Where do the 56% muttface memes come from? America is 70% white

Where do the 56% muttface memes come from? America is 70% white

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They were initially force-memed by IRA and useful idiots on Sup Forums and /bantz/ before making their way to Sup Forums

70% includes Mexiniggers.

You wish, Mr. 39%

>America is 70% white
Only if you use the very loose definition of white that amerrimutts use.


Murricans had it coming

where's that picture of her naked in that chair?

She is a sextaroon

>5% other

I have no idea, but (((they))) are pushing it pretty hard

>America is 70% white
by american standards, maybe.


That link doesn't work. Gib source.

>America is 70% white

Daquan this ain't 80s anymore.

Would racemix

tim is awesome


The link works, but the stats are fake.

It confuses me as to who is actually is sprradong these memes. I mean real talk the majority of Americans don't give a shit what the test of the world thinks of us. Also what other country when compared to the US isn't a shit hole. The UK is a shit hole, Sweden is a joke, Germany is under Sharia law. Italy? France? Spain? C'mon.

It means we are white 'mutts', like 50% German 30% English 20% Scots-Irish. Get it now?

It's an attempt to humiliate civic nationalists

wanting to see this

>t. le .00001% man

No. The meme isn't about Americans being mixed with other Europeans.

Americans count Arabs, Pakistanis, black Dominicans, and mestizos as white. The real figure is probably even lower than 56%

Racially mixed Americans are only like 2% of the population and most live in California.

>70% white
kek delusion
Blacks only are 15%. Spics are more than blacks. Include the gooks and the mutts and America is like 60% white at most

She is only 1/8 black. It is okay to racemix.

Does anyone know if she ever got her court date on the assault charges?

At least a third of Hispanics are white. This is very misleading.

I see you've been attending your mental gymnastics classes

>Americans count Arabs, Pakistanis, black Dominicans

They are a very tiny subsection of our population--all of those combined probably don't even total 1% of our 320 million+ people.

>and mestizos

We consider them "Latin Americans" when compiling census data. Europeans are really dumb if they glean everything they know about the USA from Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes.


Notice where the majority are congregated (West coast).

lol no. maybe in mexico.

Stop mutt posting guys it not funny anymore.

Literally asshurt euromutts.

Americans don't even define demographics like this British do.

The British have it mapped out white -uk citizen, white - foreigner, black - Carribbean, black - African, Asian - Pakistani, Asian - Indian, Arab, Asian - Oriental etc.

Americans used to call all whites "Caucasians" which is just retarded as well. Like all white people are from the Georgian Caucus mountains. Talk about antiquated.

No it's just that everyone now found a new meme to shit on Americans more, like the Shart in Mart meme

There are hardly any gooks outside the large cities.

Ah yes, hispanic whites.

If we had an actual sizable population of Indians, Pakis, Arabs, etc we'd revise our racial categories. They are a tiny subsection of our population. I'm 31 years old and have never even seen an Arabic guy in my state of Indiana. European decent, Hispanics (in the USA--this means Mexican, Cuban, South American, etc not Spanish), and Blacks make up like 95% of our population.

Memetic marketing campaign for 23andme.

The "white" in Latin America is not the same as "white" in North America/Europe/Australia and New Zealand.

56% excluding the "hispanic whites". If you want to know what a hispanic white looks like, look no further than Ted Cruz.

Basically, we Americans are subhuman mutts who exist only to serve the aryan master race.



america is like 15% white at best if we aren't counting judefied inbred untermenschen "whites"
fucking arabs, quadroons and spics with irish surnames are census-white

This is my favorite meem