Yuuyake Rocket Pencil

Stationery girl chapter 3, now with extra sass.
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1: Chapter 2:

Other urls found in this thread:


For people from the future:
Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Yakumo-san wa Eduke ga Shitai: desuarchive.org/a/thread/151048507

It was a freezing New Year’s Eve
The streets was dark, all throughout town
Would anyone buy some notes?
Sorry, I don’t need one
I already have enough.
I want to get home and sleep.
Ugh, I can’t sell any
So cold… I want some mackerel
At least I can draw some.

To ease her hunger…
The little girl drew a picture on the note she was supposed to sell
Suddenly, something happens…
From inside the note
A grilled mackerel appeared
Sacchan, Sacchan

Marutomachi-san, wake up!
We’re in the middle of class!
(small text: please buy a notebook.)
Chapter 3: The little girl who sells notebook

Are you stupid?
I’m not stupid! I’m just not getting enough sleep.
That’s not what I’m talking about! Those notebooks…
“you’re playing pretend to be a store manager?”
“Please go somewhere else to play next time”
Even if you can sell all of them, that doesn’t mean she’ll do business with you.
This is fruitless. Just go to a different wholesaler
Use your head, Ms. Store manager! Your head!

Then buy a note, Ebisu-kun
(small text: 150 yen)
Are you even listening to me?
This is enough right? Here.
Glad to do business with you!!
(small text: hah, my god)
Speaking of which, Ebisu-kun
Your brother….I heard he’s starting school next year

Whatever, 1 more note.
Glad to do business with you!!
Is she gonna be fine?
This is pretty small
My eyes are starting to go bad. I can’t write anymore.
Do you have anything even smaller?
Lately, my daughter-in-law started giving me some attitude because I’m old.
So in return, I want to teach her that she’s getting older too. With a small notebook.

What does the old hag want with me?
Says the mountain witch.
You’re not even buying anything. You’re just bothering Satomi-chan.
Unfortunately, I did come here to buy something today.
Ara, a note?
You and me, 1 each.
With this then even you might manage to do household accounting.
If this is a De*thnote then your name will be the first one on it.
(small text: calm down)

For –
For now, that’s 2 notes sold….
These are 150 yen right?
Hm? You use a note too dad?
I do. I could use a new strategy memo for my games.
(small text: uhmmm, about…)