If you're waifu is posted in this thread you must do as many pushups as the last two digits of your post.
Let's get /fit/ but less gay edition
If you're waifu is posted in this thread you must do as many pushups as the last two digits of your post
Other urls found in this thread:
Feels good to be gay.
Wasn't I supposed to be bullying her?
you will never guess mine
Heck yeah, best fucking girl.
you bastard
Its time to get RIIIPPED!
Go work out, Linafags.
strong girls don't need pushups
suiciding because she never gets posted
best girl never wins, and if she does then shes stuck in a shit manga
Im still fucking mad
is that a real ferret?
p-please no
I'm going to strike you witches out until someone posts my waifu.
That's not a ferret, user. It's an ermine. youtube.com
>tfw no one is guessing mine
She's lonely and kind of a bitch, but an entertaining kind.
Shut-up Chamo-kun
do it for her.
Do it, Shinoafags.
>tfw your waifu is an 80s lady
Nobody is guessing mine so I'm just here to laugh at inferior tastes
Nobody is gonna post mine so I'll post her myself.
oh boy here we go
Guess I'll be staying a skinny weakling for a while, because my waifu is too obscure for Sup Forums.
Multi-char posts don't count, and even if they do you have to divide the pushup number by the amount of characters in the pic.
It doesn't count if it's the OVA version right?
Watch as I get no one with this post.
3 digits reps for jesus
>many pushups
That's weak son.
Let's change the challenge, last digit of someone's post and user must run that many miles.
I'm prepared to post both manga versions too.
holy shit I thought I was the only one
>less gay
No way, user. That would require going outside, unless you count running on a treadmill or something.
guess ill have to take the hit
The show at least has interesting visuals, the manga isnt shit its just kinda, ehhhhhhhhhhhh.
My waifu never gets posted in these threads.
If somebody posts my waifu, I will do triple the pain.
lel no one will post mine
Does this count?
Time to get to work boisss
Why less gay? About to head to the gym, suiciding for bench volume
Let's do this
RIP chest
>66 posts and no saber yet
How the mighty have fallen. Sad.
God dammit.
Lucky me
Will someone post best esper I wonder
That's not much. I'll do 100 instead just for Ritsu.
I did them for her. Now let's get some furfags to exercise.
You got me
I was just about to post this before you said that.
also this
Is this my karma for getting low rolls the last few threads?
For all the people with no waifus, this one's for you.
Nah, I just normally roll high
I had a feeling it was going to be low after I hit post
Guess karma got me instead
your thread is fucking shit, it's always the same memewaifus being posted.
Good thing no one has posted mine.
That's a really thin waifu.
Push up requirement reflects rank
Then post some other ones, its the same waifus because it tends to be the same people posting in these
Get going Kallenfags. Do what Lelouch couldn't and be /fit/
I hope this is a nice high number, go on, prove your worth
Oh fuck you, I have a horrible cold and my muscles ache
Welp, time to die