Sup Forums still doesn't know the difference between socialism and communism

>Sup Forums still doesn't know the difference between socialism and communism

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>female user still doesn't know the difference between tits or gtfo

One you get rid of with an election, the other you get rid of with fleets of helicopters.

Who cares? Ultimately it's all just different shades of red.

>the burger bumps it
fucking mutt


Why do cripplechan worship that dyke?
>Pursues 3 useless degrees
>Blames capitalism for her being jobless
what a twat

it was actually you stupid leafy bitch

One is implemented through sudden revolution, one is done through slowly subverting an open society through infiltration, domorilization and subterfuge. The end result is the same though. The establishment of a totalitarian regime and eventual economic collapse. But other than that, yes, they are completely different.

get the fuck off my board newfag

both run contrary to natural law making them disfunctional

Britain/United Kingdom... kind of the same thing really apart from the Ireland thing.

Two quick questions. Who cannot be cornered? Who cannot be flimflammed?
(I would ask who is watching you masturbate, but we'll start with the easy ones.

>le 2015 memes I'm an oldfag guise
you don't even know what a fucking sage is
kill yourself pedro

both shit ideologies branched off from Marx

I notice you didn't answer. What makes Gun Chan cry, newfag?

What counters Bear Calvary, newfag?

t. socialist commie

>t.stupid newfag who doesn't sage his post


>Zimmerman 2012
>Dorner 2013
>Deagle and Meteaba 2004
Boy, you sure showed me, newfag.
Yep, those a 2015 memes alright.

Don't care. Both involve a group of delusional underachievers scheming to steal productive companies & assets from nations, asset strip and then embezzle the money to offshore accounts. All leftist doctrine relies on useful idiots, poorly educated masses and those masses believing oligarchs / technocrats are enlightened dictators. So all left of center politics is enemy.

PS: Tits or GTFO

So, who owns the means of production in both socialism and communism, dipshit?

the same reason you worship lauren southern.

>slavs shits, sand coons and african apes too dumb and insecure to trade with you
Why do these subhumans decide to live in poverty rather than deal with the west?
It's not like we'd bully you...

socialism is not based on totalitarian regime

socialism => authoritarianism
communism => totalitarianism

I know it's irrelevant when the money system is owned by (((international finance)))

I notice you don't mention which is which though. In case others here don't realize, Marx called his thing 'Socialism', not 'Communism'.

>socialism and communism

OP pretends there is a difference

I'd democratically seize her means of production, if you know what I mean...

Socialism leads to Communism. Eventually people have to be forced into socialistic ideals when they get tired of supporting those who don't contribute. When force is applied, Communism takes over and everyone loses.

Socialism is slow boil communism.

Go ask Alexa.
She didn't know the difference either.

OP is of course incapable of articulating a difference too since he's a massive faggot.

>Socialism = HIV
>Communism = AIDS

>Go ask Alexa.
>She didn't know the difference either.
what did she say? I don't have one because i'm not insane

>we took everyone's ice cream and blended it together to create one flavor for everyone
>we took everyone's ice cream and let people vote on which of three blended flavors they want