Ranking first world countries tourist

Ranking first world countries tourist
From my experience of living in a tourist city

God Tier- Great Britain .

Top Tier- France, South Korea.

Above Mid Tier- Austrailia, Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Canada.

Low Tier- Japan, (Eastern Europe as a whole), Finland.

Please stop visiting tier- Germany.

>Eastern Europe low tier
Have you even been to Russia? Saint Petersburg is definitely a top-5 tourist experience in Europe.

>God Tier - Great Britain
>Low Tier - Finland
What went wrong in Finland, not enough McDonald's to cater your needs? We even have less niggers here so the sightseeing should have been more enjoyable.

I ment tourist visiting the US. Should have reread before posting

Speaking as a Brit, why God Tier???

>Low Tier-Japan
Are you fucking kidding me? They're quiet, dress nicely, don't smell, and their kids stay in place. I'm bet you're one of those people who enjoy Brazilian tourists, pinballing around those obnoxious luggages around to buy shit to hawk back in their shit and go around yammering and screeching like a wild pack gibbons.

noone wants to visit ur 56% shithole anyway

I like adults from Japan. Alot of school trips from Japan have groups of children that run around and cause havoc. Pushing other kids around and stuff

Brits are usually friendly and I guess realistic people. Good to drink with because they are fun and they don't get super fucked up and make a ass out of themselves

london is overrated apart from muh museums

Too less McDonalds and niggers.
Le 56% face doesn't feel at home there.

>god tier
>rains all the time
>90% of the population are mudslimes

I can understand that Finland isn't very high since everything is expensive and distances are huge. And most people stay in Southern-Finland which barely even counts as real Finland with all the refugees and swedes.

I ment tourist visiting the US. Should have reread before posting

Brits are fucking loud public drunks. Still not anywhere near top tiers.

Asians are only good tourists since they are quiet and want to just see stuff.

Americans are probably the worst out of "white" nations. Loud and no respect for surroundings and others' property.

The UK is a nice place, but the standards there are horrible compared to just about every other euro country you list there though.

Like a freaking 5 star hotel room there is equalient to a two star northern euro one. In the south the quality of the hotels are very variable and often even worse

Someone goes to America probably for only one time in life so ofcourse he wants to have some fun there.

Most tourists here are Germans and the Dutch (not counting V4) and very few brits. Germans (or Austrians) are great folk, dutch are weird (they always drive in weird cars and speak very weird languages) and brits even though few, are extremly annoying.

t. guy wich worked for 2 months in pic related in one of our """tourist destinations"""

The countries that are
>Loud and no respect for surroundings and others' property.

Is mostly Germany in my experience. Finland is only ranked low tier because they are so antisocial and rude.

You don't have chavs visitng America then

Fair enough

I live in an expensive city.

To be honest, I have never seen germans up here, excluding maybe 2 but they were clearly exchange students. Most tourists really stay in south. Sad for them and my country's fame, but good for me.

>dutch are weird (they always drive in weird cars and speak very weird languages)
nailed it

5/10 troll attempt. Any experienced traveler knows how fucking retarded this list is

>Great Britain & Sweden above Japan


>I ment tourist visiting the US. Should have reread before posting

They either drive these pieces of shit or some old vans from God knows where.

It was probably a problem with Finnish reading comprehension because he's talking about these people as tourists in his city, not the other way around. If you opened your squinty chinks eyes enough to see you might have known.

you lymeee piece of shieeet

>Finland is only ranked low tier because they are so antisocial and rude.

Not everyone's into your retarded small talk bullshit, I swear you fat fucks are incapable of even a moment's silence. Just shut the fuck up unless you have something worthwhile to say.

>UK is god tier
let me guess you smashed some bong bar whore like in those BBC shows. OP is a virgin.

You can encounter germans just about everywhere here, the most weird place you can imagine. Where my parents used to live, this small like tucked away place down this steep corny shitty road down by a lake they even found.

So you know one summer morning you are going to go down fishing at the bridge and there on your shitty football field by the pumping station; there are people we don't here, they are german.

I guess they go a bit on the random and try to see some nature and fish and stuff. Lit all over the country, from the north to the south.


>People from Finland take offense this easily.

I am sad that my family name started in Finland

Nah, I just like to swear a lot. Fuck.

Im a bartender so I guess Im used to talking alot, idk

Also looking at the other countries your post smells of weebtard. You probably put japan in the bottom cause when you were there you were typical weeb going "why u no speaku englishu". South korea is higher on the list which makes me guess your a Sup Forums kpop nigger and went to some kpop concert and stuck out like a sore thumb amerifat weeb.

Why did you rate Japan as low-tier?

Great Britain
>god tier
Dude it sucks so bad there I cut a 2 week vacation to 1. It's fucking terrible place, save your money and go somewhere else

This too.
I never understood all that westerner small talk or smiling at strangers. Sorry ebinland but you are on our boat in this case, for us it's retarded too.

To be fair, it is not rude to be not interested in small talk.

I lived in Austin for five years and disagree.

Top tier: Canadians, UK, Mexicans
High tier: Aussies, Kiwis, Japanese, French
Mid tier: Germans, Saudis
Low tier: Brazilians
Shit tier: Chinese

Never ran into any Dutch or Scandinavians so I can't comment on them.

I feel very bad for OP in this thread.

So many fucking brainlets wich can't read one simple sentence. I would expect a native speaker to read properly but I guess I was wrong.

You are a lower functioning people. Social skills are a form of intelligence.

>>I ment tourist visiting the US. Should have reread before posting

We don't even know how to small talk.
So for people living in new york and so they must go to courses.

And yet still they will only talk about how good or bad the weather has been and how it is likely going to be when they meet people in the elevator and so

You are cancer. You cannot read. Kill yourself.

Ohhhh their tourist. Mea culpa

>God Tier- Great Britain .

>not being interested in acting like a retard and smilling at strangers on street means you are sub.
Sorry for not trying to look like an idiot infront of a complete stranger, first I would like to know him atleast a bit to express my emotions to him.
That's why I rate German tourists way above Bongs, because they first ask POLITELY questions and then when we are done with conversation they put a small smile on their face to show that they are happy.
Meanwhile bongs like fucking retards rush in you with autistic smile in their face and start questioning loud out. It's extremly annoying.

Thanks user, this has been a fun thread so its all good

we and the swedes tend to get a bit too drunk and fight a lot then, we have a bit of a problem with just that. Danes and finns are more chill about that, finns on holidays at least danes are usually always cool about it.

Not wanting to participate in useless small-talk doesn't make anyone rude.

>American taking offence from lighthearted advice
Americans should be rangebanned from Sup Forums.

>be me in Prague, worked in an exchange office for a while

Top Tier - Japan, Nederlanden, north europe
OK - Germans, Britons (they are coming here to get drunk and wild, but ok anyways)
Lower Tier - Americans - they think they now all, like to school us, infact know shit and are funny
Lowest Tier - Russians - cant greet, cant thank, rude shitty people

Special Prices (according to experiences from exchange office) - Italians and Spaniars - OK people, but generaly dumb, can be easy fooled from scammers
Dishonorable Price - Israelites - thuth to legends - arogant and very, very stingy

Yea the Chinese is terrible I didn't add them because they are a second world country

I wasn't offended, chill

you don't get it, for us it feels fake and shallow, your constant fake smiling pointless phrases and pretending to be very friendly when in fact you give rat shit about us(which is OK since we don't know each other yet, but pretendig otherwise is beyond annoying)

His wording was a bit ambiguous desu.

>please stop visiting tier
>not chinese

>God Tier- Great Britain
Heh, my sister was harassed by a bunch of pakis in a bus while returning from a party in London.
Most traumatizing experience in her life and she is from Rio de Janeiro.

Yes, but as a well traveled person you also met other tourists and people who interact with tourists and hear their stories

fuck off braindead normalfags
if you talk to strangers just because then youre a faggot and need to remove yourself from this board and/or life

>doesn't understand cultural differences
>thinks shallow blabbering is form of intelligence

god tier - germany
top tier - germany colony 1, 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 in europe

mid tier - germany colony 1 and 2 in north america

shit tier - everything thats not german related.

Being silent doesn't equal being antisocial or rude.

I never said being silent is antisocial or rude. Other American user said that and other anons thought I agreed with him. I have seen people from Finland make passive aggressive comments alot. That is what im referring to

>Alot of school trips from Japan have groups of children that run around and cause havoc.

It could be, sorry.
Those schools tend to be private school that lots of moron and literal bad boys , and their parents are rich.

You can slap those kids with their cheeks.

Only a yank would put Brits as God tier. They are so despised as tourists worldwide, that being an Irish tourist becomes a chore of repeating "no I'm Irish" before the native loses the grimace on their face.

Imagine how many monsters you'd have to tribute to get that out on the field.

damn commie fleg, used it as a troll prior to this

I work in the tourist sector and in my zone it goes more or less like this

God-tier : dutches,germans

Good-tier : poles,czech,belgians,brits,nords

Please don't come-tier : italians (cheap,rude,childlish)

Other europeans are welcome but only 1 scoop for you

germans are so polite and nice it's almost embarassing.

they should have stayed after ww2 desu

Thats weird how alot of Europeans are saying Germans are nice. Maybe they go off the wall when they visit America. Every day I see a nearly blacked out German trying to fight people in the streets. They always come here and break shit and attack people including woman lol

Depends what kind of germans I guess. I used to work in a place where tourists were mostly rich families, so there's that.