1 more hour
Yuri!!! on Ice
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Get your drinks ready to drown your sorrows in.
nip yuri is going to lose the competition by the end of this series, heed my words
He can't lose, not when JJ has already lost in his own mind.
If dubs Victor dies
Friendly reminder that Yuuri drank 2 bottles of champange (25° of alcohol in the blood) and managed to dance and pole dance perfectly
what a semen demon
I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums, I'm getting legit anxious
Cast your bets.
Looks like the last one finally archived. That was a wild ride.
Just have to make it through this weird show.
My heart.
dubs second season
trips movie
Georgi can only save us a limited amount of times, please stop trampling with meme magic.
Next is eating lady. Not as good as Kodoku no Gourmet, but she's fine too. Last week's was fine.
We will get through this together, muh ice niggas.
I'm very pessimistic about this episode for some reason.
I have my absurdly expensive champagne ready to pop open once the episode ends. I think I'll need it.
S2 Swan Lake routine when
Ah, looks like I'm on the right stream
There's 1900+ people watching right now, how many viewers will we have when the episode airs?
I'm hungry enough as it is. Guess I'll have to make a quick run to the kitchen to make something simple.
Last week there was almost 5000 people.
What did she mean by this?
ミム 魔法
Yeah I wonder if it's these depressing threads or just me
I've never been this nervous for a fictional character before. This can't be healthy.
Also reminder that Japs literally haven't developed enzymes to deal with alcohol properly yet, so that's like drinking the same amount of vodka to a European/American. Yuuri is a madman.
Glorious, no one could decipher the lyrics for weeks.
Mine doesn't show viewer count but there's under ten people in the chat.
>welcome to the madness
That's because we psyched ourselves. It'll be daijoubu, user. Trust in Kubo and remember to breathe.
Do you want S2?
Depends on what happens.
Wait until the episode ends, Victor.
How many mins till the ending?
Anyone else is getting a horrible amount of lag in their stream sites?
Yes, but I want more SoL so OVAs might be better.
Nope. A movie is good.
Eh, why not? More homos for me.
Believe in the dick. If you believe in the dick, the dick will wiggle back at you.
Trying to ignore it.
They're going to bone on ice.
Yes, but I want a proper conclusion to this season, too, because I'll fucking kill myself if I need to wait too long.
I wish I could eat that elegantly.
Me too. I think I'm gonna be utterly disappointed.
Yes. And shenanigans OVAs and a prequel movie.
40 minutes aprox
Only if bald fat are together or bitter rivals.
No. Being only 12 episodes makes YoI more precious in my eyes.
Or don't.
Whatever she's eating looks good but it's such a tiny portion with three veg pieces. It's like you ought to have pregamed at a vending machine before going to dinner.
I never watch live streams, but I don't think I can wait. Where is everyone getting streams at?
Don't mind me, just posting some cute non-mcs
I don't think there'll be a lot of room for another Baldfat arc, but I'd be happy with a S2 about Yurio.
Google. I'm watching for the first time and had to find my own as well.
No. If the end is good, season 2 could only ruin the series bringing unnecessary stuff.
Mov3 and pick tv asahi or neetball
Guys wich what's the name site that uploads the raw? I can't deal with the stream too laggy
The more I read them, the more it feels like the words of a martyr of love.
What would be the worst possible ending?
Shit, if I'm paying over 3,200Y for something that tiny, I'm not going to order it in the first place. I'd sooner go to a street vendor for 100Y skewers.
Why do you think that you're better than google?
Something about being stronger apart because it would shit on the rest of the series.
If everything is rushed that will be bad.
Yamato tamashii motte nai yo?!
Pishit wins, Victor breaks up with Yuri and goes back to his country.
Separation and Victor saying he's skating again.
I haven't read Suwabe's opinion about Victor until now... Interesting
Yuri and Viktor separate and no homo end.
I'd prefer an OVA or a movie about Nationals and Worlds so Yuuri can at least finish his season. And a wedding.
Season 2 depends on what they are planning on doing. If it would have typical misunderstanding relationship drama I prefer no season 2.
I feel so awkward watching other people eat.
>bitter rivals
I can't see this happening. Ever. Even if they do split up (which I doubt), I don't see the scenario in which they'd end up competing against one another. Yuuri wants to retire, after all, and Viktor doesn't want to continue, either.
No problem homodachi
Now this is my kind of woman.
Homo ending. Wedding and everything. It makes sense for them to go their separate ways.
This, it's disgusting.
Shitposting with russians during a livestream is the best way to experience the finale.
That enka hikkoshizamurai song is damn catchy.
I'd be down for either a Yurio on ice / Victor returns to competition season.
If it's just going to be another season of baldfat then nah, I'd rather a movie.
I feel like I'm fucking dying.
I want the episode but I don't want it to be over.
Why would you want to put salt and pepper on some chocolate?
ISIS attack in Barcelona, everyone dies. Yuuri whispers: "I l-love you, Viktor, but in, like, no-homo way" before he kicks the bucket in Viktor's arms.
What is wrong with you man
We made it!
Just making sure, neetball streams too right? Had to switch stream because the other one died.
AbemaTV hosts rap battles?
I'm a newfag to streams, is it supposed to say the video is not available with adblock?
He's a tripfag
Makkachin dies.
Viktor looks so good in Nijinsky costume.
Fairy's costume is based on one of Yulia's, right?