Why no Fire Emblem Anime?
And no that one doesn't count.
Why no Fire Emblem Anime?
Game adaptation are always a travesty. Which is why Nintendo is so protective of their copyrights.
More like Nintendo hates anything that isn't Super Mario Bros. and they fly into an autistic rage whenever one of their Mario goods fails and they take it out on every other series. Three have failed in this quarter alone. Expect the end of FE as tribute.
FE7 is the best
Well, it is a shame because no one fucking knows what the fuck is Nintendo going to do for the decade or so. Their future is so ambiguous.
>Fire Emblem
>picking wasted potential: the video game
>Animal Corssing
Yeah looks troublesome for them! Look at these failing brands!
>Fire Emblem anime
Do you really want see waifufags go full chimp because their waifu says that like x character?
I kinda do but well, didnt fates got a manga or something? To be honest either Awakening or #FE are more fitting for a adaptation.
They were going to make a manga with Nozaki as the artist but the plot turned out badly so it looks like that plan has been abandoned.
>Played the fuck out of Battle of Wesnoth back in my day
>Find fire emblem
>Requires console I dont have
Well fuck me I guess
Nintendo Haters are idiots
Ignore him.
He's probably one of the dumbasses who think Nintendo hasn't sent out Switch Developers Kits or whatever
Kirby got a anime but stuff was done by Nintendo itself since they own the Studio.
Nintendo has to be assfuck retarded with something for awhile before it wakes up and makes something good. See the wii/wii u.
Because the plot is crap and most people only play it because of the dating sim or the gameplay and both would be absent, because if they made married couples, a lot of nerds would start claiming their paring is canon or would be angy that they did another pairing.
Don't worry you guys are going get a #FE anime.
You can emulate all of the worthwhile Fire Emblems.
But user there is only 2 fire emblem games :^)
So it can bomb yet again?
#FE got money hatted by Avex group, the biggest record company in japan, they got in charge of story songs choreography etc Atlus and Nintendo built the game around the songs.
INB4 They got the money and Game wss literally made to shill VAs.
I know but is it worth it though?
What game should I emulate? Also is FE hard as wesnoth meaning that some runs cant be won after certain fuck ups?
When preorders?
Only if you are retarded or rngesus hates you, even then there is a casul mode in some tittles to avoid permadeath.
Now keeping Sup Forums related did someone scanned the 4komas?
The most recent Fire Emblem would be a terrible story to adapt. There was a small shot when they announced there would be an official manga but then that never happened so yeah no.
Also the only games that would adapt into a good story would be the tellius games or maybe even redo Marth, but only old geezers like me care about anything pre-awakening so that's not happening either.
All of them. The GBA games are a good start. I would go 7 > 8 > 6 > 11 > 12 > 10 > 11 > 13 > 14 and if you are feeling brave you can download the translation patches for 4 & 5 but those games are brutal
Wow I'd love to sex male and female[/spoiler ]corrin
Some are harder than others. The only real fuck ups that'll prevent finishing a run are losing too many units.
>Masochist Tier
>Hard Tier
FE6, FE10,
>Average Tier
FE3, FE4, FE7, FE9
>Baby Mode
Pre-orders have been a while nigga.
Watching that Femui figma like a hawk.
>Hoshido is jerked back and forth by plot.
>Nohr royals are way more popular.
This is somewhat amusing. I hope that they make Elise next or even Charlotte.