Is this true, Sup Forums?
Is this true, Sup Forums?
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>lawful neutral
Is this some antifa's meme?
So evil is right wing and chaotic is anarchism?
Stop thinking the real world is a D&D game.
Very dumb
Try again
What a fucking faggot.
Remember, it was the Liberals who freed the slaves.
It was the Liberals who defeated Hitler.
where can i take a gay test like this?
This is bait user
try again, nigger
>Vladimir Lenin as Lawful good
jesus christ no, lenin hated humans
"If for the sake of Communism it is necessary for us to destroy 9/10ths of the people, we must not hesitate"
this video is also a good redpill
after that
i would stop following the chaotic good mantra
if i cared what peo
im bored already fuck you
ron paul confirmed for literal devil
not even a real word
I say they're all spooks
go fuck yourself antifa
based lenin
It's completely wrong.
Socialism is neither good nor evil. It's just retarded,
Tbf he's right. If for the sake of a better world we need to shed the slack coughAfricacough. We should do it.
good and evil are arbitrary objective terms either way
the victory/ the most powerful decides what is good and what is evil
Is that Hitler quote in the bottom-left real?
well, they did wipe your country off the map for a while, and if they had've won it would've stayed that way
Autism the post.
>europeans = africans
Nop you got it all wrong
Super sage
Libertarians should be True Neutral. Any other idea for them is bullshit.
>common tactic utilized by outside groups when they want to suppress discussion blabla etc.
post yfw hitposting is now considered to be a complex CTR operation
>Remember, it was the Liberals who freed the slaves.
>It was the Liberals who defeated Hitler.
Image a World with Hitler. That would be horrifying
Not even close.
fuck me, but I really don't know
founding fathers constitutional democratic republic, trump, cathars of languedoc
not gonna find many others; the dream is damn near impossible to live in real life
modern america; fuck-you capitalism
civic nationalism
fuggin gommies XDDD
>implying they're actually "lawful"
I dunno
Big ole' swing and a miss!
>chaotic good
trump is a neocon
all of it is liberal or left leaning just so that they can define a subset of their ideology as good by relativity
>implying groups can be chaotic
Liberals and libertarians are lawful good and lawful neutral respectively.
>Chaotic evil
I'm ok with this
only like half of it is left-wing
far left
far left
>social democracy
far left
>social liberalism
>national socialism
far right
>le moral relativism
Taking what doesn't belong to you is evil
take the wool off your eyes, faggot
nice share
>Nature is evil
Commies everybody
This is how they rationalize their ideology being opposed to nature
holy fuck
I didnt even think of that
A D&D interpretation of real life? this is just as bad as people taking myers briggs, a set of theorized personalities seriously.
top kek
ancap is chaotic neutral
you're pic is retarded
They really do believe the nature of humans can be changed, though. It's when they find out this is impossible that they lash out: I'm not wrong, the universe is wrong!
the universe *is* morally evil, though I know you're just going to say it's a human invention and blah blah blah
i've noticed this with the left more and more
they're un-natural in everything they want to achive
they want to be able to change genders, they want to be able to have sex with the same sex, they want to abort fetuses, they want to """make everything equal""" wich will never work
A cayote eating a litter of 6 baby rabbits is no more evil than an election circling a proton
it's not evil in it's intent, because it's just a dumb animal
but the reality is evil
those baby rabbits have to suffer horribly
almost all the living things ever on earth have had horrible deaths (and lives)
that's evil. It's not intentional evil (unless god exists, in which case it is), but we live in an evil universe
the commies are trying to act like we don't, which is stupid
people like you know we do, but prefer to call it something else so you feel better
the nazis realized that we do, and if we want to survive, we need to act accordingly
You will be spared the rake, leaf.
where the fuck is fascism you cunt
also no, not even close
I wish we had a time machine to show FDR what his decisions led to.
It's upside down faggot
>lawful evil
Yes, that's a good goy.
>Innately bad
The good is what helps your people, the bad is what harms your people. That is.the truth.
Leftism is never "good". Stalin and Mao killed roughly five times the people Hitler did. All in the name of "socialism".
>1 post by this idea and 48 morons fell for it
sage and hide
Fuck off asshole, subhuman commie shit.
Parsley ... rosemary thyme
>Is this true, Sup Forums?
No it's not. There we go, solved that one.
what else would you call it?
Nihilism at its finest.
>the world should be a paradise with no suffering, it should be heaven, otherwise it's just evil
Where even the point of a life like that?
dumb phone poster
I don't cripped commietard-in-chief counts as liberal.
>Stalin and Mao killed roughly five times the people Hitler did
They had much larger populations and their regimes lasted a lot longer
The commies didn't do fucked up experiments on little kids like the nazis did
>who gives a fuck about the holodomor? Only ukranians died
>socialism and communism
>good and lawful
show me a state that prospered under any of the above.They all tore themselves apart.
They are all chaotic. Neutral, at best.Evil at worst. They are far more destructive than liberalism which is slow suicide.
Do you have any proof to back that up?
An inescapable fact of life and existance