Why is Europe not allowed to be European?

Why is Europe not allowed to be European?

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define "your people"



Zionist agenda


But why the skin colour?
Why not the amount of freckles one has?
Or how wide the nipples are?
Doesnt it seem a bit arbitrary to just focus on the skin colour?

because paganism died a long time ago, now it's w/e others tell them to be, in 50 years it's gonna be Muslim

you only are debating colloquial terms; talking on a site with people who know the facts beyond these terms yet use them theirselves simply for ease of access.
like you think the act of obfuscating the act of defining 'white' changes the expression of both history and reality moving forward from the point you no longer dictate 'it' history

>Some scientists prior to the domination of leftism and egalitarianism argued that Blacks and Whites should be considered separate species. "The typical negroes of adult age, when tried by this rule, are proved to belong to a different species from the man of Europe or Asia, because the head and face are anatomically constructed more after the fashion of the simiadiae [apes] and the brute creation than the Caucasian and Mongolian species of mankind, their mouth and jaws projecting beyond the forehead containing the anterior lobes of the brain."

>"There is as good reason for classifying the Negro as a distinct species from Europeans as there is for making an ass a distinct species from the zebra;…there is a far greater difference between the Negro and the European than between the gorilla and chimpanzee."

>In a combination of 19 studies on Black and White brain sizes, every single one shows Whites with a significantly larger brain size than Blacks. The calculated average White brain is 1398g and 1438cc while the average Black brain is 1275g and 1343cc - 91% and 93% of the average White brain.

>The heritability of brain size is extremely strong at 0.90 and not one study to date has shown larger brain size for Blacks, nor has any study shown anywhere close to equal brain size or structure for Blacks and Whites.

see you think diluting the waters is the way to go bc you dont know(???) that science on the topic exists, and YES there are seemingly arbitrary measurements used for dictating race... but anybody thats anybody knows its not skin color or nipple distance literally you fucking idiot

>The White brain has a high degree of fissuring (higher complexity) and the Black brain has a lower degree of fissuring (lower complexity) in the cerebral cortex of their brains, where abstract and conceptual thought is performed.
tiny (you) rl.com/cqu4yj5

>Although all animal species brain size and intelligence are largely unrelated due to the extreme diversity in brain size, the correlation between brain size and general intelligence or abstract reasoning among 25 primate species is strong, the "correlation between raw brain weight and general mental ability is 0.7653."

>Correlations between human brain size and intelligence have been well established

It's not arbitrary. Just look what White people accomplished and compare that to non-whites.
Reality isn't biased. It's just facts.

Because everybody hates on a winner.

>Why is Europe not allowed to be European by European and why European blame it to the muslim not European?

Because no one cares about race, dude. I'm against mass immigration but you have to remember that normal immigration increases GDP and economy.

Immigration is also about opportunities too.

pic related: not the clay but the concept

His race you stupid German cuck

because skin color corresponds to a person's race in genetic terms almost 100% of the time

>what are haplogroups

hang yourself kike

kike media propaganda running its filthy jew mouth 24/7 telling people to racemix and hate themselves

>immigration increases GDP and economy
only benefits the wealthiest. standard of living for the vast majority remains the same, and probably gets worse due to pressure on housing and wages.

It's about inferior breeds of humans.
It just happens that most violent retards
and dumb subhumans are nigs.
So skin colour is a pretty good indicator if a person is wirth something

The Children of Edom need to be destroyed before Greater Israel can come to pass, that is the prophecy.

Everything else are just means to that end.