You should be able to solve this.
You should be able to solve this as well.
I'd solve that for a dollar!
damn son
Is there any chance of another season of orgasms from solving puzzles?
>Tokine gets pregnant after solving too many puzzles
Well now that's fucked up.
I thought it meant she would grow a penis
Someone kindly post all the stitches that's been made over the season.
I second this.
When will we get a proper show about OLs?
all i have
I doubt it. I wish we would. I'd love to watch 22 minutes of an OL bumming around her house or the office, or hanging out with her friends. Which studio would you want to do it?
What's the point of this show? The quizzes are literal asspulls and no one is seriously going to try and solve them.
Retsuko is a foxy office lady.
Is the answer Dekai Oppai?
Was that a sequel hook in the end?
Does that mean we get a S2?
What actually happened? Did she cause instrumentality?
She dragged the whole world into Quizun i guess.
You should be able to solve this.