What the fuck happens in Belarus? We never shit about it, its like the black spot of Europe...

What the fuck happens in Belarus? We never shit about it, its like the black spot of Europe. As far as I know its some time portal to 1977 where the newspapers still celebrate the dairy farmer who milked 3,781 cows last month, and grandpa still thinks the Iron Curtain is up. I sure as fuck don't hear about any immigration problems in Belerus, and the economy is never talked about, let alone foreign policy. But its also not mocked like other former soviet union shitters like Moldova or Ukraine

Give me a basic gestalt on this enigma pls.

Stuxnet was discovered there.


Used to game with a load of folk and guildy m8's from Belarus, dirty poor but they looked like they enjoyed themselves a lot, sofas on the front garden, vodka, bonfires, mass parties/raves, all sorts of shit.

Did you read Countdown to Zero Day? Excellent book, especially if you have a bit of a computer security background

I remember talking to a chick on omegle from Belarus and she just kept telling me how it's a dictatorship. Can't go out with friends because it's illegal for more then like 3 people to be together out in public or it'll be considered a protest/riot or whatever.

Radiation damaged children and Europes' last dictator. Highest alcohol consumption in the world. Just your average slav country

It's honestly Russia' client state. They maintain some levels of soverignity, but if Batska would go for more independet he would have been done&done. I really like Belarusians. Also, country is rather /comfy/ and calm, poor but fair. I'm hoping for unification with True Lithuania someday.
Plus, they gave us World of Tanks/Warplanes/Warships, yo.

Essentially never left the Soviet era politically, socially, or economically.


It's not even a real country.
Just a russian protectorate.

U prolly a hohol in it?
They all pizdyet!

Return flight tickets to Minsk for 40 euros from Prague. Thinking of doing a vodka weekend and drunk sight seeing trip. Any tips on how not to get shot there?

Historically It is Poland and Russia pretending to be it own real country. Politically The Belarus strongman has a client relationship with Russia, who basically pays the bills. every once in a while they do a dance, a dispute occurres, Belarus wants more monies; Russia doesn't want to pay more. Belarus actually has a massive old welfare state, not unfamiliar to communism but I don't know enough about how it is to talk about.


You are like baby I show you how to not get shot with american skills.

Also don't clap in public if you're visiting

>Ivan goes out to collect scrap metal
>Ivan hears English
>Ivan shoots the filthy decadent capitalist swine
>Ivan gets the order of Lenin medal and government prize money
>Ivan's family can afford food again for the next weeks

Now that's what I call a proper American charity


>other countries outsourcing their getting shot needs to Americans

>how many american tourists have to be shot?
till it feel just like home?

Hasn't that been like this ever since WW2?


They make nice optics

>Typical Finnic Girl
fucking snow pedo

All I know is that my dad is from there. His family owned land and had a farm until the commies took it, so they moved here.

I guess a stupid answer is still valued more in burgerland than not answering at all

>This thread AGAIN
>1 post by this ID
Geez OP, at least act like you're actually interested
Belarus is a meme country, just like Ukraine. The name means "White Rus" I think, because this part of The Kievian Rus didn't get raped by the Mogols.
The territory became a bloodland between Russia, Poland and Sweden, the while the local Belarusians were silently working on the fields for centuries, without actually developing an identity.
WWI came, country became a war zone.
WWII came, country became a war zone again, but this time it was so severe, that Belarusians pretty much disappeared. Most people were killed by the Germans, or were dragged away by the Soviets and sent to the Eastern Front's meatgrinder.
Stalin pretty much erased Belarusian language and culture, though it wasn't hard because it wasn't so different from Russian.
Heavy industrialization came and mass immigration from other Soviet states.
Chernobyl happened, Half of the country is a forest, since the radioactive cloud destroyed agriculture.
In the 90s, a giant mass grave was found at the Kuropaty Forest (100 000- 150 000 corpses), but authorities prevent any exhumation effort.
Nowadays it's pretty much Russia's client state without any identity or culture.
A meme country, where time stopped in 1989


So a bigger Tranistria. Got it

what do you mean true Lithuania?

Hot white women.

Is eternal amerigoy itching to destroy another country? Stay away, you mongrel.

Nothing, basically. Economy is close to socialistic (real socialism, which means that most of the property is own by state. Rest by Russians), it's calm, people are decent.
Obviously socialism doesn't work, so they exist because Ruskies sell them cheap oil which is refined and sold to the West with profit. Every time that oil price goes down their economy goes to shit.
Country is beautiful and full of polish heritage.
Also, they are big flax producer IIRC.




My online gf is from there. We have talked a lot about life there. Ask me anything.

Costs £200 for me. Sheeeeit

Lenkiukštis bando implainti, kad gudija sudarė LDK šerdį. Nekreipk per daug dėmesio, čia tik memas skirtas įsiutinti 4 čano lietuvius, kuris kilęs iš kaikurių gudų nacionalistu, kurie nejuokaudami bando prisiimti visa GDL slovę sau.
Panašiai kaip daro makedoniečiai graikams.

I see the EU is already calcullating in the Brexit Bonus

Damn airfare in Eвpoпa is cheap.

Don't worry lad. I already have tickets to Prague for February. You will benefit from my brexit bux as well.

nice place, cool people. they are left with mixed feelings when you tell them you're from Bulgaria but insist on talking to them in English.

Why would you clap when you're visiting?

>Why would you clap when you're visiting?
That's a thing burgers do. Clap when the airplane lands, clap after the burgers at restaurants are served, clap at the cinema. etc

its not even a meme. we clap and tip for basically everything in public. you go to the grocery store and its a fucking stand ovation round the clock

communism put this place in the fridge, only good side is that it's fully white

but that's just Romanians LARPing as Russians LARPing as Ukrainians LARPing as southern Russians

My mma instructor was from belarus, moved here to go to a better equiped school. pretty tough guy. used to eat dinner with him sometimes, help eachother out when in need of more hands and feet. When i asked him he said he would never move back. Shit economy, corrupt, used and tossed by russians on daily basis, people are violent (look at someone wrong and your ass is gona get beaten), country not open to new ways technologicaly, etc. Planed on going there when i was visiting my gf's family in Lithuania but turns out i need a visum

to get in trouble with more than 3 ppl you need to do something really stupid like go to "meme opposition rally" or try to drink alcohol on streets near cops or do any other stupid shit that draw atention to you, and if you behave normally nobody give shit how many of ppl gather and what you doing.

Soviet era Belarusia > curent era Belarusia evrything gone to shit, a huge unemployment bc no one whant to create new bisneses (bc evryone whant instra profite), majority of industry gone to shit meme tier (like minsk tractor factory or minsk automobile plant to many ppl in there but not enough orders to work full week aka 2-3 day per week), Gov trying to enforce ...unemplyment tax aka if you not work more then 3 motnth per year give money to gov and some idiots propose to cut medical aid for unemployed, only thing that rly work well here now is IT people who work in this area get enough money to not worry about anything.

Gudija yra Lietuvos žemes

I don't want to be unpleasant, but if you compare yourself and Belarus to greece and fyrom, you sure as hell aren't greece.

Enjoy the land where beer is cheaper than water.

Good country. Good leader. Lukashenko successfully maneuvers between Western liberal degenerates and their tamed Eastern totalitarian bitch.

it's just another glorious russian state

Unfortunately, young people in Belarus, with each generation, are becoming larger degenerates. It is possible that soon will sell his country for Starbacks, netflix and other beauty of the "progressive West".

Belarus is a great place for a poor fucker like me from LV. Not only shits dirt cheap there but we have pizdatiy smuggling network of cigs, booze n shiet... since fuckers here arw raising taxes like we wuz germoney but wages are barely higher than Belarus or Ukraına. What sucks is they have all but basically lost their own language there. Won't hear belarussian in cities. Baltics have been under various occupations and whatnot be we didnt lose it. Underwent russification and only thing that changed is we use russian mat on expert levels. Meanwhile belocucks have lost their heritage and are basicaly sucking russias huy to survive.

Still better than khokhols.

I always wondered.
Why are Ukraine and Moldova so much poorer than the rest of Central/Eastern Europe?

IIRC it's safe as long as you don't attract attention from the KGB by taking part in protests.

Khazar kidnapping grounds.

poor people are easier to kidnap and force into prostitution/slavery so they want it to stay poor and isolated

They don't what you think they are

you are what you think they are

wow, that's a new angle of the pic I had

wanna see how life was in USSR? go visit BellaRus ))))