No rape

>no rape
>no crazy psychopaths soldiers
>no civilian massacre
>no it ain't me
>no napalm
Why is Gate so bad?

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nigga you have some sick fetishes

Cause its Jap conservative propaganda and they want to pretend like their army isn't the army it was back when it raped most of Asia.


Its Nipponese Sup Forums the anime.

Japan is always righteous.

most of those happen in the manga

Nope. The JSDF are the heroes.

you meant /perpetrated/ by the jsdf

no that didnt happen in the manga then.

>no apocalypse now arc
in b4 Ride Of The Valkyries meme scene

Because they aren't US troops involved

Japs are 10x more violent than burgers

japs are way more rapey than burger.

Not when GATE is set ;*)

But yeah japs are pretty much barbarians. see Nanjing

The bomb pretty much destroyed their military desires.

And Germans are nazis aren't they


Nigger, they still deny what they did there
at least the Germans acknowledged nazisim


Japs love to brush off bad history like nothing happened.

You might be right i have no idea really but i do kinda think they are not stuck in WW2 mentality and on the denying part Russia still does it too

Russia like the US loves to uplay the good and downplay the bag, they'll still admit bad things happened. Japs are full on dindu nuffin.

Oh, come on! Wilhelm was pretty cool guy.

So they actually still like germany? Would be nice if someone besides those filthy sandniggers that invade our country liked us for a change.

They are committing cultural suicide to prove that Hitler was right

Sounds edgy to me mayne

It made white people mad because only they can have nationalists propaganda and be proud of their own nation. Also, it made Americucks lose like the little faggots they are who choose which country to bomb and invade because they're still afraid of getting fucked in the ass like back in Vietnam, and predicted the next President of the US before Sup Forums did.

Overall, it sucked because Americans are faggots.

This, what's wrong with you user

>Opportunities: The Missening
It could have been Stargate meets Apocalypse Now meets lost of otehr cool shit that could hae been great.
Sadly we can't have nice things

I still don't understand why they wanted peace between the Empire and Japan so badly. The MC clearly saw how terrible everything was, how evil the government was, and how backwards the culture was. He clearly cared about Imperial citizens, so why did he want to let them rot under corrupt and evil dictatorship? With Jap modern tech it would be easy to minimise civilian casualties and maximise enemy combatant casualties. At the very least they could puppet the empire with the princess as reigning monarch under direct supervision of the Japanese.

Soldiers are trained to be Men. True discipline and happiness is gained by devotion to self improvement AND devotion to your Nation's wellbeing. Real well forged Men have no need to devolve into animals.

Best anime of the year, what are you smoking?

>why gate so bad
They didn't use the manga designs. I fucking refuse to watch it because of that.

>Why not overthrow the government
Look at how that turned out in the middle east for America. When advanced civilizations get involved in the politics of less advanced civilizations it usually causes plenty of mayhem(Japan experienced this firsthand in the Boshin war). Sustainable peace can only be achieved when both sides respect eachother.

GATE is so shit it should be banned from Sup Forums, is there any value in it whatsoever?

Austria would like for you to stfu

You aren't sexually attracted to napalm?

Why Shino is loli?