Top political experts and unnamed Washington insiders have exclusively told CNN that Trump's impeachment is imminent. Following the "Pocahontas" comment, Mueller has uncovered vast ties between Putin and Russia, which Trump was aware of. Is it over now for Trump?
CNN: Sources say Trump impeachment imminent
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Trump should have been impeached like the day he took office.
It's amazing how much shit he's gotten throw this far.
All because of their SCOTUS they put up with this shit.
But Dronal Dormpft got 2 scoops of icecream you fucking nazi.
kek that image. fukken saved
what does muh bad comment have to do with any russia evidence?
>Mueller has uncovered vast ties between Putin and Russia
the comment proves Trump knew of Putin's ties to Russia
mint soon?!
Fuck guys. Pack it up. It's for real this time.
I also got two scoops of icecream for dinner. Please do report of my right wing activities to the FBI.
>rural and suburban retards
Now i know you are just trolling for (((yous)))
How do you impeach someone who has done nothing wrong?
Illegal action is not a requirement of impeachment, they must merely be disliked
funny how here is always unnamed sources when demlibs cry bout shit?
>Sources say
>1 post by this ID
>No sauce
>CNN: Sources say
Plus, since you're from the University of California you're probably shitposting for free.
Your life must be fucking miserable. God fucking dammit just off yourself, you stupid fucking degenerate
statement confrmed true
Drimbauld Drumpfst is the only one who will be miserable, now that the links between Putin and Russia have been revealed!
Correction, paid tuition to shitpost. Newfags will pay to be here. Maybe they teach a class on triforce.
this joke of an israeli propaganda organization needs to be raided every day of the year
>american education
You can't simply impeach everyone you dislike, you need evidence of wrongdoing by which Drumpf has none.
An example of a president with wrongdoing:
Well Bill Clinton had sex with his secretary and was nearly impeached by that. He did wrong (adultery) and was nearly impeached.
Impeachment should be done according to the law of the constitution not because merely of disliking the presidents policy on some things.
AND he killed all those fishies!
Sauce on that image STAT!
No dipshit. He lied under oath and that's why he was impeached.
This. He WAS impeached, and it was for lying under oath. How can people get shit so fucking wrong?
Unnamed sources have confirmed to Jeff Bezos and the Amazon Washington Post that these koi fish were of jewish heritage.
Today an un-named high white horse souse reported that...
>mfw reading comprehension among anons...
Hey guys, Q-user here. Just wanted to let ya'll know Putin's ties to the Kremlin were in fact known to Trump as early as October 2016. Impeachment papers have already been filed. Is Trump finished?
Because RASCISM!!!!!1!11!! You white supremacist kkk nazi!
Not adultery. Lied under oath.
you rural suburbanites crack me up!
This country, at least the parts not wholly brainwashed by right wing propaganda, need to come to terms with substantial evidence that president Drumph is controlled by a foreign power i.e. Russia
Sources say Civil War is imminent. Pedos and Jews best bunker down.
Wrong. He actually was impeached, just not removed and it was for lying under oath not over Monica.
>Washington insiders have exclusively told CNN that Trump's impeachment is imminent
Damn Russians leaking to CNN again
The Purge will be a beautiful thing. Thank you Jews for giving us no choice.
Chuck Schumer drunk dialed CNN again
Of course Putin has ties with Trump.
This. It has already been confirmed by our brave men and women in the intelligence services that Russia "probably" interfered in the election, although they admit theres no direct evidence of this. These are the same people that told us Saddam had nukes and was training Al Qaeda 15 years ago (all of which was true).
Face the facts Drumpfkins. Russia and Putin have strong ties, which Trump was aware of. This time, he can't possibly recover.
I hear they both eat Chinese food as well. It's a fucking conspiracy!
Chuck Schumer is a pedophile.
Fun Fact Boglord, Bill Clinton is disbarred and unable to practice law because of his perjury.
please be real please be real
Honestly I hope they do. That would probably start a civil war
all jews typically are
If you take it down correctly the first time, you'll never need to raid again
putin may have ties to RUSSIA? OH NO
I recommend they be simply prepared over an open flame.
Carp kind of taste like shit, no? Not that anyone would eat koi, but don't Germans eat carp fish sometimes? I know they're almost exclusively found in the grossest, nastiest waters around here. German lads, how do you prepare carp?
Ok, I voted for Drumpf, but if it's confirmed that Putin has ties to Russia, that's the last straw. I'm done with Drumpf. We can't let him have the passwords to the Twatter account.
Putin had us all fooled.
I didn't say to eat them, just how to cook them.
I'll tell you what, once Rignaul Brumpftt is finally impeached, I'll go down to the home and garden store and buy up their biggest tastiest koi and prepare a homemade pan-seared koi dinner to celebrate. You are all invited.
Top political experts and unnamed Washington insiders have exclusively told me that CNN is full of shit.
Wait you really don't understand this thread bait?
People are so stupid I swear...
>unnamed Washington insiders
So in other words more lies from CNN. Come back when these insiders have names till then its just more fake news.
its over for drumpf now that its been established that putin had ties to russia. it can't get any clearer than that! hahahaha i'd like to see you drumpftards try and get out of this one! and trump knew putin had ries to russia omfg ... he's getting impeached!!!!!
CNN is quickly turning into those dumbass end of the world is nigh faggots
When theyre predictions are wrong they just push the date further and further because it never fucking happens.
K.....wake me up when it happens. I'm going
to go take a long nap.
Fucking Drumpf. He always knew Russians speak Russian! IMPEACH!!!!!!
CNN's research department even obtained Donald Trump's 9th grade geography class final exam. Among the questions he answered correctly was "What is the capital city of Russia?"
What type of teenager would know the answer to that question? Was Drumpf a Russian sleeper agent this whole time?
> Putin may have ties to Russia
>Top political experts and unnamed Washington insiders
hehehehehe. Reads like fiction.
You should read:
>Following the "Pocahontas" comment, Mueller has uncovered vast ties between Putin and Russia
lmao, do you actually get retards to buy this shit?
Well, yeah. CNN has had record ratings this year. People eat this shit up.
Squint and they look like two dildos
CNN says a lot of things. None of them can be trusted as fact.
what kind of questions are these lol
this horseshit... still?
He's finished now
tick tock you Drumpftards
It's fucking tiresome to hear about a new impeachment against Trump every week that goes.
You larpers can repeat it endlessly, it won't happen just because you libtard shills dislike him.
Drumpth is done for this time!
I know we've said it 1000x already, but this time for real!
Be quiet faggot, he is finished!!!
>this thread having 80 replies
Partly true.
Yeah! That's the spirit. Any day now ...
Even worse - according to unnamed but highly placed Whitehouse officials - Trump actually was aware of the ties between Putin and Russia, since at least October 2016.
It's all their Demon Queen's doing. She'll eat their fucking babies if they don't do this. And they fucking know it.
The Kuru does not lie. There's absolutely one way to contract it.
i told you guys putin was carrying the water for the kremlin
but no
you had to lurp that kremlin kock. ridiculous
Trump knew Putin and Russia are connected????
Why didn't he tell us!!!!
This is actually the second one I've done - I did one yesterday with Keith Olbermann saying "after Pocahontas, Trump is finished, so I'm quitting this show." That also had like 80 replies. Not sure what you'd call this, impeachmentposting? Pretty fun though. A surprisingly high number of people don't get it.
>It's Another peach post.
We get it, you're addicted to fluoride.
so fucking Drumpf is fucking up the peaches now?
We simply can't let this monster gain access to the peach baskets.
sure he is. stupid faggot.
This pic is fake... r-right?
pshh i wish
Keith Olbermann thinks it is. He said he would stop doing political commentary because impeachment and removal were imminent.
I'm actually a fan, but I think he's batshit crazy on that one.
Clinton WAS impeached. He was just not removed.
Learn your history.