Have countries that were over 99% white

>have countries that were over 99% white
>they're the most prosperous, healthiest, safest, most functional societies in human history
>suddenly decide to ship in millions of Africans and Arabs
Wtf is wrong with you?

Other urls found in this thread:


well thats what happens when you give free handouts to no end

It was working for the better part of a century

Actually working, like the ideal case all socialists would point to as their role model

We werent socialist though. Still arent.
Nordic model is thoroughly capitalist.


Sometimes i wonder if pol users can into browsing or do rhey have to ask for every fucking thing

>americans team up with the soviets to kill off various ultranationalist ideologies in Europe
>divide Europe between american controlled and soviet controlled
>spread liberalism and progressivism everywhere (1960's student movements started in america under the form of hippies, some as modern feminism that collapsed birthrates)
>force European countries into shitty international treaties such as NATO and refugee convention
>a few years later carpet bomb the middle east thus opening the flood gates
>"what is wrong with Europeans?"

You guys keep saying that but you still have a nanny state wipe your ass, and pay incredibly high taxes

we saved your shitty continent, you ungrateful Yurocuck

That didn't stop American socialists from going "look at Norway" though

>we told them to kill themselves and they actually did it the absolute madmen

EU :/

>they're the most prosperous, healthiest, safest, most functional

they're good goys with zero geopolitical importance. what did you expect?

>have lower corporate taxes than America

Who did you save it from?

If it weren't for us you would be speaking German by now, stupid bong

Jews and

ok well now theyre going to speak arabic instead


t. Yurocuck with a proxy

Women and beta males + their feelz

It was the fucking kikes who did it.

Gotta gid dem African doctors and Arab engineers, boomer pensions need to be paid

Kill yourself Alabama nigger

My family has had a heap of stuff delivered by courier in the last 10 days. All by arabs driving. Most of them barely able to speak English. How very depressing, I grieve for our countries.

I've noticed this too.
They all seem to be afraid of my dog when he's the biggest softie, I guess they must be muslims

They need to give 56%ers their own containment board, Aryans here only you mongrels

It's the jews. They feel no sense of National pride nor a sense of brotherhood with the people of those nations. They think only of the bottom line. The more poor migrants, the more social services, the more money the nations need to "borrow", I'm not certain they do it out of spite, but it certainly seems that way.

american influence

Funnily enough nobody wanted them but our (((parties))) shipped them anyways.

''socialism is when goobermint does stuff i know nothing about politics xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"

Hahahahaha. Kill yourself.

What's the point of this post?

>fucking mutt from a country with a shitload of nonwhites, who the fuck does he think he is telling people it's a bad idea to import a shitload of nonwhites

No we wouldn't. How would Germany have invaded us, exactly? With their nonexistent Kriegsmarine, perhaps, or the thoroughly defeated Luftwaffe, maybe?

My best guess?

Eastern corruption convincing or bribing leftists to sabotage their countries in the name of some egalitarian ideal.

Nothing like rampant immigration gets done without greasing some wheels.

If net neutrality ends then maybe. Only Americans will be affected.

Only Sweden did.

Sweden experienced a financial crisis and explosion in public debt per capita, which they reduced by increasing their population.

Its always the fucking kikes do you even need to ask at this point?

Kill yourself.

You sound like a latin American banana republic that blames all your problems on the meanie USA.

Merkel could have said no to uninhibited migrations from the near east and this would be an issue that would hardly be talked about.

Stand up for yourself you cuck

At least we managed to get Erdogan so butthurt he wanted to leave NATO :'(

this is what i've never understood.
>american posts about immigration be a good idea
>eurofag: shud the fugg up. you're not white and shit
Isn't that what he said to begin with?

nato is irrelevant now. enjoy your jew ridden hell nordcuck

Niggers are such miracles to society am I right.

Look, I’ll admit that if it really, truly came down to it I’d rather the US ruled the world than China but you fuckwits don’t do yourselves any favours.

> fight someone to literal stand still
> trade blow after blow as both start to weaken
> you’re bloody but pure holding on, the enemy is winded and wounded
> fat guy in US flag shirt hits him with a baseball bat to the head
Saved you bro, owe us everything now bro.

And now theres daily Grenades or bombs, well done Sven

It was the kikes. Unironically.

Finland would be larger if you fags would not have started fighting for the kikes and against the Germans

I just wish we could make everything right again...maybe there's still time

Well, the baltic countries + poland has become a fucking paradise now, no fucking mudslimes to be seen for miles, still 99% white here boy. >feelsgoodman.jpg

How does importing a bunch of 3rd world retards who are dependent on benefits help that situation?

>meme flag
Nice bait, Sven/Juan/Hu/Shlomo

Well, you're still nowhere near the living standards that we had during the Folkhem period of time. Actually you're nowhere near the living standards we have today ( so I wouldn't say paradise), but I hope that you will get there.

>living standards
Your idea of living standards is retarded user.
I've been in Sweden, it sucks badly
>land made for retarded old ladies, ruled by insane feminists, filled with mud and arrogant shitbrains.
No, thanks.

Assuming that's true, why is that bad?

Yeah, we've got a lot of sh*t to deal with, and things aren't always that great, especially in the economic sense. But they are improving, more or less.
However, as far as racial demographics are concerned, our corner of Europe is one of the lat bastions of whiteness

I mean there are actual universally accepted measurements for quality of life, but hey. Still, we're really going downhill right now. Either way I hope you Balts make things work. I actually have some distant relatives on Dagö ( Hiiumaa).

Yep, true. God bless our Balt cousins.

They turned away from God. These countries have abandoned the Church and the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Before the Church came to the North, they were ruled by savage Vikings, who were famous mainly for raping and pillaging.

After they became Christian, Western society flourished. Europe was Christendom, the beacon of civilization. The savage muslim hordes tried many times to invade, but it was always an army organized by the Church that kept them out. Most famously we have the miraculous victory at Lepanto, where the victory was announced by heaven to the Pope days before the message from the front was actually delivered.

But then came the great apostasy, and Martin Luther. The protestant deformation dragged the guiding lights of the Church from the people, and they were lost sheep. 500 years later, we have faggot marriage, abortion and the culture of death. Now the muslim hordes that were kept out by the Church are being PAID to come and settle in former Christendom. This is a chastisement from God.

>I mean there are actual universally accepted measurements for quality of life

If Balts survive being wedged between Russia and Eurabia I'm guessing they'll be one of the larger powers a few centuries from now. A lot of Europeans will flee to the few places that are still white.

Those europeans can go fuck themselves.
We are full.

Before carpet bomb the middle east
>destroy gate keepers like Libya, Yugoslavia

Im laughing my ass off when you get what you deserve you american ball slurpers

>Mutts actually believe this

Jews and jealousy of Amerimutts. Some retards believe USA is successful because of muh diversity.
And of course being too cucked to oppose EU plays into it but to be honest that falls under "jews".

Why this image, burger? Sweden is the only country here that is cucked.

Literally the Jews.