Why does Sup Forums hate black people? Explain yourselves

Why does Sup Forums hate black people? Explain yourselves.

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Can't we just have a day without outsiders coming in to question our morality?

It is quite telling, isn't it, that these sheeple who go with the herd think Sup Forums is also into groupthink.

does anyone really like being racist?
do you enjoy being racist?
or is it just something you feel should be done because of the way you were brought up?

They move in, property value goes down, insurance goes up. I start seeing sagging pants everywhere. I can keep going

>Why does Sup Forums hate black people? Explain yourselves.

>They move in, property value goes down, insurance goes up. I start seeing sagging pants everywhere.

pic related

What a great explanation, insecure faggot.

My best friend is nigger.
Still hate niggers.

Why? Well, I'm not allowed to treat them as an equal in person. I have to dance around their egos and often lessor intelligence. All because, no threat by them, but my own fucking government.

Culling uppity niggers should be a pass time.

We don’t need to explain ourselves, the niggers do it with their actions.


I just do

Because they're stupid, violent, and have no place anywhere besides in the atmosphere after being vaporized by nuclear hellfire or buried in the Mariana Trench.

Just the ones that use Ebonics.

Because of their behaviour, appearance and smell.

I feel threatened by them.

Because they're niggers

Because they are Niggers.


Nice doubles, faglord.

Kek didnt even notice.

Sup Forums hates black people because most of them underage age, underemployed, flaccid cucks, so it's a way of channeling their effeminate rage in a way that avoids taking responsibility for their own actions e.g.

>I don't have a job and still live with mommy, and it's not because i'm a loser, it's because of niggers!



Choose one

Pick one

Kill yourself OP.

She did nothing wrong.

First explain why are black people so shit

Wew you are such a young rebel with your nationalism and racism.

They don't integrate well in huge numbers

haha, no

Because Niggers are dumb as fuck, have the ego and intellect of a five year old, are irresponsible always blame Mr YT (with the help from Shlomo of course) for their own mistakes etc. etc.

Her eyes look scary as fuck. Probably gonna show up in my dreams. :c

They are niggers not people.

I don't hate them, I just don't like them.


Personally I don't like them because I'm forced to deal with them.
If multiculturalism was a choice I'd be less likely to outright hate every singe one of them, but it's not, it's anti-freedom.

I don't hate black people. I just don't want to live amongst them. They belong in Africa

They vote for idiot Democrats. The very same people who wanted to keep them as slaves.

There's no excuse for such stupid.

Ironically, being forced to be around niggers is anti-democratic, and niggers saying, "DAS OUR WURRRRD" means they are against freedom of speech.
Either it's all okay, or none of it is okay.

It's not hate, it's contempt. You don't go around hating every inferior form of life on the planet right? They are the kind of animals that take more than what they contribute, even out in the wild, if left unchecked, could create an ecoloigical mess.

>Why does Sup Forums hate black people?
Because they're subhuman and don't belong in White countries.

>What a great explanation, insecure faggot.
Said the little bitch who has only posted twice in the thread he made.

Why don't you explain why you love blacks?

Depends on what kinda person they are. My best friend is Jamaican and white. His family is very respectable and he’s one of the coolest people I know.

His family also hates niggers and we bonded over being robbed by ghetto blacks at gunpoint.

Or maybe its because niggers destroy everything they touch. Whether it be neighborhoods, cities, nations, or continents.

They are uncivilised. Violent, dumb, dishonorable, filthy, hypocritical, insecure, ungrateful backstabbing proto-humans.

Going back as far as ancient Greece, literally every civilization that has encountered blacks have come to the same conclusion: most of them are beyond stupid, animalistic, and basically good for nothing except manual labor.

Seriously, look up what the Greek, Roman, Arab, Portuguese, French, Spaniard, English, German, etc. historians have to say about them. Literally all of them would be arrested for hate speech today.

Blacks are animals who want to rape and murder everyone. They hate whites the most because they won't allow them to behave like savage beasts.


>basically good for nothing except manual labor.

They're also useful for destroying civilizations that white people have built.

Sadly, this is how it goes.

Black people in America are admixed af. The lighter their skin the smarter they are to some extent. The half mutts seem dumb as rocks 70% of the time

lurk moar

They take more from society than they put in, on average.

They're far more violent and criminally prone, on average.

I don't care about the "color".

I'd consider that manual labor in service of the socialist global elite and their (((friends))).

The color is an identifier for genetic predispositions to violent behavior and low IQ. You should care about the color, because it tells you the genetic stock that person comes from. Black genetic stock is unfit for incorporation into white Western societies.

Nigs are commies, kiddo. They had life better on the plantation.

They are beyond worthless, they are fucking leeches.

I don't I just don't care about their problems or their shit culture.

Because of their behaviour, although truth be told I just dont want them near me

He didn't say this, someone else did

>science that backs up african racial inferiority
OK WELL THATS COOL BUT thats just saying what even normies know deep down, that doesnt do anything to address how the NAP needs to apply to all homo genus in order to achieve a truly free society. Blacks need to die out due to inability to compete in the free market, not through genocide.

*helper teleports behind you*
nothing personal kid, but unless you're green, you're all niggers. just be glad you weren't born a pajeet

Why don't yo-