>The absolute state of the royal family
How will the royal family ever recover?
Let's hope for the sake of Britain that they both get into an """accident"""
Meghan "Monkey" Markle
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He has his whore mothers since of judgement and perhaps he will share her fate
What will their royal babies look like?
Ugly. Hopefully redpills a few women.
That kid from stranger things
Mixed race children are generally more beautiful as they inherit the best features from black and white
The boys will look white, the girls will look whiter than the mother but still mixed
The legacy of Diana doesn't seem to die. We all thought Harry was the based one. Well considering his dad is James Hewitt I guess she will be a fake royal
The made a huge point to show he had teeth now in season 2. Poor kid
Always look the mother when you are going to marry a woman and meghan markle is going to turn as ugly as the mom as soon as she gets more older , on top of that she is a feminist quadroon.
>t. deluded single mum
She's hot as fuck
>find the best looking mongrel baby you can for shilling purposes
>it's still fucking ugly
She's the worst part of Suits.
digits confirm what royal baby will look like
Why do you faggots care about someone so far outside of the line of succession?
William married a commoner and had children with her. The royal family is already pozzed
>What will their royal babies look like?
I pray they don't have children.
Kate is no commoner, she's upper middle class
>more beautiful
The absolute state of muttbongs.
Americans :^)
Wrong, it's almost always the opposite.
Racemixing is hereditary suicide.
She is pregnant
Meme her into Africanizing her hair.
Wasn't Diana killed by the royal family for dating that Egyptian guy and carrying his baby? They don't really need Harry
don't make this a thing please
her fallow womb would be hard pressed to pump out more than 2 nappy-haired mongrels.
What if their plan is for wills and his kids to have the accident so harry is next in line to be king? Isis (mossad) have already threatened to kill the kid.
We went too hard on the KANGZ meme lads.
Only in dreams :^(
>fingering black babies
the state of australia
Nobody cares about your stupid gay monarchy.
Use commas between 2 adjectives user.
Stupid, gay
This pls
I prefer Harry when he was /ourguy
t. Single mom or biracial mutt
I'm waiting on their kids to be born. The Britmutt memes are going to be so wonderful.
We won't even use stupid cartoons.
Mate that picture is straight out of the united states of 56%
They posted a chink and a white guy, where are the nigger mutts?
great source nigger. dead fucking wrong.
Have fun getting an organ or marrow donor
>Perhaps he'll grow up to be like Obama!
Mudshark single mothers are so stupid.
No it's not. Circle Ks in America have paved parking lots. Everywhere does.
>just destroy your children's phenotypes goy
>didn't mention black-white mix
>inbreeding is bad
Thanks captain obvious
You actually believe the Globalist controlled MSM?
De Niro was such a cuck
It's not even a debate.
Then abort her baby for fucks sakes we don't need a nigger king and queen ruling over britain
As a biology graduate I'm here to tell you you're wrong. Diversity leads to better genes. Just look at dogs, pedigree dogs suffer from more disease and die earlier compared to mongrels. In humans diversity leads to greater immunity, height and intelligence.
Do you really need to ask?
Honorary muricans?
Literal Americans given that she is American
>Circle Ks
Not weaselling out of this one mate, that's a seppo brand.
We don't have any of those in Australia.
Please counter with an academic study next time not with tabloids link shit you posted.
This is why Britain is going the way of miscegenation.
They'll snuff her out with Harry like they did with his mother for race mixing.
But nearly all American blacks are mixed. They don't seem to be doing too well
if you were what you say you are you wouldn't be giving me this hybrid vigor nonsense and equating people to dogs. Europeans are diverse as is and are not a single cohesive ethnic unit.
Your kid will have 15 IQ points less and will get dem sickle cell anemia genetics.
jewish nonce
Steering wheel is on the left so it can't be Aus
>She is American
This is confirmation once and for all that Americans are spreading their negrified kike garbage all over the world.
The seppo mind virus will not stop until it has infected every proud white and convinced them to poz their lineage with DeTyronius' or BoonQanda's nigger genes
Churchill's mother was also American.
outbreeding depression, is when progeny resulting from crosses between genetically distant individuals (outcrossing) exhibit lower fitness in the parental environment than either of their parents or than progeny from crosses between individuals that are more closely related.
shits tru
In all seriousness, this guy.
The dog example is fucking stupid. White people haven't had their breeding habits controlled by breeders to make custom humans the same way dogs have been bred for certain looks and abilities. Pedigree dogs suffer because they have been bred into an unnatural state.
Also, white people have enough genetic diversity to never have any problems with a lack of diversity. 300 individuals is enough to maintain a human population for an infinite amount of time without ever having to worry about inbreeding.
Africans, middle easterners and spics have on average lower IQ than white people, and since intelligence is largely genetic, mixing the races would produce a population with a lower IQ. Objectively the result would also be much much uglier.
I don't think so feller
someone post her pre plasticwork face
Dogs are inbred, human races aren't.
Mixed race humans score in between the two parent races. Demi-Whites are uniformly less intelligent than pure Whites.
Bumping for pre-surgery booness pics
we monogenics n sheet my nigguh
where dawkins fine ass at
She’s had some plastic surgery. Her high school pic is out there. Kids will look like the pic, not her smoothed over version.
I just had that flag left on from a larp in another thread.
As you can guess I'm not as stoked as I may have first appeared.
I'm wondering if they need a drunk, drugged driver to whisk them across Paris at high speed.
I'm jumping out at the last second though
This is shocking. He should die now.
Well it is a speedy wedding schedule isn’t it?
Your baby is ugly no matter what people are telling you. They're just being nice and are afraid to be racist.
wtf happened to you, england. you use to be cool
>Actually being a grown man and supporting this nonsense
That's pretty damn embarrassing.
Provide evidence that mutts inherit the worst of both parents. Even in dogs this isn't true, which is why mutts generally look less deformed and are healthier than their "pure bred" brethren.
Not condoning race mixing, there's other reasons to be against it, but if you're going to make a claim at least back it up with something other than edginess and retardation.
>More older
>People think your nose and bone structure can change form entirely with age
so Harry wanted to bang a famous black chick and she accidentaly didnt take her pill
that's how you become royal the old fashioned way
>as they inherit the best features from black and white
No. That's completely false.
Literally a goblin.
people like you should move to sweden
Yeah nah get fucked cunt
True Amerimut
>pic related