Just fuck my Southern State up fam
She's right though. Republicans are the ultimate "muh feels" voters, they only focused on her gender instead of the issues.
but my internet works fine
Transgenderism is a mental illness and treating by mutilating the patient's genitals is unethical. The doctors who do this should have their medical licenses revoked.
Imagine being so deluded as to actually believe this.
he's a mentally ill freak: who gives a fuck what he has to say about anything?
fpbp, especially after actually reading the tweet chain by Roem
My internet is still working.
Taking advice from a guy who dresses like a woman.
Holy shit a relic from Thedemocraticunderground.com
KYS liberal boomer filth
>Republicans are ultimate "muh feels" voters
And this man looked at his micropenis one day and decided, contrary to all the evidence, that he is a woman.
Ok, you make perfect sense.
she seemed pretty reasonable in a video I saw of her
>faggot detected
show feminine penis queer
>just broke the internet
could someone explain to me what this phrase means?
If it has a penis its not a Venus.
Also he cannot even get his gender right. So how is anything this asylum patient correct?
That's your first mistake
It's a nigger phrase which means shitskins on twitter started tweeting about because ya kno'.. there's is the only opinion that matters these days.
Get with the times whitey.
lmao at all the posters here proving yet again that Sup Forums, much like Republicans, are indeed "muh feels"
It means gender confused faggots always blow anything they do out of proportion to its real effect. It is a favorite thing for the frail of heart to do to feel important in the great scheme of things, and to make them think they accomplished anything of value, when a five year old could have done the same thing. Feminists,AA, and faggot groups do it constantly. They are like a bunch of people clapping when a Downy kid ties his shoe, and they clap, and carry on.
Fox News completely ignore his race. They are complicit in the cultural shift to the left and will not speak against the LGBT agenda. Only conservative radio and right wing blog and newsites picked up the story. As a Virginian, I'm pissed the Left got this freak into office.
> Broke the internet
> Unbiased journalism
Pick one
It started because of Kim Kardashian's fat, fake ass being leaked on the internet. It's not really cool to be that out of touch with normalfaggotry. "Know they enemy".
I'm literally a zoophile. If I got voted in as the "first openly zoophile congressman", you'd be cool with it, right?
>broke the Internet
>nobody has heard of it
Hell no, nigger
also when do we get the first pedosexual rep? that's what really counts
gay and trans are so 2016
That's a jew
Pick one. The establishment party that wants nothing to do with him is under his control now?
>broke the internet
What does this colloquialism mean?
It means lefties spammed it on twitter for a few days while everyone else ignored them
The internet decided to break rather than have to transmit pics of his mangled dick.
hicks get fucked. Trans people are the chosen people.
I'll taste your bait mate.
>ultimate "muh feels"
This is the only reason why he was elected. Name one person that voted for him that can articulate his agenda. You can't, and it's not because you're not familiar with the area and don't know anyone there. It's because no one gives two shits about state senate seats other than, "do I like the current govenor," and, "does the candidate belong to the same party as the govenor." Everything else is identity politics, which proves VA democrats voted for a fucking tranny because he identifies as a fucking tranny.
Holy shit if this isn’t bait you are the biggest retard alive and deserve the gas more than any tranny.
She actually talked about actual issues and refused to go into identity politics and mud flinging while her opponant ran completely on being anti lgbt. Normal people don’t give a shit about us, they want who’s actually a better option.