The day when /ourguy/ destroyed /u/ delusions and won Kumiko's heart.
Bring your coups so we can rejoice with yurifag tears all the week!
The day when /ourguy/ destroyed /u/ delusions and won Kumiko's heart.
Bring your coups so we can rejoice with yurifag tears all the week!
>The city of /u/
Reminder that you can actually report /u/ posts fro belonging to another board.
I am SO HAPPY /u/ lost. First Izetta, now this, then Flip Flap and after that Maidragon, Little Witch and Yuuki Yuuna. Such a good time to watch /u/ suffer.
Who laughing at /u/ here?
Should I report het posts?
All of us.
>mfw I posted almost 80 posts last thread
I hope you guys take care of me this thread.
>yuri vs het
>yuri vs het
>yuri vs het
Sup Forums is trash holy shit
Does this salt compare to the resultant ships when Bleach and Naruto ended
t. me
I've been telling people since season 1 that Shoe was going to win, he was going to close that distance and I was right.
What is going on here?
Look how happy she is getting a gift from /ourguy/.
Well it seems that our yaoifags friend chaggy are having a funposting here,
Now that YOI have started airing, let's see if he can actually keep this up, i'm on both thread anyway
Do it faggot
All me, including (you).
Not that I watch this shit show but wasn't het end confirmed ages ago? I remember someone saying that it already happened in the LN while the first season aired. Also can you keep your cancer in one thread thanks.
this proves that
>yurifags = facebook, tumblr, reddit
let's post this on tumblr under the #kumirei tag rotfl
HS is out, you fags.
Literally all me
>mfw shitposting for both /u/ and anti-/u/
>tumblr shitstorm in less than an hour
FFF subs when?
Oh my god I'm imagining their anguish and I feel like I'm already drowning in their sea of tears
Daily reminder:
Tromboner in Euphole
Shuujaculate in the Kumikunt
The thread become calm all suddenly,
it seems that he's busy watching YOI , i expect him to continue his shitposting after YOI end
>have one go after her teacher who's more than twice her age
I never understood this. People always get assblasted when a younger woman goes for an older guy, but when the opposite happens it's fine.
all the yurifags, please, this way:
It hasn't even been confirmed as of now. This whole season Kumiko avoided Shuuichi, this episode he gave her a birthday present and that was the end of it. Shitposters are overreacting as usual because that's what shitposters do. Who knows what will happen next episode but all these shitposters are just that, shitposters.
>Izetta, Ping Pong and Flip Flappers btfo heteroshitters so hard they have to find a slightly heterosexual show to not doubt their sexuality
I'm not a kid, sorry.
>flip flappers btfo'd /u/!
>no, flip flappers btfo'd hets!
So which is it assholes
>get shitted on by everyone all year
>never gives up no matter how hard it gets
>wins the Kumikobowl in the end
is Shuuichi literally the best Kyoani maletagonist?
>Desperate yurifag trying this hard
Is not even funny, this is pathetic, I feel sorry for you.
made by women in a women studio
>is Shuuichi literally the best Kyoani maletagonist?
fuck ye
How often is there legit yuri? You should be able to solve this.
What that's it? And everyone is loosing their shit over this? I thought they kissed or something.
Holy shit you guys are desperate if you actually try to start a shitstorm over literally nothing.
He is quite literally /ourguy/. I'm happy for him.
I never watched it, I was considering picking this up before the shitstorm started, but now I'm intrigued
Asuka had way more skinship this episode.
Shoe1 just gave her something, she said it was cute. That's it.
Even in the novels, not much more happens. she does call him her boyfriend later but we never see a confession or anything.
Why can't we get a cute romance, it's all degenerate trash with cheating, netorare, rape and other things. I just want a cute romance history.
How do you get your post on tumblr to get exposure, I'm browsing the tag I posted in under and shit isn't happening
Few people get angry over not getting ''legit yuri'' I get by only on strong subtext and it's enough for me
>I just want a cute romance history.
Tamako Love Story
Y, of course.
Why does this image please me so much? Is there something wrong with me?
>forced heterosexual romance
haha god fucking damn it.
So was it handled as rushed and shittily as the rest of the season has been? I really couldn't care less about who Kumiko fucks after how badly this season handled character interactions.
>Holy shit you guys are desperate if you actually try to start a shitstorm over literally nothing.
This is Yuribait:The Anime. People thought that the anime was going to go in a different direction from the LN, in which they do end up together. This hair pin is the start of the romance in the LN, which means that it has a high chance of happening and btfo'ing yurishits who've latched on to this show.
>Few people
Made me laugh
I'm talking about yuri, you hetshitter.
then it can't be a romance because girls cannot love girls
here we go
post yfw she said it
>people actually thought the Mizore arc was going to be the weakest part of season 2
Just see all the anime with large yurifag following most of them don't anything explicit, so yeah it's few people
Calm down guys nothing happened. You can laugh at /u/ when they are actually togehter. Right now everyone is laughing at you making a huge deal out of nothing.
>a huge deal out of nothing.
thats because you don't know what happens next in the novel
>mfw hetshitters start doubting their sexuality because of YoI so they have to shitpost on other threads to reaffirm their fragile "heterosexuality"
Go shitpost about that on /u/ or tumblr. Not many people here thought Kumiko/Reina was going to happen. Seriously all you niggers are shitting up the thread and won't let people discuss the show.
>Weeabo fanbase war
People like him are the reason why neo-Sup Forums are so shitty nowadays
that sounded quite tumblrish
reminder that Midori is the true villain of Hibike
>not defense mode
>not at all
They end up togehter. So what?
>YoI starts airing
>hetposters "suddenly" disappear
Then discuss it you fucking retard. Nobody is physically stopping you from doing so.
Totally not false-flagging.
The only people making a big deal about this are anti-/u/ posters.
everyone literally went to the YoI threads
it's literally one retard that was shitting up the thread
He even had that hallmark style of "whatever kid" posts, CAPITALIZING WORDS LIKE SO, and quoting multiple posts at the same time
Other hets are still here
Spilt spaghetti tier
You obviously don't know the significance of the hairpin user.
How do we stop her?
Its kinda hard to give up when you never try.
So it was fujos? Did you go in their threads to shitpost or something?
it's one gay nigger
1080 WHEN
Still ambiguous. Call me when he confess and she accept within the show.
/u/ suffering next season
Next season:
>Kuzu no Honkai has real lesbian
>she actually has sex with fem MC
>fem MC wants own brothers or at least other guys dick and doesnt have any feelings for lesbian and just haves pity sex with her
>maid dragon has female dragons lusting for female MC
>female MC clearly tells she is not interested and will never fuck them
>there will be episode of female MC getting a dick, and female dragons jumping her with double the force since want to be dicked
>potential lesbian ship in Demi-chan wa Kataritai both lusting Sensei`s male cock
>Gabriel DropOut ships ruined by MC being fujoshi
>Little Witch Academia confirmed having male Mages introduced
Shitposters gone? c-can we talk about the episode now?
>>Little Witch Academia confirmed having male Mages introduced
O fuck yes. Confirmation where? Unless you're talking about the suspisciously evil looking guy in the car for 2 seconds
look at this way senpai, in about two weeks the show will fall completely off the radar, but because we got hairpin end, we dont have to worry about /u/ ever coming back.
Lets just go funpost in YoI until tomorrow
They thought Hazuki is gonna be a problem but nobody expected the Midori inquisition.
First one is straight as fuck. What the fuck are you talking about?
>c/u/cks btfo'd by our guy
>hairpin end
what the hell is that?
>he fell for the bait
>fujos BTFO
>yurifags BTFO
What a glorious day
The only thing funnier than watching Sup Forums tear down /u/ is watching tumblr yurifags start "LITERALLY SHAKING".
Praise heterosexuality.
Is there a more pure smile?