. Rumor has it he is the next to fall thanks to #metoo

Finally, thank god that RUSSIAN SCUM is old news now.

It's time pack it up guys it's over we lost.

Impeachment incoming Drumpf is finished

Olberfagg got fired again.

We need a comic of him vowing to lead a group of passionate resistors until the job is done, then have it cut to a couple months later, him surveying the group- all crouching or in fetal positions, rambling, appearing to shroud themselves in the US flag for warmth, then he declares "my work here is done" as he rises to the heavens.


Trump has stuck around for two scoops too long.

They always forget about the second scoop >:^)

Is this like when sweetie bess "quit" twitter for all of 20 minutes after Drumpf blocked her?

>second scoop >:^)

What did he do besides incessantly bitch for around a year now? Bush's "Mission Accomplished" is more believable lol

The long national nightmare is over.


Keith finally checked into rehab for Trump Derangement Addiction.

Shit post


Worse, he probably got the "We are not to happy with your program" talk were they implied that they were going to fire and blacklist him if he didnt quit

Keith "Overman" Olbermann

Go back sports news keith O.

The guy is mentally ill. Don't know how someone can be so insulated in their little bubble.

Yes he was a sports newd guy from LA on 6pm evening news. He sucked then, still sucking now.


What a shock.

literally who?

Keith "Klux Klan" Olbermann is only insulated in tin foil though.

>You can't fire me, because I quit!


The #RefuseFascism faggots are out of money too. Soros happening?


He groped that trany, didn't he

um no sweetie
see that pic? it says drumpf is finished
no go cry somewhere else

Didnt soros invested 18 billion for (((them)))?

Farewell space cowboy!
Hopefully the funnyfarm has strong enough medication.


*hudles under security blanket*

Poor Keith, such a sad tale. I will remember him as he was, a Ned Flanders doppelganger who recapped the sports games from last night while I ate my Cheerios before school.


> tfw Olbermann goes all in on Trump-Russia

> tfw Olbermann promised Trump wouldn’t even make it through the summer

> tfw Olbermann couldn’t even make it himself one full year of Trump’s Presidency

Top kek. So who’s taking bets on when CNN folds?

>draped in a flag
Isn't that a common literary euphemism for false patriotism? Is he trying to be ironic or is he really that oblivious?

I can't believe this leftist degenerate can't just retire or quit. He actually has to declare victory. Trump derangement syndrome really is a mental illness.

This is one piece of what it looks like when the meta-swamp is drained; peripheral pond scum self-evicting. The hypocrisy of pundits, politicians and leftist technocrats is slowly being revealed as the swamp's water level continues to drop.

They're on the ropes boys.



Completely unemployable ahahahahahhaha

Is he going to reprise his role on Sesame Street as Burt?