
Let us revisit a great gem of the summer as we are near towards the end of the year.

It wasn't as great as it could have been due to a large concentration on the SoL with the twins as opposed to the severely few diving scenes shown.

It was fucking awful. Teko was a terrible main.

Just pretend that Pikari was the main

Comfy soundtrack 2bh

ane-chan-senpai needs to be bred so that Mars will have water in the future.

A wonderful series with a wonderful protagonist.



It made me want to get my open water diver

Less than 2 months to go!

He had a hard life

Official visual works artbook when?

Teko was a poor MC, but that didn't ruin it for me. Pikari and sensei were enough to keep me entertained.

It is a shame it is going to be forgotten within a year.


Hell, it's already forgotten unfortunately. JC Staff really invested the hell into this show and it clearly shows with the great visuals, voice acting, and soundtrack, but the overwhelming problem was that it felt like an anime that belonged (and would have attracted better) a decade ago.

What part of her growth and ambition do you think makes her a poor MC? How she changes from being hesitant and dependent to confident and accomplishing her goals, and even reaching for further dreams. Opinions are irrelevant if you're trying to make a statement of fact.

This picture still weirdly arouses me every time

I feel the same for this.

It's probably my AOTY actually.

Same. It just hurts more that this will likely never get an S2.

you're waifu is boring

>I've made a huge mistake

No, that's this face.

I really hated the twins, after a while I simply started skipping all the parts where they played a big role.

>no S2
>only one episode of skyuuba daibingu

Gonna have to agree with this. The twins are alright as extras, but they really stole much of the time and never gave much alone time for Pikari and Teko to interact. You can clearly tell how the first 3 episodes were spectacular mainly because the focus was still on the two protagonists, but the later episodes become a bit too crowded and expand the focus of the episodes all over the place. All in all, I think the twins are not a negative factor, but the combined presence of the cast (all 4 of them plus Sensei) leaves the middle and late sections of the show with much more to be desired in comparison to the beginning.

I agree with the criticism in the OP but I'd rather focus on the positives.

This show brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion and at its best it was really beautiful. It just needed a better selection of anime material.

My favourite scene was early on when Teko was the whole "buddies" scene at the school pool where Teko said she was scared and then Pikari encouraged her by saying she was going to be there with her.

Oh and the ending when Pikari told Teko that she's had friends before who have gotten creeped out by her for coming on too strong, so Teko reciprocating her friendship meant a lot to her.

Between this show and Flying Witch we had a good two-month stretch of solid iyashikei. J.C. Staff has a knack for it and I hope they do more.

>My favourite scene was early on when Teko was the whole "buddies" scene at the school pool where Teko said she was scared and then Pikari encouraged her by saying she was going to be there with her.

I kind of flubbed that but I think you know what I mean


I thoroughly enjoyed this show, and I would play the OST in my car as I drove down the highway by the sea, and that felt fucking great

Gontiti needs to do more anime soundtracks

You're right, when this show shines, it really excels at delivering an emotional impact over the little things. There are various moments where you relate to Teko on a technical level, but a select few have a stronger reaction towards how people think about their ordinary lives. Overall, even though the scuba club parts were begging for more, the key theme was still enforced in that Teko was able to find some direction in life through unexpected experiences and friends. It's honestly a pretty good theme that should have gotten more attention, but I guess most viewers find it cliche or think they already know that enough.

>no good healing shows in Winter

2017 looks blah

The brother was the stereotypical spineless and useless boy in a group of girls. The abusive relationship between them was not amusing in the slightest and made both characters unlikable, one for being a bitch and the other for taking it like one.

Then there's the issue of the sister giving herself airs like she's the biggest expert in scuba diving, just after we got introduced to Hikari (who is just one year younger, but all the senpai system BS makes it look like so much more) and the fact that her family literally owns a diving business making her the most experienced out of all the club members.

The show was good.
Teko got a bit too much focus compared to Pikari, who was a much more likable character, and my other complaint would be their weird design clearly made them look older than supposed to be, and Pikari's shortness wasn't showing at all (148cm is fucking tiny).

Just because Makoto literally got kicked around by Ai doesn't mean that he wasn't supporting her and the rest emotionally and as a knowledgeable friend. You can just take one aspect of Ai, that she smacks her brother around, and ignore that she's responsible, kindhearted to her juniors, and sensitive enough to feel happy for the boy who accidentally left her a love letter. And the two of them acting like they know what they're talking about is because they do. You need to take into consideration how the seniority hierarchy works in Japan.

You're gonna love it. If you haven't already started equalizing your ears, please consider it. The number one reason people can't pass the open water portion is due to equalization problems. By equalizing the ears daily, the Eustachian tubes become trained to open and thus there's a greatly reduced chance of not being able to do so in the water.

every time they said OPEN WATAH DIVAH, I smiled

Good luck user

I wish they had gotten a bit more focus before the juniors were introduced.

Granted, I like seeing how much Teko and Pikari have matured, but it's still kinda disappointing.

Seniority doesn't make you better at anything and it becomes incredibly forced in cases like this. It is justified in shows were the protagonists take on a new sport starting high school and the other students are obviously better having had a 1 or 2 years head start, but it didn't work here.

We were presented with a simple story: the cheerful but weird kid who loves the sea befriends an introverted and gloomy girl and introduces her to her world. Then the twins appear and get in the way of that as much as possible. The ocean is suddenly not Pikari's thing, she becomes less special when this random girl presents herself as her superior for the sole reason of having been born a year earlier. Soon after that you realize that there simply isn't going to be any diving, and instead it is going to be relegated as a climax for the final episode.

I thought that the episode trying to paint Ai in a better light was forced, like a politician kissing a baby. She's a violent bitch with an awful personality, as bad as can exist in a series like Amanchu were everyone must be kind hearted and people spilling their spaghetti everywhere saying incredibly embarrassing lines is considered normal.

amanchu a shit
flying witch a shit
wixoss... is it still about incest? still shit.

Besides SnS, did JC Staff even try this year???

that pink hair guy anime is good apparently was no Aria.

>flying witch a shit
Not true.
>this year
SnS stands for Shana, but they didn't make anything of it this year for all I remember.

1/10 see me after class

Do you really think that magically with only Pikari and Teko there would be more diving? That it wasn't simply about shoving Teko into Pikari's world, but about entering a new world that neither of them know together? In what way did you see Ai and Makoto do anything to harm their relationship? They brought new colors into their lives together, and allowed them to experience many more things than either could have alone or together.

>SnS stands for Shana
Pretty sure he meant Shokugeki no Souma.

Oh, didn't consider that one, given it's the worst among the listed shows easily.
But at least makes it easier to understand the case is just him having shit taste.

>Head script writer: the person who wrote Genshiken and Shirobako (disregard xxxHolic and Kobato because Clamp is shit).
*hmmm*... Will check out. Thanks, dude.

I've referred to Shana as just "Shana," which was aight. However, I meant to refer to Shokugeki no Soma. I h8 dat babby shonen shit, but Shokugeki no Soma is good with respect to other shonen shit; thus, I refer to it as SnS. But hey, different strokes for different folks, yao ming? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Amanchu taught me to go for the extra mile and avoid rationalizing over every little thing.

I liked how the red haired girl wore two bikinis, made her tits look giant.

Except that it was absolutely garbage.

pikari is best girl

Do you have a Youtube I can subscribe to?

your mother is a shit

Sensei needs more love.



It was pretty good, nothing amazing.

I've come to realise I really like shrinking violet protags, maybe it's the one role I truly self-insert into, even if they're always girls. I was a big fan of Kimi ni Todoke which was had Sawako who was a pretty similar character, although obviously that was a romance show.

I pretty much took a sabbatical from Sup Forums when it was airing, so I was shocked to see when I came back that not only people seemed to think it was awful but that Teko was a bad character. Like it's perhaps the most straightforward character development you can do. Shy > less shy. It's hard to fuck up.

I agree there was a bit too much of the twins and certainly not enough diving.

I think the one thing it truly had going for it was that it absolutely nailed Kozue Amano's character designs. I was a huge fan of Aria and actually read the whole manga before watching any of the show. The characters didn't look much like the manga, there wasn't a huge attempt to match the style and I'll forgive it for that because it was obviously a pretty cheap show the first season, but by the third season and the recent OVAs the art had been amped way up and still the designs adhered to the look from the first season.

It's a shame, Amanchu is obviously inferior to Aria and the one thing they got really right with this adaption, Aria will never have. Teko was really pretty at times

Amanchu was like 90% love while it was airing, especially after Flying Witch showed how great the staff was at adaptations. Threads after a show finishes are always a mixed bag.

I enjoyed it, but forgot about it soon after.
It just didn't have the staying power of Aria.

Poor man's Flying witch

It's like it was trying to hard to be quirky and relaxing.

Honestly curious as to what Amano has planned to be the ending for the manga.

I am literally going to marry sensei.

Better be an underwater wedding.


second season when?

Sensei best girl, saved this show

I would have loved this show if it weren't for Ai and her shitty character, made me drop the whole thing.

I don't like shitty siblings abuse in my ideal world healing animu.