Does Suzaku end up forgiving Lelouch?

Does this little shit end up making up with Lelouch at the end of the show? Or does he just play along to fulfil the Zero Requiem. He's one of only three people in tears at the end after Lelouch's death

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Because Friendship is magic .IMO you can say Suzaku sorta felt regret after what they had been through and teared for him

Go be a retard somewhere else Suzakurager

It's a common Japanese trope.
You can't even count the times Kenshiro felt sad or outright cried after killing a villain, even when they were genocidal psychopaths.

After they are dead all anger dissipates and awareness of their plight is the only thing that remains.

I didn't even much care for Suzaku's character
it's just comforting to see them friends again in the end

He and Lelouch made up during the 3 month timeskip

that's heartwarming

Not really, he just realized how much of a dumbass he had been and there was no fixing the world from the inside out. He more or less conceeded the only way to actually change things for the best was lelouch getting his hands dirty for him.

Wrong on all accounts retard

i dont think anyone can really say if that's right or wrong, the show ends there and we dont get any more information regarding this other than suzaku's teary face close-up at the end

If you're going by just what we learned from the show Suzaku snapped when he began to realize he was being stupid an naive from the start.

Wrong again

nice counter arguement

What is it with Suzakurager and his obession over lying about shit?

He didn't watch the show apparently

I've seen the show multiple times.

Suzakurager does care about being right or wrong he just wants to put his autistic hatred of a character to light.

Jesus, CLAMP's artwork is gay as fuck

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he even come out and say exactly that: that he was being naive? It was when they were playing pool and he asks schneizel to make him the knight of one and secede the emperor

They would have made up if Lelouch would have stopped yelling at him for being in soup

No, how about you actually watch the show next time.


Let me rephrase that, I KNOW that you're wrong because I just watched the episode last night
I literally made this just now for you





You're retarded.


And you obviously didn't know given we had to wait for you to scramble and find the episode. Better luck next time Rager
No need to samefag Rager

I'm not the same guy you dumb faggot, I just wanted to point out how stupid you are

Just admit you were wrong, close the thread, and move on, stop desperately trying to save face

You do realize you can turn off and on that function right? Also
>IP count didn't change

You're just making it worse for yourself

>save face
You have to prove someone wrong before they can do that.

You should, never actually respond to someone who's literally that delusional. Literal proof, shoved right into his fucking face, and they have the audacity to just say "lmao that's wrong u mad kid"

>they have the audacity to just say "lmao that's wrong u mad kid"
He didn't even say that, he just skirted around it by saying the other guy had to scramble to find the episode "so he didn't know it all along, hah! gotcha!"

How come Suzaku's still bitter at Lelouch, even after he realises he was being naive the whole time?

also, can someone explain who exactly is suzakurager?

>IP Count didn't move

>How come Suzaku's still bitter at Lelouch, even after he realises he was being naive the whole time?
There's this little thing about Lelouch killing Euphie, lying out his ass and being responsible for the death of other characters. Nothing major at all

Name for autists like you who sperg out whenever Suzaku gets brought up i.e. his detractors.

IP count bumped up from 11 to 12 at this post
Unless you have some way to prove it didn't, but everyone knows you're just trying to dodge the issue which is this:

>IP count bumped up from 11 to 12 at this post
Cool lie Rager, it was actually this post you've just been samefaging this whole time.

>How come Suzaku's still bitter at Lelouch after he killed Euphie?

Gee I dunno?

What does Sup Forums think is going to happen in S3?

Actually it was this , that's my bad

>Suzaku haters still exist

Either retards or disgruntled Kallenfags at this point.

What fucking issue? Someone said that Suzaku conceeded he was being naive by trying to change things from the inside, and some fucking sperg said he was wrong. Then was proven a liar by actual dialogue, from the actual show, of YES the actual Suzaku saying that he was being naive by trying to change things from the inside.

There is no issue, this is literally an open and shut discussion.
tl;dr kys

>IP count didn't move

>Then was proven a liar by actual dialogue, from the actual show
Once again

The issue here is that you're wrong and that you're using gg subs as evidence.

I've made 4 posts including this one. Try to guess.

What is this? Are you ESL? What is the point you're trying to get across with these kinds of responses? Suzaku admits himself that he was naive, and proving this makes someone a suzakurager or whatever kind of retarded ass buzzword you made up?

>I've made 4 posts including this one.
Awesome lie bro

I actually didn't screencap those, what's the script in japanese then? Can you post it?


what's wrong with gg/thora?

Yep! If you're looking for good reliable subs look no further than gg
Are you new?

You still haven't posted the script.

Youre sucking gg's dick to save face at this point

so i assume you're posting an example. A mistranslated sentence from some show which in your opinion disqualifies a sub group as valid source for all other shows too.


Suzaku's response at the end makes perfect sense if you understand that people can feel more than one emotion at a time. Unfortunately much of Sup Forums cannot understand this.

It's a common damage control response when proved wrong to whine about the subs. If it's OZC complain that they are dubtitles. If it's gg complain that they are meme subs. Etc.

Don't bother replying to these people. A rational person would post their own superior proof, which they absolutely will not do, because they have no proof. They are in full damage control mode and therefore should be ignored.

>Bad subtitles are suddenly good because they align with my response
Speaking of damage control

>Suzaku's response at the end makes perfect sense if you understand that people can feel more than one emotion at a time.
Dude, fuck off. The whole purpose of Rager's response was to just admit that Suzaku was a dumbass for following his belief. He doesn't give a shit about the circumstances that made sense just that he finally backed down for entirely different reasons.

That doesn't look like Lelouch thinks he's immortal and that's written by Okouchi, so he was probably brought back from the death, then?

>Suzaku is my one and only friend

Fuck. Imagine how much pain he went through fighting him?

>Titled Lelouch of the Resurrection

No shit. Even during the Birthday Picture Drama he had to pull some strings with the World of C to briefly come back.

Okouchi said he died.

They became friends for real due to collaborating on Zero Requiem after having experienced each other's worst traits, so you could say progress was made.

>Okouchi said he died

He said that he was killed. Not that he died. People with Codes don't die when they are killed.

>People with Codes
Not this shit again

If Lelouch is actually straight-up brought back from the dead then the story has no chance of being good. I wholeheartedly hope they won't cross that line.

Dude the code theory is the only twist that can make sense and make way for a sequel. If they are going to resurrect him literally from death then it will most likely shit. After all they can resurrect euphy, shirley and other dead ones as well.

>they can resurrect euphy, shirley

I don't know, I would have mixed feelings about that.

Final boss Clovis confirmed. He was taken too soon for his master plan.

>the code theory
Fanfic bullshit is not a good twist



Homolust will be ramped up.

It really starts here. You can feel it in your chest; your throat starts to seize up. You're remembering the entire series of events up to this point. But this is fine, you can hold back the tears with this.

But now you're just fooling yourself. At most your eyes are blurry, maybe a tear or two is dripping down your cheek.

And finally the irony sets in. The crowd is totally unaware of what just went down, and so cheer the name of Zero. But you know what's really going on, and above the roar of the crowd you can hear that shrill scream. True despair rings in your ears.

And if you aren't crying like a little girl at this point, you really have no soul.

We all seem to be ignoring the real question, the true question that should be asked about R3, really, the only question that matters: will Lelouch actually ride a fucking horse this time?

I love when niggers are so fucking wrong they just start flinging memesubs and autism insults in any direction they can.

Jolly good show.

>riding a horse bareback

Suzaku has no dick. In fact nobody in Code Geass has a dick.


Do you still recognize that bulge?

>please open your eyes
If only Lelouch had a dollar for every time he thought that about Nunnally.

I shall never forget that bulge.


This triggers the Suzakurager

I think Suzaku fina-fucking-lly starting to work with Lelouch, and proceeding to outplay the whole world, was the most satisfying set of events of the series.

No. Lelouch becoming Emperor was the most satisfying set of events.

Well, one does literally accompanies the other within a few minutes.

You're right though.

True, but I was done with Suzaku when the end of the first season rolled around. His obsession with Euphemia and his refusal to attempt to understand anything about Lelouch; supposedly his best friend, just pissed me off.

When people act like that in what you quoted you know they are probably following headcannon or trolling

To be fair, I feel like people really understate how much something like Euphinator would fuck you up. I mean, he didn't just kill her, which would be bad enough, he made her go down in history as the genocide princess, genocide against Suzaku's people.

Not only that, but Lelouch never bothered to even give a hint that it wasn't intentional before the death of Charles. Suzaku only figured it out at the Kururugi Shrine when Lelouch lied unconvincingly about it.

Not that I can't sympathize with Suzaku, I just didn't. I thnk the relationship between Suzaku and Lelouch suffered at the hands of typical Japanese / anime tropes. The refusal to even attempt to comprehend what went wrong with your friend (Suzaku's error) or to really try and level with him (Lelouch's error) and just let things be with "lol misunderstandings" made it all the more unbearable.

Yeah, it really all comes down to the good old "old misunderstanding"

Also, unrelated, but I'd forgotten how great the second ending theme of R2 was.

>why don't people try to understand poor Lelouch ;_;
When Lelouch isn't hiding things from people and outright making them comply to his demands, he magically expects people to just fall in line regardless of whatever. The guy was ridiculously egocentric and his enigmatic character confuses those around him.

Suzaku has his faults but it was reasonable to be incensed of Lelouch's bullshit. But because Lelouch is his friend, he's torn. At the shrine scene, he grasps Lelouch better.

>Not only that, but Lelouch never bothered to even give a hint that it wasn't intentional before the death of Charles.

What would be the point? There was a small to no chance that Suzaku would feel any better. Lelouch even explained that everything he did he didn't want to be in vain such as Euphie. When he confronted Charles Suzaku also realized that Lelouch was in one way protecting the japan and the world against an oppressor like the emperor who was going to force geass on everyone.

After being emperor of the world Euphie looked pretty small in comparison.

I always forget how great the soundtrack for R1 and R2 is overall. One half is pretty mediocre but the other half just fucking nails it, especially when it's well timed.

This from R1

And this from R2

I never expected anything from any of side characters, like folks from The Order of Black Knights, but outright ignorance from your best friend just doesn't sit right with me.

Lelouch was in the wrong too, but with Suzaku it seemed more self-centered. That is of course until the shrine scene in R2 I agree, but I don't think it really clicked for him until the use of FLEIJA during the Tokyo battle. As was mentioned earlier in the thread, that's when he lost his naivety

Suzaku's stubbornness seemed perfectly understandable to me given he had no clue of Lelouch's plans until near the end.

The second time I watched the show through he irritated me a little but only because I knew what was going to happen in the end anyway and he could have made things so much easier.

>Lelouch was in the wrong too

Kinda a gray area seeing how he was at war with a very oppressive force. He definately wasn't without blood on his hands but compared to what he was up against... I dunno if I can say all his methods were wrong

I simply meant in the wrong with regards to how he approached the challenges in his friendship with Suzaku.

Ah okay my bad

I don't know, would you just assume your friend made his little sister and your girlfriend commit genocide by accident? Does that make everything okay given what he had done to her? Suzaku knows much of Lelouch. He knows he wants to take down Britannia. He knows he'll do it by any means necessary, which Suzaku is opposed to. He knows he's not above killing his own kin. It adds up. Given Lelouch's character, one who shrouds himself in lies, I can't blame anyone for either not understanding or not even bothering. To put trust in him is an act of faith, not reason.

I don't think Suzaku was naive, just stubbornly insistent on doing things the 'right' way because of past hangups and silly things like compassion and the sanctity of life. The longer it goes on and more difficult it gets, the more he finds himself slipping from that path. Then tens of millions of people + supposed Nunnally get nuked and he's like "Fuck it. If I want to change the world and things are going to be this way, I should at least get favorable results."