Is flat earth the ultimate redpill?

Is flat earth the ultimate redpill?

What funny is that in flight test we ran into the case of someone screwing up the flight guidance computer maps by failing to account for a spherical earth - the model was, by mistake, a flat earth so IT DIDN'T FUCKING WORK RIGHT.

I mean, if you have a cell phone, and a friend and you each have a stick, you can do the experiment. It's not hard.

no. electric universe is

It's the ultimate tardpill.

It definitely helps filter out the retards here

>Is flat earth the ultimate redpill?
It's the ultimate mental laxative.

A pendulum thing to ensure the stick is straight helps, but you are right, its super easy to confirm sphericality.

Globetards BTFO.

If the world is flat then why are there timezones?

DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves

all electronics are programmed to be biased

I'll use my eyes thank you very much

The Earth is a hollow cube.

Quick rundown? I've seen this shit all the time just never actually paid it any attention.
>in b4 Bogpill

Explain the moon cycle in a Flat Earth model please

the universe is you
this is the final redpill

Hi. I am the Paris gun from WW1. I shot the first man made objects into orbit over 100 years ago.

In order to calculate where my shells would land - my users had to use the curvature of the earth in their calculations to hit Paris from over a 60 mile range.

If the earth was flat I would not have worked properly.

Also a lot of shell operators of the big guns from WW1 had to use the curvature of the earth in their calculations.

>go to flat area
>get binoculars
>have friend hold 6 foot long pole
>have friend walk a long distance
>instruct friend over cell phone to keep walking
>keep walking
>keep walking
>friend's body begins to disappear
>keep walking
>like magic, the friend has disappeared. But what's this? the pole, the six foot pole your friend is holding straight up-- the pole is still visible
>but your friend is invisible
>the binoculars! they must be soros specs
>soros in the binocs distorting your eyes and distorting the truth

the left keep pushing these false

They really dumb enough ot buy their own lies

I hear dozens of people on social media talk about flat earthers like its mainstream (lol of course only among christian conservatives lol not that we are bashing religion lol)

Just like they will post threads telling people to eat onions, then automatically high five themselves over the new "fact" about the right they created.

Its like they only care about mental masturbation.

Easily debunked. It was a wave covering him from the distance.

>"after the meteor crash, the dinosaurs and earth became as one"

>it was a wave on the ground

Earth is a torus