On what issues are you the most liberal?

On what issues are you the most liberal?

funding for warp drive and proving that farts don't harm the climate

"liberal" as in pro-liberty or "liberal" as in the communist political movement?

What the fuck does that even mean?

Minority abortion

As in pro-liberty?

Or just were you want government to fuck off.

Freedom of speech
Freedom of religion
Free market

They're classical liberal ideas, not mainstream liberal thought.

Liberal as in pink hair dye and video game / pop culture tattoos.

>funding for warp drive
Then you don't understand relativity. Warp drives are impossible and any money you spend on developing them is a waste.

Sex rights

Medical marijuana

Gay rights, but only for Androphiles, who can still be masculine. I don't agree with the lgbt political agenda, as they're a tool to push society ever further left. I don't know if my other stances are liberal, because I'd shoot subhumans who torture animals and I'd hang corrupt developers who are ruining nature and old architecture, so although I could say I'm for 'animal rights and green issues', my methods of dealing with transgressions are rightly harsh and facist.

You don't understand warp drives. They bend the space, i.e., the shorten the distance between you and your target. You can move at a constant velocity, but compress the space, and you'll arrive at your target faster. Faster than light would across non-compressed space.

The word has lost all its meaning.

I am aware, but even this method of bending space would, if developed, lead to the ability to travel backwards in time.

If there is some event outside my future light cone that I can go to, then in some reference frame, it is "in the past". I can keep hopping to and from two points in space, zig-zagging into the past, until I reach an event that is definitively in the past of my starting position (in other words, where my starting event is in my future light cone).

Why is this a problem? Backwards time travel is inherently contradictory, leading to a number of paradoxes (e.g. the grandfather paradox). I think it is safe to assume that the laws of physics prevent backwards time travel. Therefore, the laws of physics will also prevent any successful development of warp drives.

>lead to time travel
No it doesn't distance isn't time

I support private property rights, a free market, equal legal treatment of all individuals by government, and the protection of all citizen's lives from those who seek to do us physical harm.

As such, I am extremely liberal.

I am most liberal on deadly diseases.
The plague spreading through Africa has a right to live. If you lose this you are plagueaphobic. Get over your health privilege.

Yes it does. Distance isn't time, but they are related: the distance or time between two intervals is dependent on your frame of reference. (The only frame-independent measure is the spacetime interval). As I stated in my previous post, if you can travel to an event outside of your future light cone (like event C in pic related) then there exists some reference frame in which that event is in the past (like event B in pic related). So imagine making a jump from O to C using a warp drive, and then changing frames so that O is in the future for you, and then making a symmetric jump to any event along O's worldline but before O itself. Now you are in the same place as O, but an earlier time. Thus warp drive technology leads to time travel.

None... I'm a commie!

Literally nothing

Im fairly pro-choice as I think a child with parents who didn't want it wont grow up to be a productive member of society no matter what you do. Better to just prevent its birth.

I'm also pro drug legalization and pro environmental protection (NOT global warming mind you, but preventing actual pollution).

I'm socially conservative but as a nationalist I suppose economics is where I'm most left. Capital interests must be subordinate to the good of the nation.


With these we can make anything liberal... liberate communists from their brain disease