LOL. Nigress MSNBC host says Americans are a ''core threat'' to democracy. This is too funny.

It's 2017. Niggers, mexicans, and muslims are good. Non-gay White Americans are bad.

Hang her, but make sure it's the right height so the very tips of her toes can scrape the ground but not enough for her to stand on them, giving her the false hope that she can escape death.

>democracy is you doing what I want

By "democracy" they actually mean communism. And yes, rural Americans are a threat to that.

You just have to decode their newspeak. Their "democracy" is more akin to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

We live in a republic.

>implying these people care
When they say democracy they mean Marxist

Yes liberals are a threat to democracy.

Pic very fucking related.
Some of us could be losing our patience. Only a matter of time before one out of 350 million people decides they've had enough.

>(((((msnbc))))) nigger niggering with niggery niggerness

We are going to have civil war again soon. Whatever, that's fine. We all are going to die eventually anyway.

When will liberals learn that USA is not a democratic nation but a Constitutional Republic?! I mean seriously what’s going on in our schools?!

joy was always pretty bad, but over the past year she's been really descending into madness. when that fat woman in VA had a heart attack they acted like it was MLK being assassinated again. MSNBC is fucking nuts.

it’s really unfortunate that none of these white nationalist shooters (all 2-3 of them anyway) went after journalists. why some old niggers in a church instead of some cnn nigger like don lemon who actively spread anti-white narrative and blatant lies about the reality of racial issues?fuck i’d love to see a bullet in his head. or any single salon writer or 99% of buzzfeed writers. these nigger and kike communists need the fear of lead in them

She most likely doesn't know what that means.

Are you me?

>Non-gay White Americans are bad.
Gay White Americans are also bad if they're not Democrats.

Even nigger Americans are bad if they’re not democrat

Oh, they're basically nazis, just like Ben Shapiro.

The word democracy has become useless. So tired of pundits saying “such and such is a threat to democracy”. People will seriously use the term democracy to justify anything ..


"The ripened fruits of LBJ's (not so) Great Society. They can be witnessed in every metropolis, city, town and village across the looted plain.."