Have you even met a Jewish person in real life?
Have you even met a Jewish person in real life?
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I met a kike once, he sold cheap jewelry for a living with his wife.
Majority of my friends growing up were Jewish
I'm jewish
Yes. I live on Long Island
Yea I knew a small group of boys in high school. They tried to pay me to kill the gym coach.
No I'm dead serious. Not a joke. They wanted me to kill him for money. Tried to talk me in to a bunch.
Kikes. Always the same.
Yeah he was a fat marxist
Yes and they are obnoxious and racist
Depends, we talking real Jews or the Jews that the real Jews consider goys?
Because yes to both.
By far the most viciously anti-Semitic people are Jews. This should tell you something about the character of the people
Several. Jewish boomers, mostly. They are fucking everywhere this time of year. Please help.
t. South florida
Yes 6 gorillion of them. They all came to visit my fathers lampshade factory.
Yep, went to a small Uni with a lot of Jews in it. A good chunk of them are now editors for magazines and newspapers
A few but strangely enough all were converts to Mesianic Judaism. Here in the south some evangelicals become so dedicated to their jew overlords that they flat out convert.
Get out
>2 months in Israel for a research trip
>high school tennis coach who ended up being a kiddie diddler
>close friend in middle school, went to his bar mitzvah
>this one satanist in high school
I'm sure there were more
I grew up in a city called Bethesda
You tell me
oy vey...
Fucked at least 3 of them.
On an individual level working Jews are good people. That is why so many fought for Hitler. The ones I know also hate Soros and the globalists. A couple are red pilled on the Holocaust. The top Jews lie to the pleb Jews to keep them in line and reinforce tribal loyalty
I knew a jew kid at school, he always asked to take a drag off our cigarettes in the bathrooms. One day we didn't let him and he went and told a teacher we were smoking. That was a youthful redpill for me. He was compliant as long as he was benefiting, but the shady mother fucker sold us out the day we didn't share with him.
Yup, met a lot of them in residence at UofToronto.
The "men" were either complete shut ins, or complete flaimng drug abusing homos.
The women were all referred to as JAPS (jewish american princess) and they all had daddys credit card and came home with shopping bags of fancy clothes every day. They also ALL did hard drugs and somehow floated their way through school.
This one blonde jewess used to stalk me at parties and when I was drunk and the party was over she would take me back to her room and suck me off. every party this would happen, and she didnt want to have sex or recieve anything from me either.. it was weird but I just kinda went with it. I had no prior knowledge of jews so to me they were just white people who stayed in their own little clique.
A few, none of which cared for or respected Judaism, but they unsurprisingly and unironically pulled the Jew card whenever the opportunity arose.
They were all half-jewish, and barely aware of being Jewish at all. The only time I even remember it being brought up was for their Barmitzvahs. Their dads were literally all lawyers though lol
Too many.
>Was once an innocent kid.
>Thought that Jew was a dirty word like bastard.
>Didn't realize that the people being referred to as Jews could actually be Jews.
>Now I know that the me of that time was living a life where Jews effectively didn't exist.
>It was a better time.
Who knows?
It is not like you can distinguish them from anyone else by the looks.
I just assume everyone around me is jewish, until proven otherwise.
Nope, there are only like 700 Jews in Norway
Yeah, this one Jewish family lives a couple streets away from me. I'm the same age as their youngest son so I went to elementary, middle, and high school with him.
They're alright. Friendly enough. Don't have anything to do with banking. The stereotypes about Jewish moms riding their sons like jockeys is true though. She basically mapped out their lives to ensure they went to good schools and got good jobs.
Pretty sure the youngest is gay but his mom won't shut the fuck up about him marrying a nice Jew girl, even though all his older brothers already did, so he's kind of fucked up sexually. Repressed and shit.
Anyway the whole "literally every Jew is in on the conspiracy" thing is a straw man. Nobody really believs that
I grew up on long island so many times. You can pick up who's a kike by their face really easily. Some are ok most are fucking annoying
Yes. I was in an all-Jew boy scout group for half a decade.
Richmond Hill Faggot detected.
I live in Nyc so yes. they are as cut throat, shifty and self obsessed as the meme says
OP here. I live in Texas and only met one Jewish person. He played clarinet in band and loved Seinfeld (not memeing). I remember he denounced his Judaism and became atheist later in high school. Last time I saw him he was a manager at a Walmart down the street. He was a good guy TbH.
Mostly this. But they are more prone to lie in business with a non-Jew than a non-Jew to another non-Jew. Be forewarned Anons.
Jewniversity of Chicago grad. so hell yeah. That place is crawling with them. I found them to be diverse in their weirdness, mishapen and aggressively horrible. Wish I knew then what I do now.
Met a gay Jew in a bar from jew york.
We chatted...and I told him I was on the terror watch list (didn't want to heil since I couldn't predict his response, have before many times.)
He got scurred...left quietly. I laughed hard and long...good times!
She told my whole class that the nazis raped her and the only reason why she wasn't gassed was that her father was an catholic goy and therefore they considered her as a lesser german with a jewish mother. Ironically her mother wasn't also put in an concentration camp because she was married to an goy.
i was walking with my russian broskis on ocean parkway one night in brooklyn and made a wrong turn onto a jewish area. they all started gathering around us goys and hissing at us and then started pinching us. we couldn't get out. it was like a swarm of black coats and black hat rodents who wanted us to leave the neighborhood because we were goys. I'll never forget that day.
Of course. Stop believing the lie that exposure to a group makes you more fond of them. I knew loads of kikes in college, and that's when I began to hate them. I worked construction for a couple of years with shitloads of spics, and let me tell you what, man, I hate those dirty fuckers more than niggers now.
I ate out a Jewish-Hungarian girl in 8th grade( she was my gf at the time) my friends still call me the Jewpacabra to this day
I may shitpost about jews but in honest they dont fuck with me and I dont fuck with them, have had good and bad interactions, same as any other group of people
There was an area where I used to live that they were all Jews. Like the kind where they wear the black trench coats and the weird Long curls on the sides of their heads. If you went in that area they'd all fuck with you and if you stood up for yourself they'd all swarm you. They'd be coming from every corner of the earth like cockroaches coming out at night. It was mafia tier shit.
I also was buddies with a guy who was jew-ish. He did all the stereotype shit. Like if we went shopping at the mall he'd be negotiating prices with some wage cuck that has no authority to negotiate any prices and they'd end up giving him like $1 off of a $120 item just to get him the fuck out because he'd be so insistent on it. Then he'd act all giddy like he was some suave negotiator.
His dad also owned some companies over seas with child labour shit. I stopped hanging out with him because of his bullshit. Constantly scheming shit.
This was before my Sup Forums days and I thought Jew stereotypes were just due to le anti semitism.b
Fingered one in the back seat of a car in high school.
Unless bants are taken serious, in which case I guess that makes me a nazi
Yeah, I met a nice old jewish man on a cruise I went on. He was interested in ww2 history (not the holocaust funny enough) and we talked for a long while about history, it was very pleasant
>eating a girl out
I’ve met themselves randomly, via friends, and via work.
The memes are real.
I had three friends, two who were my roommates at two different time periods. We were close for six years.
Let's just say they are deserving of every ounce of derision and skepticism they recieve.
does having sex with jewish women from behind count?
Yes, and he was so stereotypically Jew that at first I thought it was funny, then turned into annoyance, which turned into despising him which turned into full-blown anti-Semitism.
Yes, Chaim who owned a women's lingerie store close to my dad's shop
He always seemed miserable and we always said good morning to him and he never said anything back.
I think he was a good person though.
Maybe. Whether or not somebody was Jewish didn't even occur to me for most of my life. Like it was off the radar, not even part of the equation.
I've known tons of jews. The stereotype exists for a reason. Women are whores, men all have health problems and are super competitive about money. It's all they care about. I've also noticed Jews really get off doing weird and degrading shit to women, like beyond normal.
who is this semon demon?
Dated a half jewess in high school. Blonde hair, bright green eyes, no hooked nose... She broke my heart completely. Also, had a jew friend in Chicago who tried to touch my dick while I was asleep on his couch after a party. The only good jew I have ever met is my "uncle" rick (not related, just close family friend), and he abandoned his kike heritage for Christ.
Nope. The only Jews I have seen were the ones in charge of my city
The chairman of the public transportation department has a lovely last name — literally GOYHMANN
I remember how his house was robbed one time and millions of rubles were stolen but he didn't seem to care — he was in high spirits, saying that he would easily earn more
>be me 10 years ago
>fix aunt friends computer&setup network
>was told i'd get 20 bucks for it
>"i only have 10 bucks on me, theres other people in the house that may need your assistance aswell ;-)"
>just look at her
>"or i could go to the bank .. but thats abit of a walk"
>bank is just around the fucking corner
>get money and gtfo
Yes, he was american as well which was funny to say the least.
Solid bloke but you could tell from his mannerism he was Jewish. Lived right next to my grandpas and helped him out a lot. Don’t think he was religious and wasn’t involved in typical merchant-memery. Doesn’t excuse the fact that most kikes in Europe and America and conniving hacks.
Yes, the son of a bitch was the whole stereotype, smart, physically weak, big nose, manipulative, he was a good friend tho, help me pass grades n stuff... kinda mis him :(
Yes they are... i was standing next to some Jews and they were whispering praise about how well one of them hid their Jewish-ness.
They're all rats in on it.
I work with a 50 year old spinister, her parents were in South Africa mining diamonds and fled back to the uk after shit hit the fan.
Russian Jews are best Jews tbqh
Jews are mentally ill perverts.
Yes, all the time in college and grad school. Part of what redpilled me on the JQ was being around the jews personally and seeing how they were always thet ones espousing the most SJW and anti-white/male/christian/etc shit all the fucking time.
Also, Uncle Dolf's quote in pic-related is 100% true. I quickly learned that there's no point in ever trying to debate them unless there's a fellow goy watching as a 3rd party.
dumb frogposter
You live in Forest Hill or what?
I rented an attic apartment once, and paid before meeting the owners of the house. They were orthodox jews. Spoke in hebrew the entire day, and every friday night and saturday was a shitshow. They also had me have a menorah in my room, some shit about blessing every room of a house. Kinda ironic, they never knew they rented to basically a neo nazi
>those digits
>that story
How does one get sucked or by a random Jewish girl, I know literally zero Jewish females or went to school with them.
I really get the impression the Germans did such a good job down here (along with all the Dutch reporting them) that there are non left.
and they were every stereotype. The husband was a illegal immigration lawyer, and the wife worked on city zoning council.
Dated 2 before being aware of the JQ. In retrospect it puts a lot of the dynamics at play into perspective - there were things that just didn't make sense in my mind at the time.
Never seen one other than TV.
>at flat with housemate and his friends
>chilling and smoking weed
>start to have episode of psychosis
>some more friends arrive
>one is literal merchant level of Jew
>all I can think is of all the things I read about them here
>think I am the embodiment of the spirit of the white resistance to international Jewry
>topic of politics comes up
>talking about refugees
>Jew says “they are not really a burden, they enrich our culture and make is more diverse. To be honest I think borders are meaningless in today’s world”
>get pissed at the levels of subversion
>”would you want this for Israel”
>calls me anti Semitic
>laugh and look to my friend with a ‘get a load of this guy’ face
>see the Jew flick me off out the corner of my eye
>without turning my head I raise my arm to a Roman salute aimed towards him
>he starts shouting and ends up leaving
Mfw I could blame it all on the weed
I know a ton. Throughout the years of knowing them there are lots of traits and patterns that emerge throughout all of them. Loud, obnoxious, materialistic, narcissistic, eyeglasses, greedy, hairy, opinionated, fiesty, ugly, ambitious, sinister, calculating, poor fitness, all that and more. Theyre way too tv show emotional. The jew heroin addicts I know are from wealthy families and yet have to experience any real suffering. They cry over everything. The girls have big tits and fridge bodies and they fuck anything anyone, especially blacks. Mostly among the dudes I feel they're always scheming up something, or always on some defensiveness-which they mask up by being loud and telling jokes, trying to be funny. Its their glasses too that make it hard to gauge any sincerity. I know they are very quick to anger and never offer anything of value, just yappity yap blah blah blah. I avoid them. I just dont feel any connection with them.
why is that gay?
A couple years back a Jewish bitch with big tits wanted me to fuck her for her birthday after a big party where everyone got super drunk. I hit it and then gave her the cold shoulder afterward to make sure she knew I wasn't that into her. Then she moved away not long after. Easy pussy
>Jewish bitch with big tits
what's with the jew girls with huge titties? 8 out of 10 usually are fucking stacked.
yup. one looked like ethans wife and was pretty nice. the guys look sorta arab or Mediterranean.
Yes. She was fat and kept hitting on me. Then we're walking back from a party and she picked a dime off of the ground.
Yeah, only the individualist genetic jews who don't want any part of the tribe are tolerable.
Google Bexley, Ohio. That is what I grew up surrounded by.
I had a kike friend in elementary school for a while. One time I was waiting outside his house and out of boredom just started randomly looking around and for a bit I looked into their car. Apparently his parents were watching me from the window because when he came out he said I had to leave as they thought I was looking for something to steal.
That same friend also used to regularly get beat up by the one nigger in my school. He was like three years older than us and giant because he was constantly held back. The Jew would conspire alone all the time for ways to "kill that nigger".
I went to a high school that was half Jewish. I figured out the JQ on my own with 0 internet help.
Jewish mafia.
Never met one but I have seen one at our history class. He's pretty annoying with ruining lectures by going off topic with questions and bothering the proffessor. But he told us a story yesterday that his grandfather got rejected from a job application when he was a teenager because he was jewish
And that made me laugh
Educated at one of the most expensive schools in the country, from a wealthy banking family, attended a top college. Plays "nice" when in company, networks etc. But then ask him anything about politics and it's all open borders shit and barely concealed disgust towards the poor.
Standing in line to buy some tobacco
Pull out money from pocket and drop £20 while doing so.
Immediately bend down to pick it up and old jewess behind me has already picked it up.
Think she's going to hand it over and all she does is stare at me and says 'its mine, I dropped it'
I say nope it's mine and she begins raising her voice and starts speaking Hebrew (I think)
Thankfully based Tyrone in the same line speaks up and confirms the money is mine.
Old jewess hands over money and storms out of shop.
I met a Jew when I was in jail. He was an asshole. But most people in jail are assholes.
Kinda hard to meet one and not kill it or get killed by your people for not killing it where I live.
>Have you even met a Jewish person in real life?
There are two jews.. just like with everyone else.
There is the self-loving jew. And there is the self-loathing jew.
Both are dangerous. And both are clever.
I prefer the self-loving jew. They won't stab you in the back with a smile like the jew that hates himself. But, they will tell you everything you know is false.
Jews have neurotic obsessive thinking..(survival skill)..this can really good outcomes, and really bad outcomes.
If you're to young and/or dumb to know history and you want a cheat sheet on jews... leftwing jews are the worst human beings on earth. Especially a leftwing jewish lawyer! The rightwing jews don't care about you UNLESS you care about them. Far more reasonable creature than their sick twisted self-hating brother.
Just my experience as a based catholic goyim.
Yeah lots.
Richmond Hill standard Russian Jew reporting here from Canada. So I gotta ask, does anyone know how these Jews were raised such that they always behave like an insular group and maintain connection almost exclusively with Jewish folk? I was raised in such a way that I never went to a synagogue, never went to Hebrew school, barely interacted with other Jewish people at all and now I'm politically anti-degeneracy, anti-globalist, anti-multiculturalism, etc. I'd personally love to immigrate to the states if only to experience a country that properly assimilated their immigrants as opposed to this boiling pot bullshit out here in Canada where nobody gets any work done as a consequence of their inability to communicate with one another on a cultural level. It's an endless frustration trying to get fucking anything to work, especially when you're working for companies such as industrial manufacturers. Anyways my question is where do all these open-borders, cuckold-fetish, scheming and insular socialist Soros Jews come from? Is it just an issue of Jewish Parenthood, something I never really received due to my parents never raising me in what you'd call a "Jewish home"?
No I haven't. They all left the country in '41 for some strange reasons...
Yes, my former landlord is Jewish. A great human being. Seriously though, I never understand the obsession of polfags with "da joos".
>my former landlord
Did he kick you out when he caught 12 people sleeping in your unit?